Publicatiedatum 02-05-2017 | 00:00
Wijzigingsdatum 02-11-2018 | 18:40
Titel | Auteurs | Gepubliceerd in: |
15 jaar Eurosurveillance | Bijkerk P. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(5):143-4 |
20ste Zwemwaterenquete: weinig nieuws onder de zon | Schets F.M., de Roda Husman A.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(2):59-60 |
A biotracing model of salmonella in the pork production chain | Smid J.H., Heres L, Havelaar A.H., Pielaat A. | J Food Prot 2012; 75(2):270-80 |
A cheap and effective anti-Mdr/Xdr/Tdr Tb drug is already available | Amaral L., Udwadia Z., van Soolingen D. | Biochem Pharmacol 2012; 1:7 |
A combined approach of vesicle formulations and microneedle arrays for transcutaneous immunization against hepatitis B virus | Hirschberg H., van Kuijk S., Loch J., Jiskoot W., Bouwstra J., Kersten G., Amorij J.P. | Eur J Pharm Sci 2012; 46(1-2):1-7 |
A quantitative approach towards a better understanding of the dynamics of Salmonella spp (species). in a pork slaughter-line | van Hoek A.H.A.M., de Jonge R., van Overbeek W.M., Bouw E., Pielaat A., Smid J.H., Malorny B., Junker E., Löfström C., Pedersen K., Aarts H.J.M., Heres L. | Int J Food Microbiol 2012; 153(1-2):45-52 |
A regional Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium outbreak associated with raw beef products, The Netherlands, 2010 | Friesema I.H.M., Schimmer B., Ros J.A., Ober H.J., Heck M.E.O.C., Swaan C.M., de Jager C.M., Peran i Sala R.M., van Pelt W. | Foodborne Pathog Dis 2012; 9(2):102-7 |
Aantal tbc (Tuberculose)-patienten nog steeds stabiel | Erkens C.G.M., Schimmel H., Slump E. | Tegen de Tuberculose 2012; 108(2):24 |
Aanvullende regeling Seksuele Gezondheidszorg (ASG (additional regulation for sexual health)) | van Veen M., David S., Koedijk F., van der Sande M. | Seksoa Magazine 2012; 1(8-9) |
Acceptance of vaccination among orthodox protestants in The Netherlands | Ruijs W.L.M. | Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 2012 |
Acceptance of vaccination during pregnancy: experience with 2009 influenza A (H1N1) in the Netherlands | van Lier A., Steens A., Ferreira J.A., van der Maas N.A.T., de Melker H.E. | Vaccine 2012; 30(18):2892-9 |
Acceptatie van vaccinatie tijdens de zwangerschap | van Lier A., Steens A., Ferreira J.A., van der Maas N.A.T., de Melker H.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):276-9 |
Aetiology of acute gastroenteritis in adults requiring hospitalization in The Netherlands | Friesema I.H.M., de Boer R.F., Duizer E., Kortbeek L.M., Notermans D.W., Smeulders A., Bogerman J., Pronk M.J.H., Uil J.J., Brinkman K., Koopmans M.P.G., Kooistra-Smid A.M.D., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(10):1780-6 |
An additional tool for arbovirus surveillance in the Netherlands: the use of honey-baited cards to detect circulating mosquito-borne viruses | Ibanez Justicia A., Scholte E.J., Reusken C., de Vries A., Dik M., Braks M. | Proc Neth Entomol Soc Meet 2012; 23:9-22 |
An exploratory qualitative assessment of factors influencing childhood vaccine providers' intention to recommend immunization in the Netherlands | Mollema L., Staal J.M., van Steenbergen J.E., Paulussen T.G.W.M., de Melker H.E. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12(1):128 |
An improved respiratory syncytial virus neutralization assay based on the detection of green fluorescent protein expression and automated plaque counting | van Remmerden Y., Xu F., van Eldik M., Heldens J.G.M., Huisman W., Widjojoatmodjo M.N. | Virol J 2012; 9:253 |
An outbreak of scabies in multiple linked healthcare settings in the Netherlands | Ladbury G., Morroy G., van Hoeven-Dekkers S., Botermans C., Veelenturf C., Bastiaens M., van Abeelen C., Wijkmans C. | Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012; 33(10):1047-50 |
Another possible food-borne outbreak of hepatitis a in the Netherlands indicated by two closely related molecular sequences, July to October 2011 | Fournet N., Baas D., van Pelt W., Swaan C., Ober H.J., Isken L., Cremer J., Friesema I., Vennema H., Boxman I., Koopmans M., Verhoef L. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(6):pii:20079 |
Antibiotic use and resistance in long term care facilities | van Buul L.W., van der Steen J.T., Veenhuizen R.B., Achterberg W.P., Schellevis F.G., Essink R.T.G.M., van Benthem B.H.B., Natsch S., Hertogh C.M.P.M. | J Am Med Dir Assoc 2012; 13(6):568.e1-568.e13 |
Antibody levels against B. pertussis in neonates measured in dried blood spots | van Ommen C.C.N., Elvers L.H., Notermans D.W., van Huisseling J.C.M., Teunis P.F.M., Versteegh F.G.A. | Vaccine 2012; 30(16):2697-700 |
Antiviral resistance during the 2009 influenza A H1N1 pandemic: public health, laboratory, and clinical perspectives | Hurt A.C., Chotpitayasunondh T., Cox N.J., Daniels R., Fry A.M., Gubareva L.V., Hayden F.G., Hui D.S., Hungnes O., Lackenby A., Lim W., Meijer A., Penn C., Tashiro M., Uyeki T.M., Zambon M. | Lancet Infect Dis 2012; 12(3):240-8 |
Appearance of Bordetella pertussis strains not expressing the vaccine antigen pertactin in Finland | Barkoff A-M., Mertsola J., Guillot S., Guiso N., Berbers G., He Q. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2012; 19(10):1703-4 |
Appropriate use of indwelling urethra catheters in hospitalized patients: results of a multicentre prevalence study | Jansen I.A.V., Hopmans T.E.M., Wille J.C., van den Broek P.J., van der Kooi T.I.I., van Benthem B.H.B. | BMC Urol 2012; 12:25 |
Are phylogenetic position, virulence, drug susceptibility and in vivo response to treatment in mycobacteria interrelated? | van Ingen J., Boeree M.J., van Soolingen D., Iseman M.D., Heifets L.B., Daley C.L. | Infect Genet Evol 2012; 12(4):832-7 |
Assessing potential introduction of universal or targeted hepatitis A vaccination in the Netherlands | Suijkerbuijk A.W.M., Lugner A.K., van Pelt W., Wallinga J., Verhoef L.P.B., de Melker H.E., de Wit G.A. | Vaccine 2012; 30(35):5199-205 |
Authors reply: Importance of standardisation of HAI definitions in interpretation of international and/or multinational prevalence studies | Veldman-Ariesen M.J., Eilers R. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(37):pii=20270 |
Azoolresistentie van Aspergillus fumigatus in Nederland: toename door het gebruik van fungiciden in het milieu? | Verweij P.E., van de Sande-Bruinsma N., Kema G.H.J., Melchers W.G.J. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 156:A4458 |
Baby eet honing, is er een risico op infantiel botulisme? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(3):90 |
Bats host major mammalian paramyxoviruses | Drexler J.F., Corman V.M., Müller M.A., Maganga G.D., Vallo P., Binger T., Gloza-Rausch F., Rasche A., Yordanov S., Seebens A., Oppong S., Sarkodie Y.A., Pongombo C., Lukashev A.N., Schmidt-Chanasit J., Stocker A., Carneiro A.J., Erbar S., Maisner A., Fronhoffs F., Buettner R., Kalko E.K., Kruppa T., Franke C.R., Kallies R., Yandoko E.R., Herrier G., Reusken C., Hassanin A., Kruger D.H., Matthee S., Ulrich R.G., Leroy E.M., Drosten C. | Nat Commun 2012; 3:796 |
Bead array direct rRNA capture assay (rCapA) for amplification free speciation of mycobacterium cultures | de Ronde H., González Alonso P., van Soolingen D., Klatser P.R., Anthony R.M. | Plos One 2012; 7(3):e32575 |
Bestrijding van vlooien en teken bij hond en kat | Overgaauw P.A., van Duijkeren E., Sprong H., van Exel J.C. | Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 2012; 137(5):316-20 |
Betekent werken met varkensvlees ook een verhoogd risico op MRSA (Methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus)? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(1):26 |
Bijwerkingen van de kinkhoest-boostervaccinatie op 4-jarige leeftijd | Kemmeren J.M., van der Maas N.A.T., Hendrikx L.H., Berbers G.A.M., de Melker H.E., Buisman A.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):238-42 |
Biomarker dynamics: estimating infection rates from serological data | Teunis P.F.M., van Eijkeren J.C.H., Ang C.W., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P., Simonsen J.B., Strid M.A., van Pelt W. | Stat Med 2012 ; 31(20):2240-8 |
Biotracing microbial contaminants - Salmonella on pork | Smid J.H. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2012 |
BMI (Body Mass Index) development of normal weight and overweight children in the PIAMA (Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy) study | Willers S.M., Brunekreef B., Smit H.A., van der Beek E.M., Gehring U., de Jongste C., Kerkhof M., Koppelman G.H., Wijga A.H. | Plos One 2012; 7(6):e39517 |
Bof, terug van weggeweest | Opstelten W., Hahne S.J.M., van Roijen J.H., van Paridon L., Wolters B., Swaan C.M. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 156(43):A5187 |
Bofvaccinfalen bij studenten: wat zijn mogelijke oorzaken? | Gouma S., Boot H.J., van Binnendijk R.S. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):246-8 |
Borrelia and rickettsia in skin bioptates of erythema migrans patients | Pandak N., Sprong H., Tijsse-Klasen E., Troseli-Vukic B., Golubic D., Sisko M., Miklausic B., Cabraia I., Krizanovic B. | Infektoloski Glasnik 2012; 31(3):133-7 |
Bruine rat gezien: is er een risico voor de volksgezondheid? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(5):152-3 |
Burden of disease associated with antimicrobial resistance. Studies on bloodstream infections and clinical outcomes in European hospitals | de Kraker M.E.A. | Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit, 2012 |
Campylobacter jejuni: exposure assessment and hazard characterization. Growth, survival and infectivity of Campylobacter jejuni | Verhoeff-Bakkenes L. | Wageningen: Wageningen University, 2012 |
Case registry systems for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Europe: are there lessons for the future? | Whelan J., Greenland K., Rondy M., van der Hoek W., Robert-Du Ry van Beest Holle M. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(19): pii:20167 |
Case-control studies of sporadic enteric infections: A review and discussion of studies conducted internationally from 1990 to 2009 | Fullerton K.E., Scallan E., Kirk M.D., Mahon B.E., Angulo F.J., de Valk H., van Pelt W., Gauci C., Hauri A.M., Majowicz S., O'Brien S.J. | Foodborne Pathog Dis 2012; 9(4):281-92 |
Catheter application, insertion vein and length of ICU (intensive care unit) stay prior to insertion affect the risk of catheter-related bloodstream infection | van der Kooi T.I.I., Wille J.C., van Benthem B.H.B. | J Hosp Infect 2012; 80(3):238-44 |
Changes in antibody seroprevalence of seven high-risk HPV (humaan papillomavirus) types between nationwide surveillance studies from 1995-96 and 2006-07 in The Netherlands | Scherpenisse M., Mollers M., Schepp R.M., Boot H.J., Meijer C.J.L.M., Berbers G.A.M., van der Klis F.R.M., de Melker H.E. | Plos One 2012; 7(11):e48807 |
Changes in the composition of the pneumococcal population and in IPD (invasieve pneumokokkenziekte) incidence in The Netherlands after the implementation of the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine | Elberse K.E.M., van der Heide H.G.J., Witteveen S., van de Pol I., Schot C.S., van der Ende A., Berbers G.A.M., Schouls L.M. | Vaccine 2012; 30(52):7644-51 |
Characteristics of Bordetelia pertussis strains isolated from pertussis patients in Moscow by using multilocus sequencing | Borisova O., Mazurova I.K., Ivashinnikova G.A., Gadua N.T., Rudakova I.A., Salova N.I.A., Trebunskikh I.P., Skachkova V.G., Panferova R.A., Mooi F., Aleshkin V.A. | Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 2012; (2):28-34 |
Characterization of a novel variant of Mycobacterium chimaera | van Ingen J., Hoefsloot W., Buijtels P.C.A.M., Tortoli E., Supply P., Dekhuijzen P.N.R., Boeree M.J., van Soolingen D. | J Med Microbiol 2012; 61(9):1234-9 |
Characterization of Bordetella holmesii isolates from patients with pertussis-like illness in the Netherlands | Mooi F.R., Bruisten S., Linde I., Reubsaet F., Heuvelman K., van der Lee S., King A.J. | FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 2012; 64(2):289-91 |
Characterization of Mycobacterium orygis as M. tuberculosis complex subspecies | van Ingen J., Rahim Z., Mulder A., Boeree M.J., Simeone R., Brosch R., van Soolingen D. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(4):653-5 |
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains associated with food poisoning in Shenzhen, China | Yan X., Wang B., Tao X., Hu Q., Cui Z., Zhang J., Lin Y., You Y., Shi X., Grundmann H. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(18):6637-42 |
Chlamydia trachomatis test-of-cure cannot be based on a single highly sensitive laboratory test taken at least 3 weeks after treatment | Dukers-Muijrers N.H.T.M., Morre S.A., Speksnijder A., van der Sande M.A.B., Hoebe C.J.P.A. | Plos One 2012; 7(3):34108 |
Chronic Q fever: review of the literature and a proposal of new diagnostic criteria | Wegdam-Blans M.C.A., Kampschreur L.M., Delsing C.E., Bleeker-Rovers C.P., Sprong T., van Kasteren M.E.E., Notermans D.W., Renders N.H.M., Bijlmer H.A., Lestrade P.J., Koopmans M.P.G., Nabuurs-Franssen M.H., Oosterheert J.J. | J Infect 2012; 64(3):247-59 |
Circumstantial evidence for an increase in the total number and activity of borrelia-infected ixodes ricinus in the Netherlands | Sprong H., Hofhuis A., Gassner F., Takken W., Jacobs F., van Vliet A.J.H., van Ballegooijen M., van der Giessen J., Takumi K. | Parasit Vectors 2012; 5(1):294 |
Clinical breakpoint changes and their impact on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli causing bacteraemia | van der Bij A.K., van Dijk K., Muilwijk J., Thijsen S.F.T., Notermans D.W., de Greeff S., van de Sande-Bruinsma N. | Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(11):e466-72 |
Clonally related Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates with decreased susceptibility to the extended-spectrum cephalosporin cefotaxime in Amsterdam, the Netherlands | Heymans R., Bruisten S.M., Golparian D., Unema M., de Vries H.J.C., van Dam A.P. | Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012; 56(3):1516-22 |
Combined species identification, genotyping, and drug resistance detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cultures by MLPA on a bead-based array | Bergval I., Sengstake S., Brankova N., Levterova V., Abadia E., Tadumaze N., Bablishvili N., Akhalaia M., Tuin K., Schuitema A., Panaiotov S., Bachiyska E., Kantardjiev T., de Zwaan R., Schurch A.C., van Soolingen D., van 't Hoog A, Cobelens F., Aspindzelashvili R., Sola C., Klatser P., Anthony R. | Plos One 2012; 7(8):e43240 |
Combineren van vaccins: de sky is the limit? | Boot H.J., Berbers G.A., Whelan J., Hahne S.J.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):268-70 |
Combining risk assessment and epidemiological risk factors to elucidate the sources of human E. coli (Escherichia coli) O157 infection | Rotariu O., Ogden I.D., Macritchie L., Forbes K.J., Williams A.P., Cross P., Hunter C.J., Teunis P.F.M., Strachan N.J.C. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(8):1414-29 |
Come fly with me: review of clinically important arboviruses for global travelers | Cleton N., Koopmans M., Reimerink J., Godeke G.J., Reusken C. | J Clin Virol 2012; 55(3):191-203 |
Commentaar op: Zeeuwse baby met mazelen, Infectieziekten Bulletin 22(10) | van Binnendijk R. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(2):46 |
Communicatie over infectieziekten en de rol van nieuwe media | Beaujean D.J.M.A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(4):119-21 |
Comparatively low attendance during human Papillomavirus catch-up vaccination program among teenage girls in the Netherlands: insights from a behavioral survey among parents | Gefenaite G., Smit M., Nijman H.W., Tami A., Drijfhout I.H., Pascal A., Postma M.J., Wolters B.A., van Delden J.J.M., Wilschut J.C., Hak E. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12(1):498 |
Comparing pandemic to seasonal influenza mortality: moderate impact overall but high mortality in young children | van den Wijngaard C.C., van Asten L., Koopmans M.P.G., van Pelt W., Nagelkerke N.J.D., Wielders C.C.H., van Lier A., van der Hoek W., Meijer A., Donker G.A., Dijkstra F., Harmsen C., van der Sande M.A.B., Kretzschmar M. | Plos One 2012; 7(2):e31197 |
Comparing two definitions of ethnicity for identifying young persons at risk for chlamydia | Haasnoot A., Koedijk F.D.H., Op de Coul E.L.M., Goetz H.M., van der Sande M.A.B., van den Broek I.V.F. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(5):951-8 |
Comparison of ESBL (Extended spectrum beta-lactamases) contamination in organic and conventional retail chicken meat | Cohen Stuart J., van den Munckhof T., Voets G., Scharringa J., Fluit A., Leverstein-van Hall M.A. | Int J Food Microbiol 2012; 154(3):212-4 |
Comparison of risk calculation approaches in a screening programme for Down syndrome | Koster M.P.H., Heetkamp K.M., de Miranda E., Schielen P.C.J.I. | J Perinat Med 2012; 40(3):259-63 |
Comparison of SpectraCell RA typing and multilocus sequence typing for extended-spectrum-?-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli | Overdevest I.T.M.A., Heck M., van der Zwaluw K., Willemsen I., van de Ven J., Verhulst C., Kluytmans J.A.J.W. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(12):3999-4001 |
Comparison of the hepatitis B virus core, surface and polymerase gene substitution rates in chronically infected patients | van de Klundert M.A.A., Cremer J., Kootstra N.A., Boot H.J., Zaaijer H.L. | J Viral Hepat 2012; 19(2):e34-40 |
Complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium phlei type strain RIVM601174 | Abdallah A.M., Rashid M., Adroub S.A., Arnoux M., Ali S., van Soolingen D., Bitter W., Pain A. | J Bacteriol 2012; 194(12):3284-5 |
Complete Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium vaccae Type Strain ATCC 25954 | Ho Y.S., Adroub S.A., Abadi M., al Alwan B., Alkhateeb R., Gao G., Ragab A., Ali S., van Soolingen D., Bitter W., Pain A., Abdallah A.M. | J Bacteriol 2012; 194(22):6339-40 |
Complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium xenopi type strain RIVM700367 | Abdallah A.M., Rashid M., Adroub S.A., Elabdalaoui H., van Soolingen D., Bitter W., Pain A. | J Bacteriol 2012; 194(12):3282-3 |
Consequences of noncompliance for therapy efficacy and emergence of resistance in murine tuberculosis caused by the Beijing genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis | de Steenwinkel J.E.M., ten Kate M.T., de Knegt G.J., Verbrugh H.A., Aarnoutse R.E., Boeree M.J., den Bakker M.A., van Soolingen D., Bakker-Woudenberg I.A.J.M. | Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012; 56(9):4937-44 |
Construction of opa-positive and opa-negative strains of Neisseria meningitidis to evaluate a novel meningococcal vaccine | Sadarangani M., Hoe J.C., Callaghan M.J., Jones C., Chan H., Makepeace K., Daniels-Treffandier H., Deadman M.E., Bayliss C., Feavers I., van der Ley P.A., Pollard A.J. | Plos One 2012; 7(12):e51045 |
Contributing factors to influenza vaccine uptake in general hospitals: an explorative management questionnaire study from the Netherlands | Riphagen-Dalhuisen J., Kuiphuis J.C.F., Procé A.R., Luytjes W., Postma M.J., Hak E. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12(1):1101 |
Correlation between C.burnetii transmission rates and satellite based vegetation indices | Brandsma J., van Leuken J., Droogers P., Hunink J., Swart A., van der Hoek W. | Wageningen: FutureWater, 2012 (Report FutureWater 109) |
Cost effectiveness of vaccination against pandemic influenza in European countries: mathematical modelling analysis | Lugner A.K., van Boven M., de Vries R., Postma M.J., Wallinga J. | BMJ 2012; 345:e4445 |
Cost-effectiveness of potential infant vaccination against respiratory syncytial virus infection in The Netherlands | Meijboom M.J., Rozenbaum M.H., Benedictus A., Luytjes W., Kneyber M.C.J., Wilschut J.C., Hak E., Postma M.J. | Vaccine 2012 ; 30(31):4691-700 |
Costs of gastroenteritis in the Netherlands, with special attention for severe cases | Friesema I.H.M., Lugner A.K., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P., on behalf of the GEops Working Group | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2012; 31(8):1895-900 |
Course of pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 virus infection in Dutch patients | Friesema I.H.M., Meijer A., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., van der Lubben M., van Beek J., Donker G.A., Prins J.M., de Jong M.D., Boskamp S., Isken L.D., Koopmans M.P.G., van der Sande M.A.B. | Influenza Other Respi Viruses 2012; 6(3):e16-20 |
Coxiella burnetii infection among blood donors during the 2009 Q-fever outbreak in the Netherlands | Hogema B.M., Slot E., Molier M., Schneeberger P.M., Hermans M.H., van Hannen E.J., van der Hoek W., Cuijpers H.T., Zaaijer H.L. | Transfusion 2012; 52(1):144-50 |
Cross border comparison of MRSA bacteraemia between the Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany): a cross-sectional study | van Cleef B.A.G.L., Kluytmans J.A.J.W., van Benthem B.H.B., Haenen A., Monen J., Daniels-Haardt I., Jurke A., Friedrich A.W. | Plos One 2012; 7(8):e42787 |
Culture media for the isolation of salmonella | Mooijman K.A. | In: Corry JEL, Curtis GDW, Baird RM (risicomanagement), eds. Handbook of culture media for food and water microbiology. 3rd ed. RSC Publishing, 2012;261-86 (chapter 13) |
Current practices of partner notification among MSM (mannen die seks hebben met mannen) with HIV (humaan immunodeficientievirus), gonorrhoea and syphilis in the Netherlands: an urgent need for improvement | van Aar F., Schreuder I., van Weert Y., Spijker R., Op de Coul E. | BMC Infect Dis 2012; 12(1):114 |
De dynamica van antivirale resistentie bij influenzavirusssen | Jonges M., Meijer A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(3):87-8 |
De impact van veroudering op de immuunrespons tegen vaccins en infectieziekten | Guichelaar T., Kaaijk P. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):271-5 |
De onbegrepen levensweg van Giardia: rol van dier-en-sex? | Sprong H., van der Giessen J. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(1):44-7 |
De pijlers van het RVP (Rijksvaccinatie programma) borgen veiligheid en effectiviteit | Conyn-van Spaendonck M.A.E., van Blankers-Zanders M., van Dijk T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):224-8 |
Defining chronic Q fever: a matter of debate [Letter to the editor] | Kampschreur L.M., Wever P.C., Wegdam-Blans M.C.A., Delsing C.E., Sprong T., van Kasteren M.E.E., Coutinho R.A., Schneeberger P.M., Notermans D.W., Bijlmer H.A., Koopmans M.P.G. | J Infect 2012; 65(4):362-3 |
Definition and quantification of initial anthropogenic pollutant release in swimming pools | Keuten M.G.A., Schets F.M., Schijven J.F., Verkerk J.Q.J.C., van Dijk J.C. | Water Res 2012; 46(11):3682-92 |
Detectie van Borrelia burgdorferi s.l.-specifieke immuuncomplexen in patienten met erythema migrans en neuroborreliose | van Nunen F.J.H.B., Sprong H., Hofhuis A., Bijlmer H.A., Herremans T. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(3):130-3 |
Detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae with a commercial DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) microarray | Stuart J.C., Voets G., Scharringa J., Fluit A.C., Leverstein-van Hall M.A. | J Med Microbiol 2012; 61(6):809-12 |
Detection of Coxiella burnetii DNA in inhalable airborne dust samples from goat farms after mandatory culling | Hogerwerf L., Borlee F., Still K., Heederik D., van Rotterdam B., de Bruin A., Nielen M., Wouters I.M. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(15):5410-2 |
Detection of Coxiella burnetii DNA on small-ruminant farms during a Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands | de Bruin A. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(6):1652-7 |
Detection of phase i IgG (Immunoglobulin G) antibodies to Coxiella burnetii with EIA (Treponema antistoftest) as a screening test for blood donations | van der Hoek W., Wielders C.C.H., Schimmer B., Wegdam-Blans M.C.A., Meekelenkamp J., Zaaijer H.L., Schneeberger P.M. | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2012; 31(11):3207-9 |
Detection of Salmonella in food, feed and veterinary samples by EU (Europese Unie) laboratories | Kuijpers A.F.A., Mooijman K.A. | Food Res Inter 2012; 45(2):895-90 |
Determinants of persistent spread of HIV in HCV (hepatitis C virus)-infected populations of injecting drug users | de Vos A.S., van der Helm J.J. , Prins M., Kretzschmar M.E. | Epidemics 2012; 4(2):57-67 |
Determinants of sexual network structure and their impact on cumulative network measures | Schmid B.V., Kretzschmar M. | Plos Comput Biol 2012; 8(4):e1002470 |
Development and comparison of two assay formats for parallel detection of four biothreat pathogens by using suspension microarrays | Janse I., Bok J.M., Hamidjaja R.A., Hodemaekers H.M., van Rotterdam B.J. | Plos One 2012; 7(2):e31958 |
Development and technology transfer of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines for developing countries | Beurret M., Hamidi A., Kreeftenberg H. | Vaccine 2012; 30(33):4897-906 |
Development of a bead-based multiplex immunoassay for simultaneous quantitative detection of IgG serum antibodies against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella-zoster virus | Smits G.P., van Gageldonk P.G., Schouls L.M., van der Klis F.R.M., Berbers G.A.M. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2012; 19(3):396-400 |
Development of a fast ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent assay) for quantifying polio D-antigen in in-process samples | ten Have R., Thomassen Y.E., Hamzink M.R.J., Bakker W.A.M., Nijst O.E.M., Kersten G., Zomer G. | Biologicals 2012; 40(1):84-7 |
Development of a resource modelling tool to support decision makers in pandemic influenza preparedness: The AsiaFluCap Simulator | Stein M.L., Rudge J.W., Coker R., van der Weijden C., Krumkamp R., Hanvoravongchai P., Chavez I., Putthasri W., Phommasack B., Adisasmito W., Touch S., Minh Sat L., Hsu Y.-H., Kretzschmar M., Timen A. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12:870 |
Dieren op papier: iconographia zoologica on line | Boot R. | Biotechniek 2012: 51:20 |
Dietary factors and lung function in the general population: wine and resveratrol intake | Siedlinski M., Boer J.M.A., Smit H.A., Postma D.S., Boezen H.M. | Eur Respir J 2012; 39(2):385-91 |
Dietary proteins extend the survival of salmonella dublin in a gastric acid environment | Birk T., Kristensen K., Harboe A., Hansen T.B., Ingmer H., de Jonge R., Takumi K., Aabo S. | J Food Prot 2012; 75(2):353-8 |
Differences in persistence of measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus antibodies between children with rheumatic disease and healthy controls: a retrospective cross-sectional study | Heijstek M.W., van Gageldonk P.G., Berbers G.A., Wulffraat N.M. | Ann Rheum Dis 2012; 71(6):949-54 |
Different virucidal activities of hyperbranched quaternary ammonium coatings on poliovirus and influenza virus | Tuladhar E., de Koning M.C., Fundeanu I., Beumer R., Duizer E. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(7):2456-8 |
Differentiation between Shigella, enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC (entero-invasieve Escherichia coli)) and noninvasive Escherichia coli | van den Beld M.J.C., Reubsaet F.A.G. | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2012; 31(6):899-904 |
Disease burden of foodborne pathogens in the Netherlands, 2009 | Havelaar A.H., Haagsma J.A., Mangen M.J.J., Kemmeren J.M., Verhoef L.P.B., Vijgen S.M.C., Wilson M., Friesema I.H.M., Kortbeek L.M., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P., van Pelt W. | Int J Food Microbiol 2012; 156(3):231-8 |
Distinct Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmission networks among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Heymans R., Matser A.A., Bruisten S.M., Heijman T., Geskus R.B., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., Davidovich U., de Vries H.J.C., Coutinho R.A., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | J Infect Dis 2012; 206(4):596-605 |
Diversity and zoonotic potential of rotaviruses in swine and cattle across Europe | Midgley S.E., Banyai K., Buesa J., Halaihel N., Hjulsager C.K., Jakab F., Kaplon J., Larsen L.E., Monini M., Poljsak-Prijatelj M., Pothier P., Ruggeri F.M., Steyer A., Koopmans M., Bottiger B. | Vet Microbiol 2012; 156(3-4):238-45 |
DNA fingerprinting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: from phage typing to whole-genome sequencing | Schürch A.C., van Soolingen D. | Infect Genet Evol 2012; 12(4):602-9 |
Drug susceptibility of mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype and association with MDR (Multi Drug Resistant) TB (tuberculose) | de Steenwinkel J.E.M., ten Kate M.T., de Knegt G.J., Kremer K., Aarnoutse R.E., Boeree M.J., Verbrugh H.A., van Soolingen D., Bakker-Woudenberg I.A.J.M. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(4):660-3 |
Dynamic concurrent partnership networks incorporating demography | Leung K.Y., Kretzschmar M.E.E., Diekmann O. | Theor Popul Biol 2012; 82(3):229-39 |
Dynamic transmission modeling: a report of the ISPOR-SMDM modeling good research practices task force-5 | Pitman R., Fisman D., Postma M., Kretzschmar M., Edmunds J., Brisson M. | Value Health 2012; 15(6):828-34 |
Dynamo-HIA (Health Impact Assessment)-a dynamic modeling tool for generic health impact assessments | Lhachimi S.K., Nusselder W.J., Smit H.A., van Baal P., Baili P., Bennett K., Fernandez E., Kulik M.C., Lobstein T., Pomerleau J., Mackenbach J.P., Boshuizen H.C. | Plos One 2012; 7(5):e33317 |
Early diagnosis and treatment of patients with symptomatic acute Q fever do not prohibit IgG antibody responses to Coxiella burnetii | Wielders C.C.H., Kampschreur L.M., Schneeberger P.M., Jager M.M., Hoepelman A.I.M., Leenders A.C.A.P., Hermans M.H.A., Wever P.C. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2012; 19(10):1661-6 |
Een kijkje in de keuken van de LCI (Landelijke coördinatie infectieziektebestrijding) in 2011 | Urbanus A.T., Moorer N., Swaan C. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(9):321-3 |
Een zwangere vrouw zonder aantoonbare antistoffen tegen rode hond, wat nu? | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(2):61 |
Effectiveness and timing of vaccination during school measles outbreak | Bonacic Marinovic A.A., Swaan C., Wichmann O., van Steenbergen J., Kretzschmar M. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(9):1405-13 |
Effectiveness of yearly, register based screening for chlamydia in the Netherlands: controlled trial with randomised stepped wedge implementation | van den Broek I.V.F., van Bergen J.E.A.M., Brouwers E.E.H.G., Fennema J.S.A., Gotz H.M., Hoebe C.J.P.A., Koekenbier R.H., Kretzschmar M., Over E.A.B., Schmid B.V., Pars L.L., van Ravesteijn S.M., van der Sande M.A.B., de Wit G.A., Low N., Op de Coul E.L.M. | BMJ 2012; 345:e4316 |
Effects of screening and partner notification on Chlamydia positivity in the United States: a modeling study | Kretzschmar M., Satterwhite C., Leichliter J., Berman S. | Sex Transm Dis 2012; 39(5):325-31 |
Elimination of HIV by test and treat: a phantom of wishful thinking? | Kretzschmar M.E.E., Schim van der Loeff M.F., Coutinho R.A. | Aids 2012; 26(2):247-8 |
Emergence and epidemic occurrence of enterovirus 68 respiratory infections in The Netherlands in 2010 | Meijer A., van der Sanden S., Snijders B.E.P., Jaramillo-Gutierrez G., Bont L., van der Ent C.K., Overduin P., Jenny S.L., Jusic E., van der Avoort H.G.A.M., Smith G.J.D., Donker G.A., Koopmans M.P.G. | Virology 2012; 423(1):49-57 |
Emergence of MRSA of unknown origin in the Netherlands | Lekkerkerk W.S.N., van de Sande-Bruinsma N., van der Sande M.A.B., Tjon-A-Tsien A., Groenheide A., Haenen A., Timen A., van den Broek P.J., van Wamel W.J.B., de Neeling A.J., Richardus J.H., Verbrugh H.A., Vos M.C. | Clin Microbiol Infect 2012:18(7):656-61 |
Enhanced interpretation of newborn screening results without analyte cutoff values | Marquardt G., Currier R., McHugh D.M., Gavrilov D., Magera M.J., Matern D., Oglesbee D., Raymond K., Rinaldo P., Smith E.H., Tortorelli S., Elvers B., et al. | Genet Med 2012; 14(7):648-55 |
Epidemic q fever in humans in the Netherlands | van der Hoek W., Morroy G., Renders N.H.M., Wever P.C., Hermans M.H.A., Leenders A.C.A.P., Schneeberger P.M. | Adv Exp Med Biol 2012; 984:329-64 |
Epidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection in The Netherlands and beyond | Hahne S.J.M. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2012 |
ESBL-producerende bacterien in onze groenten | Aarts H.J.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(3):84 |
Estimated global mortality associated with the first 12 months of 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 virus circulation: a modelling study | Dawood F.S., Iuliano A.D., Reed C., Meltzer M.I., Shay D.K., Cheng P-Y., Bandaranayake D., Breiman R.F., Brooks W.A., Buchy P., Feikin D.R., Fowler K.B., Gordon A., Hien N.T., Horby P., Huan Q.S., Katz M.A., Krishnan A., Lal R., Montgomery J.M., Molbak K., Pebody R., Presanis A.N., Razuri H., Steens A., Tinoco Y.O., Wallinga J., Yu H., Vong S., Bresee J., Widdowson M.A. | Lancet Infect Dis 2012; 12(9):687-95 |
Estimating the force of infection for HCV in injecting drug users using interval-censored data | Castro-Sánchez A., Shkedy Z., Hens N., Aerts M., Geskus R., Prins M., Wiessing L., Kretzschmar M. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(6):1064-74 |
Estimation of household transmission rates of pertussis and the effect of cocooning vaccination strategies on infant pertussis | de Greeff S.C., de Melker H.E., Westerhof A., Schellekens J.F.P., Mooi F.R., van Boven M. | Epidemiology 2012; 23(6):852-60 |
ESX-1-mediated translocation to the cytosol controls virulence of mycobacteria | Houben D., Demangel C., van Ingen J., Perez J., Baldeón L., Abdallah A.M., Caleechurn L., Bottai D., van Zon M., de Punder K., van der Laan T., Kant A., Bossers-de Vries R., Willemsen P., Bitter W., van Soolingen D., Brosch R., van der Wel N., Peters P.J. | Cell Microbiol 2012; 14(8):1287-98 |
Etiology of acute gastroenteritis in children requiring hospitalization in the Netherlands | Friesema I.H.M., de Boer R.F., Duizer E., Kortbeek L.M., Notermans D.W., Norbruis O.F., Bezemer D.D.L., van Heerbeek H., van Andel R.N.J., van Enk J.G., Fraaij P.L.A., Koopmans M.P.G., Kooistra-Smid A.M.D., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P. | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2012; 31(4):405-15 |
European 2: clonal complex of mycobacterium bovis dominant in the Iberian Peninsula | Rodriguez-Campos S., Schurch A.C., Dale J., Lohan A.J., Cunha M.V., Botelho A., de Cruz K., Boschiroli M.L., Boniotti M.B., Pacciarini M., Garcia-Pelayo M.C., Romero B., Juan L., Dominguez L., Gordon S.V., van Soolingen D., Loftus B., Berg S., Hewinson R.G., Aranaz A., Smith N.H. | Infect Genet Evol 2012; 12(4):866-72 |
European union standards for tuberculosis care | Migliori G.B., Zellweger J.P., Abubakar I., Ibraim E., Caminero J.A., de Vries G., D'Ambrosio L., Centis R., Sotgiu G., Menegale O., Kliiman K., Aksamit T., Cirillo D.M., Danilovifs M., Dara M., Dheda K., Dinh-Xuan A.T., Kluge H., Lange C., Leimane V., Loddenkemper R., Nicod L.P., Raviglione M.C., Spanevello A., Thomsen V.O., Villar M., Wanlin M., Wedzicha J.A., Zumla A., Blasi F., Huitric E., Sandgren A., Manissero D. | Eur Respir J 2012; 39(4):807-19 |
Evaluation of a new molecular test for the identification of drug resistance in mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates | Bergvala L., Sengstakea S., Bachviska E., Brankova N., Tankova K., Levterova V., Ivanova A., Atanasova Y., Yordanova S., Abadia E., Sola C., Akhalia M., Aspindzelashivili R., van Soolingen D., Anthony R.M., Kantardiev T., Panaiotov S. | Problems Infect Parasitic Dis 2012; 38(2):27-30 |
Evaluation of commonly used serological tests for detection of Coxiella burnetii antibodies in well-defined acute and follow-up sera | Wegdam-Blans M.C.A., Wielders C.C.H., Meekelenkamp J., Korbeeck J.M., Herremans T., Tjhie H.T., Bijlmer H.A., Koopmans M.P.G., Schneeberger P.M. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2012; 19(7):1110-5 |
Evaluation of high hydrostatic pressure effect on human adenovirus using molecular methods and cell culture | Kovac K., Bouwknegt M., Diez-Valcarce M., Raspor P., Hernandez M., Rodriguez-Lazaro D. | Int J Food Microbiol 2012; 157(3):368-74 |
Evaluation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis, N. gonorrhoeae multiantigen sequence typing, and full-length porB gene sequence analysis for molecular epidemiological typing | Heymans R., Golparian D., Bruisten S.M., Schouls L.M., Unemo M. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(1):180-3 |
Exanthemen: diagnostiek of niet? | Petrignani M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(7):210 |
Excess mortality among the elderly in 12 European countries, February and March 2012 | Mazick A., Gergonne B., Nielsen J., Wuillaume F., Virtanen M.J., Fouillet A., Uphoff H., Sideroglou T., Paldy A., Oza A., Nunes B., Flores-Segovia V.M., Junker C., McDonald S.A., Green H.K., Pebody R., Molbak K. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 12(14):pii=20138 |
Experimental inoculation of male rats with Coxiella burnetii: successful infection but no transmission to cage mates | Opsteegh M., Hogerwerf L., Nooijen S., Dam-Deisz C., de Heer L., Reusken C., Bouma A., Roest H.J., Nielen M., van der Giessen J. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(16):5661-5 |
Extreme heat resistance of food borne pathogens campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli, and salmonella typhimurium on chicken breast fillet during cooking | de Jong A.E.I., van Asselt E.D., Zwietering M.H., Nauta M.J., de Jonge R. | Int J Microbiol 2012; 196841 |
Factors that influence vaccination decision-making by parents who visit an anthroposophical child welfare center: a focus group study | Harmsen I.A., Ruiter R.A.C., Paulussen T.G.W., Mollema L., Kok G., de Melker H.E. | Adv Prev Med 2012; 2012:175694 |
Farm and slaughterhouse characteristics affecting the occurrence of Salmonella and Campylobacter in the broiler supply chain | Franz E., van der Fels-Klerx H.J., Thissen J., van Asselt E.D. | Poult Sci 2012; 91(9):2376-81 |
Feasibility of quantitative environmental surveillance in poliovirus eradication strategies | Lodder W.J., Buisman A.M., Rutjes S.A., Heijne J.C., Teunis P.F., de Roda Husman A.M. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(11):3800-5 |
Findings and control of two invasive exotic mosquito species, Aedes albopictus and Ae.atropalpus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Netherlands, 2011 | Scholte E.J., Dik M., Ibanez Justicia A., den Hartog W., Schoelitsz B., Brooks M., Braks M., Steeghs M. | Eur Mosquito Bull 2012; 30(1):1-14 |
First worldwide proficiency study on variable-number tandem-repeat typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains | de Beer J.L., Kremer K., Ködmön C., Supply P., van Soolingen D. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(3):662-9 |
Food-borne viruses from a global perspective | Koopmans M. | In: Choffnes ER, Relman DA, Olsen LA, Hutton R, Mack A. Improving food safety through a one health approach: workshop summary. Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 2012:225-51 |
Frequent major errors in antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacterial strains distributed under the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Quality Assurance Program | Boot R. | Lab Anim 2012; 46(3):253-7 |
Functional assay for shiga-like toxin via detection by antibody capture and multivalent galabiose binding | van Hattum H., van der Zwaluw K., Visser G.M., van Putten J., Ruijtenbeek R., Pieters R.J. | Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2012; 22(24):7448-50 |
Gebrek aan uniformiteit bij meldingen van Shigatoxineproducerende Escherichia coli en Shigella aan en door GGD (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst)'en | Lede I.O., van der Kraaij-Dirkzwager M.M., van den Kerkhof J.H.T.C., Notermans D.W. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(4):116-8 |
Gebruik van nieuwe media tijdens een infectieziekte-uitbraak | van Velsen L., Beaujean D.J.M.A., van Gemert-Pijnen L., Wentzel J., van Steenbergen J.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(7):194-7 |
Genetic features differentiating bovine, food, and human isolates of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 in The Netherlands | Franz E., van Hoek A.H.A.M., van der Wal F.J. , de Boer A., Zwartkruis-Nahuis A., van der Zwaluw K., Aarts H.J.M., Heuvelink A.E. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(3):772-80 |
Genotypic diversity of Coxiella burnetii in the 2007-2010 Q fever outbreak episodes in The Netherlands | Tilburg J.J.H.C., Rossen J.W.A., van Hannen E.J., Melchers W.J.G., Hermans M.H.A., van de Bovenkamp J., Roest H.J.I.J., de Bruin A., Nabuurs-Franssen M.H., Horrevorts A.M., Klaassen C.H.W. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(3):1076-8 |
Genotyping Giardia duodenalis isolates from dogs: lessons from a multilocus sequence typing study | Beck R., Sprong H., Pozio E., Caccio S.M. | Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2012; 12(3):206-13 |
Global co-existence of two evolutionary lineages of parvovirus B19 1a, different in genome-wide synonymous positions | Molenaar-de Backer M.W.A., Lukashov V.V., van Binnendijk R.S., Boot H.J., Zaaijer H.L. | Plos One 2012; 7(8):e43206 |
Glycan-dependent immunogenicity of recombinant soluble trimeric hemagglutinin | de Vries R.P., Smit C.H., de Bruin E., Rigter A., de Vries E., Cornelissen L.A.H.M., Eggink D., Chung N.P.Y., Moore J.P., Sanders R.W., Hokke C.H., Koopmans M., Rottier P.J.M., de Haan C.A.M. | J Virol 2012; 86(21):11735-44 |
Grading of a positive sputum smear and the risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission | Lohmann E.M., Koster B.F.P.J., le Cessie S., Kamst-van Agterveld M.P., van Soolingen D., Arend S.M. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012; 16(11):1477-84 |
Guidelines for reporting novel mecA gene homologues | Ito T., Hiramatsu K., Tomasz A., de Lencastre H., Perreten V., Holden M.T.G., Coleman D.C., Goering R., Giffard P.M., Skov R.L., Zhang K., Westh H., O'Brien F., Tenover F.C., Oliveira D.C., Boyle-Vavra S., Laurent F., Kearns A.M., Kreiswirth B., Soo Ko K., Grundmann H., Sollid J.E., John J.F., Daum R., Soderquist B., Buist G. | Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012; 56(10):4997-9 |
Harmonised investigation of the occurrence of human enteric viruses in the leafy green vegetable supply chain in three European countries | Kokkinos P., Kozyra I, Lazic S., Bouwknegt M., Rutjes S., Willems K., Moloney R., de Roda Husman A.M., Kaupke A., Legaki E., D'Agostino M., Cook N., Rzezutka A., Petrovic T., Vantarakis A. | Food Environ Virol 2012; 4(4):179-91 |
Helminths and skewed cytokine profiles increase tuberculin skin test positivity in Warao Amerindians | Verhagen L.M., Hermans P.W.M., Warris A., de Groot R., de Waard J.H.., Maes M., Villalba J.A., del Nogal B., van den Hof S., Mughini Gras L., van Soolingen D., Pinelli E. | Tuberculosis 2012; 92(6):505-12 |
Hepatitis A-infectie: een risico voor Nederland? | Verhoef L., Koopmans M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):283-5 |
Hepatitis B surface antigen nanoparticles coated with chitosan and trimethyl chitosan: Impact of formulation on physicochemical and immunological characteristics | Tafaghodi M., Saluja V., Kersten G.F.A., Kraan H., Slütter B., Amorij J.P., Jiskoot W. | Vaccine 2012; 30(36):5341-8 |
Hepatitis C virus seroprevalence in the Netherlands | Vriend H.J., Op de Coul E.L.M., van de Laar T.J.W., Urbanus A.T., van der Klis F.R.M., Boot H.J. | Eur J Public Health 2012; 22(6):819-21 |
Hepatitis E virus in pork production chain in Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain, 2010 | di Bartolo I., Diez-Valcarce M., Vasickova P., Kralik P., Hernandez M., Angeloni G., Ostanello F., Bouwknegt M., Rodriguez-Lazaro D., Pavlik I., Ruggeri F.M. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(8):1282-9 |
Hepatitis E virus infection among solid organ transplant recipients, the Netherlands | Pas S.D., de Man R.A., Mulders C., Balk A.H.M.M., van Hal P.T.W., Weimar W., Koopmans M.P.G., Osterhaus A.D.M.E., van der Eijk A.A. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(5):869-72 |
Het belang van respiratoire surveillance in Nederland | van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B. | |
Het influenzaseizoen 2011/12 in Nederland. Een kleine epidemie gedomineerd door het A(H3N2)-virus | de Jong J.C., Meijer A., Donker G.A., van der Hoek W., Rimmelzwaan G.F., Osterhaus A.D.M.E. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(4):142-8 |
HI responses induced by seasonal influenza vaccination are associated with clinical protection and with seroprotection against non-homologous strains | Luytjes W., Enouf V., Schipper M., Gijzen K., Liu W.M., van der Lubben M., Meijer A., van der Werf S., Soethout E.C. | Vaccine 2012; 30(35):5262-9 |
High concentrations of amniotic fluid proinflammatory cytokines in healthy neonates are associated with low risk of respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis | Houben M.L., Rovers M.M., Wilbrink B., Belderbos M.E., Bloemen-Carlier E.M., Visser G.H.A., Kimpen J.L.L., Bont L. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 2012; 31(9):931-4 |
High genetic diversity of Staphylococcus aureus strains colonizing patients with epidermolysis bullosa | van der Kooi-Pol M.M., Veenstra-Kyuchulova Y.K., Duipmans J.C., Pluister G.N., Schouls L.M., de Neeling A.J., Grundmann H., Jonkman M.F., van Dijl J.M. | Exp Dermatol 2012; 21(6):463-6 |
High heterogeneity in methods used for the laboratory confirmation of pertussis diagnosis among European countries, 2010: integration of epidemiological and laboratory surveillance must include standardisation of methodologies and quality assurance | He Q., Barkoff A-M., Mertsola J., Glismann S., Bacci S., Mooi F., Berbers G. | Euro Surveill 2012; 17(32): pii:20239 |
High prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in HIV-infected men during routine outpatient visits in the Netherlands | Heiligenberg M., Rijnders B., Schim van der Loeff M.F.S., de Vries H.J.C., van der Meijden W.I., Geerlings S.E., Fennema H.S.A., Prins M., Prins J.M. | Sex Transm Dis 2012; 39(1):8-15 |
Hoofdluis: hoofd- en bijzaken | Beaujean D., Slok E.N.E., Braks M. | MFM Tijdschr Praktijkgerichte Farmacotherapie 2012; 2(1):40-3 |
Hospital networks and the dispersal of hospital-acquired pathogens by patient transfer | Donker T., Wallinga J., Slack R., Grundmann H. | Plos One 2012; 7(4):e35002 |
Human beings are highly susceptible to low doses of Trichinella spp. | Teunis P.F.M., Koningstein M., Takumi K., van der Giessen J.W.B. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(2):210-8 |
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis in a hot tub, as proven by IS 1245 RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length polymorphism) and rep-PCR (polymerase chain reaction) typing | van der Zanden R.J.C., Magis-Escurra C., de Lange W.C.M., Hoefsloot W., Boeree M.J., van Ingen J., van Soolingen D. | Int J Mycobacteriol 2012; 1(3):152-4 |
Hypophosphatemia, fever and prolonged length of hospital stay in seronegative PCR positive patients as compared to seropositive patients with early acute Q fever pneumonia | Vissers E., de Jager C.P.C., Hilbrink M., Kusters R., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., Wever P.C. | Clin Chem Lab Med 2012; 50(8):1433-7 |
Identification and optimization of critical process parameters for the production of NOMV vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis | van de Waterbeemd B., Streefland M., van Keulen L., van den IJssel J., de Haan A., Eppink M.H., van der Pol L.A. | Vaccine 2012; 30(24):3683-90 |
Immune and strain surveillance of the Streptococcus pneumoniae: tools to study the impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination | Elberse K.E.M. | Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit, 2012 |
Immunogenicity of a hexavalent vaccine co-administered with 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: findings from the national immunization program in the Netherlands | Whelan J., Hahne S., Berbers G., van der Klis F., Wijnands Y., Boot H. | Human Vaccines Immunother 2012; 8(6):743-8 |
Immunological impact of an additional early measles vaccine in Gambian children: responses to a boost at 3 years | Niie-Jobe J., Nvamweva S., Miles D.J.C., van der Sande M., Zaman S., Tourav E., Hossin S., Adetifa J., Palmero M., Burt S., Jeffries D., Rowland-Jones S., Flanagan K., Jave A., Whittle H. | Vaccine 2012; 30(15):2543-50 |
Impact of treatment reduction for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia on serum immunoglobulins and antibodies against vaccine-preventable diseases | van Tilburg C.M., Bierings M.B., Berbers G.A.M., Wolfs T.F.W., Pieters R., Bloem A.C., Sanders E.A.M. | Pediatr Blood Canceer 2012; 58(5):701-7 |
Impact of vaccine protection against multiple HPV types on the cost-effectiveness of cervical screening | Coupe V.M.H., Bogaards J.A., Meijer C.J.L.M., Berkhof J. | Vaccine 2012; 30(10):1813-22 |
Impaired production of TNF-alpha by dendritic cells of older adults leads to a lower CD8+ T cell response against influenza | Liu W.M., Nahar T.E.R., Jacobi R.H.J., Gijzen K., van Beek J., Hak E., Jonges M., Boog C.J.P., van der Zeijst B.A.M., Soethout E.C. | Vaccine 2012; 30(9):1659-66 |
Impressies van het internationale soa (seksueel overdraagbare aandoening)-congress in Seattle | van Bergen J., van Leent E. | Seksoa 2012; |
Improving test properties for neonatal cystic fibrosis screening in the Netherlands before the nationwide start by May 1st 2011 | Cornel M.C., Gille J.J.P., Loeber J.G., Vernooij-van Langen A.M.M., Dankert-Roelse J.E., Bolhuis P.A. | J Inherit Metab Dis 2012; 35(4):635-40 |
Incidence of multiple sclerosis in the general population in the Netherlands, 1996-2008 | Kramer M.A., van der Maas N.A.T., van Soest E.M., Kemmeren J.M., de Melker H.E., Sturkenboom M.C.J.M. | Neuroepidemiology 2012; 39(2):96-102 |
Increased transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype strains associated with resistance to streptomycin: a population-based study | Buu T.N., van Soolingen D., Huyen M.N.T., Quy H.T., Tiemersma E.W., Kremer K., Borgdorff M.W., Cobelens F.G.J. | Plos One 2012; 7(8):e42323 |
Indications for antimicrobial prescribing in european nursing homes: Results from a point prevalence survey | Latour K., Catry B., Broex E., Vankerckhoven V., Muller A., Stroobants R., Goossens H., Jans B., Veldman-Ariesen M.J. | Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2012; 21(9):937-44 |
Infection and colonization with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398 versus other MRSA in an area with a high density of pig farms | Wulf M.W.H., Verduin C.M., van Nes A., Huijsdens X., Voss A. | Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2012; 31(1):61-5 |
Infectious disease risks associated with occupational exposure: a systematic review of the literature | Haagsma J.A., Tariq L., Heederik D.J., Havelaar A.H. | Occup Environ Med 2012; 69(2):140-6 |
Influenza in the immediate post-pandemic era: a comparison with seasonal and pandemic influenza in hospitalized patients | Rahamat-Langendoen J.C., Tutuhatunewa E.D., Schölvink E.H., Hak E., Koopmans M.P.G., Niesters H.G., Riezebos-Brilman A. | J Clin Virol 2012; 54(2):135-40 |
Influenza-related deaths - available methods for estimating numbers and detecting patterns for seasonal and pandemic influenza in Europe | Nicoll A., Ciancio B.C., Lopez Chavarrias V., Molbak K., Pebody R., Pedzinski B., Penntinen P., van der Sande M., Snacken R., van Kerkhove M.D. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(18): pii:20162 |
Integrating genome-based informatics to modernize global disease monitoring, information sharing, and response | Aarestrup F.M., Brown E.W., Detter C., Gerner-Smidt P., Gilmour M.W., Harmsen D., Hendriksen R.S., Hewson R., Heymann D.L., Johansson K., Ijaz K., Keim P.S., Koopmans M., Kroneman A., Lo Fo Wong D., Lund O., Palm D., Sawanpanyalert P., Sobel J., Schlundt J. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(11):e1 |
Interaction of a 17q12 variant with both fetal and infant smoke exposure in the development of childhood asthma-like symptoms | van der Valk R.J.P., Duijts L., Kerkhof M., Willemsen S.P., Hofman A., Moll H.A., Smit H.A., Brunekreef B., Postma D.S., Jaddoe V.W.V., Koppelman G.H., de Jongste J.C. | Allergy 2012; 67(6):767-74 |
Interlaboratoriumvariatie van de serologie voor de ziekte van Lyme in Nederland | Herremans T., van Burgel N.D., Brandenburg A.H., Meijer B., Verduyn Lunel F., Nabuurs-Franssen M., Stelma F.F., Ang C.W., van Dam A.P., Bijlmer H.A. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(3):105 |
Invasive pneumococcal disease and 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, the Netherlands | Deursen A.M.M., van Mens S.P., Sanders E.A.M., Vlaminckx B.J.M., de Melker H.E., Schouls L.M., de Greeff S.C., van der Ende A. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(11): 1729-32 |
'Inverted' analogs of the antibiotic gramicidin S with an improved biological profile | Kapoerchan V.V., Knijnenburg A.D., Keizer P., Spalburg E., de Neeling A.J., Mars-Groenendijk R.H., Noort D. | Bioorg Med Chem 2012; 20(20):6059-62 |
Is a single dose of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine sufficient for protection? Experience from the Netherlands | Kaaijk P., van der Ende A., Berbers G., van den Dobbelsteen G.P.J.M., Rots N.Y. | BMC Infect Dis 2012; 12(1):35 |
Is concurrency driving HIV transmission in sub-saharan african sexual networks? the significance of sexual partnership typology | Kretzschmar M., Caraël M. | AIDS Behav 2012; 16(7):1746-52 |
Is er een link tussen veehouderij en het voorkomen van zoonosen bij mensen in Nederland? | Klous G., van der Giessen J. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(7):188-93 |
Is resistance lousing things up in The Netherlands? | Vogels C.B.F., Dam-Deisz W.D.C., Reusken C.B.E.M., Sprong H., Beaujean D., Tijsse-Klasen E., Braks M.A.H. | Proc Neth Entomol Soc Meet 2012; 23:9-22 |
Isolation of Legionella pneumophila from pluvial floods by amoebal coculture | Schalk J.A.C., Docters van Leeuwen A.E., Lodder W.J., de Man H., Euser S., den Boer J.W., de Roda Husman A.M. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(12):4519-21 |
Keeping participants on board: increasing uptake by automated respondent reminders in an Internet-based chlamydia screening in the Netherlands | Dokkum N.F.B., Koekenbier R.H., van den Broek I.V.F., van Bergen J.E.A.M., Fennema J.S.A., Gotz H.M., Hoebe C.J.P.A., Pars L.L., van Ravesteijn S.M., Op de Coul E.L.M. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12:176 |
Kinkhoest, terug van weggeweest | van der Maas N.A.T., Mooi F., Berbers G.A.M., Swaan C., de Greeff S., de Melker H.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):229-34 |
Kinkhoestvaccin ook geindiceerd voor volwassenen? | Oomen T., Vermeer P. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(9):324 |
Kinkhoestverdenking in gezin met jonge zuigeling: wachten op diagnostiek of direct starten met antibiotica | Oomen T. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(6):173 |
Koeien met een naam geven meer melk | Boot R. | Biotechniek 2012; 51(4):24-5 |
Koorts, malaise en eosinofilie na eten van rauwe vis in Italië: infectie met leverbot (Opisthorchis felineus) | Vondeling A.M., Kortbeek L.M., Naus H., Dorigo-Zetsma J.W. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 156(5):A3873 |
Lack of evidence for zoonotic transmission of Schmallenberg virus | Reusken C., van den Wijngaard C., Beek P., Beer M., Bouwstra R., Godeke G.J., Isken L., van den Kerkhof H., van Pelt W., van der Poel W., Reimerink J., Schielen P., Schmidt-Chanasit J., Vellema P., de Vries A., Wouters I., Koopmans M. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(11):1746-54 |
Legionella-preventie bij een hoogrisicopatient: wiens verantwoordelijkheid? | Verweij M.F., Trompenaars M.C., Donkervoort J., den Boer J., Krom A., Kessler C.J., van Steenbergen J.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(4):106-8 |
Leptospirose: wie is verantwoordelijk voor de rattenbestrijding? | Nutma N., Gerritsen S., Knops F., Ruijs W.L.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(5):137-8 |
Less decrease in risk behaviour from pre-HIV to post-HIV seroconversion among MSM in the combination antiretroviral therapy era compared with the pre-combination antiretroviral therapy era | Heijman T., Geskus R.B., Davidovich U., Coutinho R.A., Prins M., Stolte I.G. | Aids 2012; 26(4):489-95 |
Livestock density as risk factor for livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the Netherlands | Feingold B.J., Silbergeld E.K., Curriero F.C., van Cleef B.A.G.L., Heck M.E.O.C., Kluytmans J.A.J.W. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(11):1841-9 |
Longitudinal study on transmission of MRSA CC398 within pig herds | Broens E.M., Espinosa-Gongora C., Graat E.A.M., Vendrig N., van der Wolf P.J., Guardabassi L., Butaye P., Nielsen J.P., de Jong M.C.M., van de Giessen A.W. | BMC Vet Res 2012; 8:58 |
Long-term effects of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on nasopharyngeal carriage of S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis | Spijkerman J., Prevaes S.M.P.J., van Gils E.J.M., Veenhoven R.H., Bruin J.P., Bogaert D., Wijmenga-Monsuur A.J., van den Dobbelsteen G.P.J.M., Sanders E.A.M. | Plos One 2012; 7(6):e39730 |
Low neonatal Toll-like receptor 4-mediated interleukin-10 production is associated with subsequent atopic dermatitis | Belderbos M.E., Knol E.F., Houben M.L., van Bleek G.M., Wilbrink B., Kimpen J.L.L., Rovers M., Bont L. | Clin Exp Allergy 2012; 42(1):66-75 |
Low prevalence of asymptomatic sexually transmitted infections in HIV-infected heterosexuals visiting an HIV clinic in the Netherlands | Heiligenberg M., Schim van der Loeff M.F., de Vries H.J.C., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., Geerlings S.E., Coutinho R., Prins M., Prins J.M. | AIDS 2012; 26(5):646-9 |
Low seroprevalence of Q fever in The Netherlands prior to a series of large outbreaks | Schimmer B., Notermans D.W., Harms M.G., Reimerink J.H.J., Bakker J., Schneeberger P.M., Mollema L., Teunis P., van Pelt W., van Duynhoven Y. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(1):27-35 |
Lymediagnostiek, een gezamenlijke inspanning is vereist | Bijlmer H. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(3):104-10 |
Macrolide resistance determination and molecular typing of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in respiratory specimens collected between 1997 and 2008 in the Netherlands | Spuesens E.B.M., Meijer A., Bierschenk D., Hoogenboezem T., Donker G.A., Hartwig N.G., Koopmans M.P.G., Vink C., van Rossum A.M.C. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(6):1999-2004 |
Mapping the increasing risk of human alveolar echinococcosis in Limburg, the Netherlands | Takumi K., Hegglin D., Deplazes P., Teunis P.F.M., van der Giessen J.W.B. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(5):867-71 |
MARAN (Monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic usage in animals in the Netherlands) 2012. Monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic usage in animals in the Netherlands in 2010/2011 | Mevius D.J., Koene M.G.J., Wit B., van Pelt W., Bondt N. | Wageningen: Central Veterinary Institute, Wageningen University, 2012 |
Maternal use of folic acid supplements during pregnancy, and childhood respiratory health and atopy | Bekkers M.B.M., Elstgeest L.E.M., Scholtens S., Haveman-Nies A., de Jongste J.C., Kerkhof M., Koppelman G.H., Gehring U., Smit H.A., Wijga A.H. | Eur Respir J 2012; 39(6):1468-74 |
Measuring concurrent partnerships: back on track | Carael M., Kretzschmar M. | AIDS 2012; 26(8):1027-9 |
Measuring concurrent partnerships: back on track | van Lier A., Oomen P., de Hoogh P., Drijfhout I., Elsinghorst B., Kemmeren J., Conyn-van Spaendonck M.A.E., de Melker H. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(17): pii:20153 |
Meer dan alleen de ziekte van Lyme | Montizaan M., Nijhof A., Sprong H., Tijsse-Klasen E. | Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij 2012; 31(Cahier 1):17-21 |
Meldingen van voedselinfecties en -vergiftingen in 2009 en 2010 | Friesema I.H.M., de Jong A.E.I., van Pelt W. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(2):47-52 |
Microbiele typering, een kwestie van onderscheid maken | Savelkoul P., van Doorn J., Figge M., Heck M., Melles D., Molenkamp R., Schouls L., Top J. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(1):16-20 |
Miljoen beten per jaar, maar hoe gaat dat precies? | Gassner F. |; 2012: 28 juni |
Mixed tuberculosis infections in rural South Vietnam | Huyen M.N.T., Kremer K., Lan N.T.N., Cobelens F.G.J., Buu T.N., Dung N.H., Caws N.H., Tiemersma E.W., van Soolingen D. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(5):1586-92 |
Modeling Down syndrome screening performance using first-trimester serum markers | Koster M.P.H., Wortelboer E.J., Stoutenbeek P., Visser G.H.A., Schielen P.C.J.I. | Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2012; 38(2):134-9 |
Modelling HIV in the injecting drug user population and the male homosexual population in a developed country context | Sutton A.J., House T., Hope V.D., Ncube F., Wiessing L., Kretzschmar M. | Epidemics 2012; 4(1):48-56 |
Moleculaire typering van norovirus | Kroneman A., Vennema H., Baas D., Duizer E., Koopmans M. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(1):39-43 |
Molecular typing of Coxiella burnetii from animal and environmental matrices during Q fever epidemics in the Netherlands | de Bruin A., van Alphen P.T.W., van der Plaats R.Q.J., de Heer L., Reusken C.B.E.M., van Rotterdam B.J., Janse I. | BMC Vet Res 2012; 8(1):165 |
Monitoring phytoplankton and marine biotoxins in production waters of the Netherlands: results after one decade | van der Fels-Klerx H.J., Adamse P., Goedhart P.W., Poelman M., Pol-Hofstad I.E., van Egmond H., Gerssen A. | Food Addit Contam Part A 2012; 29(10):1616-29 |
Monitoring van vaccinatiegraad en bijwerkingen van het HPV-vaccinatieprogramma | van 't Klooster T.M., Mollers M., Steens A., Wielders C.C.H., van Lier A., van der Maas N.A.T., de Melker H.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):259-64 |
Mortality attributable to 9 common infections: significant effect of influenza A, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza B, norovirus, and parainfluenza in elderly persons | van Asten L., van den Wijngaard C., van Pelt W., van de Kassteele J., Meijer A., van der Hoek W., Kretzschmar M., Koopmans M. | J Infect Dis 2012; 206(5):628-39 |
Multicenter collaborative trial evaluation of a method for detection of human adenoviruses in Berry fruit | D'Agostino M., Cook N., di Bartolo I., Ruggeri F.M., Berto A., Martelli F., Banks M., Vasikova P., Kralik P., Pavlik I., Kokkinos P., Vantarakis A., Soderberg K., Maunula L., Verhaelen K., Rutjes S., de Roda Husman A.M., Hakze R., van der Poel W., Kaupka A., Kozyra I, Rzekulka A., Prodanov J., Lazic S., Petrovic T., Carratala A., Girones R., Diez-Valcarce M., Hernandez M., Rodriquez-Lazaro D. | Food Analyt Methods 2012; 5(1):1-7 |
Multivariate approach for studying interactions between environmental variables and microbial communities | Wang X., Eijkemans M.J.C., Wallinga J., Biesbroek G., Trzcinski K., Sanders E.A.M., Bogaert D. | Plos One 2012; 7(11):e50267 |
Mumps outbreak among vaccinated university students associated with a large party, the Netherlands, 2010 | Greenland K., Whelan J., Fanoy E., Borgert M., Hulshof K., Yap K.B., Swaan C., Donker T., van Binnendijk R., de Melker H., Hahne S. | Vaccine 2012; 30(31):4676-80 |
Mumps vaccine effectiveness against orchitis [Letter to the editor] | Hahne S., Whelan J., van Binnendijk R., Swaan C., Fanoy E., Boot H., de Melker H. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(1):191-3 |
Mumps vaccine effectiveness in primary schools and households, the Netherlands, 2008 | Snijders B.E.P., van Lier A., van de Kassteele J., Fanoy E.B., Ruijs W.L.M., Hulshof F., Blauwhof A., Schipper M., van Binnendijk R., Boot H.J., de Melker H.E., Hahne S.J.M. | Vaccine 2012; 30(19):2999-3002 |
Mycobacterium bovis infection in a young Dutch adult: transmission from an elderly human source? | Akkerman O., van der Loo K., Nijmeijer D., van der Werf T., Mulder B., Kremer K., van Soolingen D., van der Zanden A. | Med Microbiol Immunol 2012; 201(3):397-400 |
Mycobacterium bovis infection in livestock workers in Ibadan, Nigeria: Evidence of occupational exposure | Adesokan H.K., Jenkins A.O., van Soolingen D., Cadmus S.I.B. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012; 16(10:1388-92 |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype induces differential cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy BCG (Bacille Calmette Guérin) vaccinated individuals | Rivera-ordaz A., Gonzaga-Bernachi J., Serafin-Lopez J., Hernandez-Pando R., van Soolingen D., Estrada-Parra S., Estrada-Garcia I., Chacon-Salinas R. | Immunol Invest 2013; 41(2):144-56 |
Na een tekenbeet | Beaujean D. | Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij 2012; 31(Cahier 1):58-9 |
Nationale vergelijking van serologische assays voor het aantonen van Borrelia-antistoffen | Ang C.W., Brandenburg A.H., van Burgel N.D., Bijlmer H.A., Herremans T., Stelma F.F., Verduyn Lunel F., van Dam A.P. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(3):111-9 |
Neonatale screening op cytische fibrose in Nederland | Vernooij-van Langen A.M.M., Loeber J.G., van der Ploeg C.P.B., Dompeling E., Dankert-Roelse J.E. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 156:A4896 |
NethMap (Consumption of antimicrobial agents and antimicrobial resistance among medically important bacteria in the Netherlands) 2012. Consumption of antimicrobial agents and antimicrobial resistance among medically important bacteria in the Netherlands | Hoogkamp-Korstanje J.A.A., Mouton J.W., van der Bij A.K., de Neeling A.J., Mevius D.J., Koene M.G.J. | Bilthoven: Dutch Foundation of the Working Party on Antibiotic Policy, SWAB ; National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, 2012 |
New methodology for estimating the burden of infectious diseases in Europe | Kretzschmar M., Mangen M.J.J., Pinheiro P., Jahn B., Fèvre E.M., Longhi S., Lai T., Havelaar A.H., Stein C., Cassini A., Kramarz P | Plos Med 2012; 9(4):e1001205 |
New statistical technique for analyzing MIC (Minimum inhibitory concentration)-based susceptibility data | van de Kassteele J., van Santen-Verheuvel M.G., Koedijk F.D.H., van Dam A.P., van der Sande M.A.B., de Neeling A.J. | Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012; 56(3):1557-63 |
Newborn screening programmes in Europe; arguments and efforts regarding harmonization. Part 1: from blood spot to screening result | Loeber J.G., Burgard P., Cornel M.C., Rigter T., Weinrech S.S., Rupp K., Hoffmann G.F., Vittozzi L. | J Inherit Metab Dis 2012; 35(4):603-11 |
Newborn screening programmes in Europe; arguments and efforts regarding harmonization. Part 2: from screening laboratory results to treatment, follow-up and quality assurance | Burgard P., Rupp K., Lindner M., Haege G., Rigter T., Weinreich S.S., Loeber J.G., Taruscio D., Vittozzi L., Cornel M.C., Hoffmann G.F. | J Inherit Metab Dis 2012; 35(4):613-25 |
No human transmission of Mycobacterium malmoense in a perfect storm setting [Letter to the editor] | Hoefsloot W., Boeree M.J., van Nieuwkoop C., Bernards A.T., Savelkoul P.H.M., van Ingen J., van Soolingen D. | Eur Respir J 2012; 40(6):1576-8 |
Nog eenmaal SPF (sun protection factor): SPF een dwaling?! | Boot R. | Biotechniek 2012; 51(2):13-7 |
Nog steeds stijging in het aantal soaconsulten | Trienekens S.C.M., Koedijk F.D.H., Vriend H.J., van den Broek I.V.F., Op de Coul E.L.M., van der Sande M.A.B. | Seksoa 2012; |
Nosocomial transmission of norovirus is mainly caused by symptomatic cases | Sukhrie F.H.A., Teunis P., Vennema H., Copra C., Beersma M.F.C.T., Bogerman J., Koopmans M. | Clin Infect Dis 2012; 54(7):931-7 |
Novel strategies in newborn screening for cystic fibrosis: a prospective controlled study | Vernooij-van Langen A.M.M., Loeber J.G., Elvers B., Triepels R.H., Gille J.J.P., van der Ploeg C.P.B., Reijntjens S., Dompeling E., Dankert-Roelse J.E. | Thorax 2012; 67(4):289-95 |
Occurrence and characteristics of extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase- and AmpC-producing clinical isolates derived from companion animals and horses | Dierkx C.M., van Duijkeren E., Schoormans A.H.W., van Essen-Zandbergen A., Veldman K., Kant A., Huijsdens X.W., van der Zwaluw W.K., Wagenaar J.A., Mevius D.J. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2012; 67(6):1368-74 |
Occurrence of human enteric viruses in commercial mussels at retail level in three European countries | Diez-Valcarce M., Kokkinos P., Söderberg K., Bouwknegt M., Willems K., de Roda Husman A.M., von Bonsdorff C.H., Bellou M., Hernandez M., Maunula L., Vantarakis A., Rodriguez-Lazaro D. | Food Environ Virol 2012; 4(2):73-80 |
On the road to unravelling the aetiology of non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease [Editorial] | van Soolingen D., van Ingen J. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012; 16(10):1279 |
Onderzoeksresultaten VNTR (Variable-Number Tandem Repeats) bijgesteld | de Vries G., van Soolingen D. | Tegen de Tuberculose 2012; 108:20-1 |
Ontwikkelingen omtrent de HPV-vaccinatie | de Melker H., Kenter G., van Rossum T., Conyn-van Spaendonck M. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 156(47):A5410 |
Oorzaken van toename lymeziekte in Nederland | Sprong H. | Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij 2012; 31(Cahier 1):48-53 |
Opposite effects of allergy prevention depending on CD14 rs2569190 genotype in 3 intervention studies [Letter to the editor] | Kerkhof M., Daley D., Postma D.S., Park J.E., Chan Yeung M., Wijga A.H., Gehring U., de Jongste J.C., Smit H.A., Brunekreef B., van Schayck O.C.P., Becker A., Koppelman G.H. | J Allergy Clin Microbiol 2012; 129(1):256-9 |
Oseltamivir-resistant influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus in Dutch travellers returning from Spain, August 2012 | Meijer A., Jonges M., Beek P., Swaan C.M., Osterhaus A.D., Daniels R.S., Hurt A.C., Koopmans M.P. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(36): pii:20266 |
Oseltamivir-resistant influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus in Dutch travellers returning from Spain, August 2012 | Meijer A., Jonges M., Beek P., Swaan C.M., Osterhaus A.D., Daniels R.S., Hurt A.C., Koopmans M.P. | Euro Surveillance 2012; 17(36):pii=20266 |
Outbreak of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus ST398 in a Dutch nursing home | Verkade E., Bosch T., Hendriks Y., Kluytmans J. | Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012; 33(6):624-6 |
Outbreak of salmonella Thompson in The Netherlands since July 2012 | Friesema I.H., de Jong A.E., Fitz James I.A., Heck M.E., van den Kerkhof J.H., Notermans D.W., van Pelt W., Hofhuis A. | Euro Surveillance 2012; 17(43): pii:20303 |
Overdracht van bofvirus van gevaccineerde patienten naar directe contacten | Fanoy E., Cremer J., Ferreira J., Dittrich S., van Lier A., Hahne S., Boot H., van Binnendijk R. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(7):204-5 |
Overweight and school performance among primary school children: The PIAMA Birth Cohort Study | Veldwijk J., Fries M.C.E., Bemelmans W.J.E., Haveman-Nies A., Smit H.A., Koppelman G.H., Wijga A.H. | Obesity 2012; 20(3):590-6 |
Participation in and attitude towards the national immunization program in the Netherlands: data from population-based questionnaires | Mollema L., Wijers N., Hahne S.J., van der Klis F.R., Boshuizen H.C., de Melker H.E. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12(1):57 |
Persistence of human norovirus GII.4 and GI (generieke informatie).4, murine norovirus, and human adenovirus on soft berries as compared with PBS at commonly applied storage conditions | Verhaelen K., Bouwknegt M., Lodder-Verschoor F., Rutjes S.A., de Roda Husman A.M. | Int J Food Microbiol 2012; 160(2):137-44 |
Pertussis circulation has increased T-cell immunity during childhood more than a second acellular booster vaccination in Dutch children 9 years of age | Schure R-M., de Rond L., Oztürk K., Hendrikx L., Sanders E., Berbers G., Buisman A.M. | Plos One 2012; 7(7):e41928 |
Placental malaria is associated with attenuated CD4 (cluster of differentiation 4) T-cell responses to tuberculin PPD 12 months after BCG vaccination | Walther B., Miles D.J.C., Waight P., Palmero M.S., Ojoula O., Touray E.S., Whittle H., van der Sande M., Crozier S., Flanagan K.L. | BMC Infect Dis 2012; 12:6 |
Platform technology for viral vaccine production: comparison between attached and suspension vero cells | Thomassen Y.E., van Eikenhorst G., van der Pol L.A., Bakker W.A.M. | ESACT Proceedings 2012; 5:723-7 |
Population distribution of Beta-lactamase conferring resistance to third-generation cephalosporins in human clinical enterobacteriaceae in the Netherlands | Voets G.M., Platteel T.N., Fluit A.C., Scharringa J., Schapendonk C.M., Cohen Stuart J., Bonten M.J.M., Leverstein-van Hall M.A. | Plos One 2012; 7(12):e52102 |
Population dynamics and genetic diversity of C4 strains of human enterovirus 71 in Mainland China, 1998-2010 | Guan D., van der Sanden S., Zeng H., Li W., Zheng H., Ma C., Su J., Liu Z., Guo X., Zhang X., Liu L., Koopmans M., Ke C. | Plos One 2012; 7(9):e44386 |
Population-based analyses of Giardia duodenalis is consistent with the clonal assemblage structure | Takumi K., Swart A., Mank T., Lasek-Nesselquist E., Lebbad M., Caccio S.M., Sprong H. | Parasit Vectors 2012; 5(1):168 |
Potential of host markers produced by infection phase-dependent antigen-stimulated cells for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in a highly endemic area | Chegou N.N., Essone P.N., Loxton A.G., Stanley K., Black G.F., van der Spuy G.D., van Helden P.D., Franken K.L., Parida S.K., Klein M.R., Kaufmann S.H., Ottenhoff T.H., Walzl G. | Plos One 2012; 7(6):e38501 |
Potential of novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection phase-dependent antigens in the diagnosis of TB disease in a high burden setting | Chegou N.N., Black G.F., Loxton A.G., Stanley K., Essone P.N., Klein M.R., Parida S.K., Kaufmann S.H.E., Doherty T.M., Friggen A.H., Franken K.L., Ottenhoff T.H., Walzl G. | BMC Infect Dis 2012; 12(1):10 |
Poultry culling and Campylobacteriosis reduction among humans, the Netherlands | Friesema I.H.M., Havelaar A.H., Westra P.P., Wagenaar J.A., van Pelt W. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(3):466-8 |
Præventis, the immunisation register of the Netherlands: a tool to evaluate the National Immunisation Programme | van Lier A., Oomen P., de Hoogh P., Drijfhout I., Elsinghorst B., Kemmeren J., Conyn-van Spaendonck M., de Melker H. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(17): pii:20153 |
Pre-existing isoniazid resistance, but not the genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drives rifampicin resistance codon preference in vitro | Bergval I., Kwok B., Schuitema A., Kremer K., van Soolingen D., Klatser P., Anthony R. | Plos One 2012; 7(1):e29108 |
Pre-existing virus-specific CD8 + T-cells provide protection against pneumovirus-induced disease in mice | van Helden M.J.G., van Kooten P.J.S., Bekker C.P.J., Gröne A., Topham D.J., Easton A.J., Boog C.J.P., Busch D.H., Zaiss D.M.W., Sijts A.J.A.M. | Vaccine 2012; 30(45):6382-8 |
Prenatal detection of Down syndrome using massively parallel sequencing (MPS): a rapid response statement from a committee on behalf of the Board of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis, 24 October 2011 | Benn P., Borrell A., Cuckle H., Dugoff L., Gross S., Johnson J.A., Maymon R., Odibo A., Schielen P., Spencer K., Wright D., Yaron Y. | Prenat Diagn 2012; 32(1):1-2 |
Prevalence and clinical course in invasive infections with meningococcal endotoxin variants | Rodenburg G.D., Fransen F., Bogaert D., Schipper K., Groenwold R.H.H., Hamstra H.J., Westerhuis B.M., van de Beek D., van der Ley P., Sanders E.A.M., van der Ende A. | Plos One 2012; 7(11):e49295 |
Prevalence and determinants associated with healthcare-associated infections in long-term care facilities (HALT) in the Netherlands, May to June 2010 | Eilers R., Veldman-Ariesen M.J., Haenen A., van Benthem B.H. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(34):pii=20252 |
Prevalence and determinants associated with healthcare-associated infections in long-term care facilities (HALT) in the Netherlands, May to June 2010 | Eilers R., Veldman-Ariesen M.J., Haenen A., van Benthem B.H. | Euro Surveillance 2012; 17(34):pii=20252 |
Prevalence and genetic diversity of human enteroviruses in the context of poliovirus eradication | van der Sanden S.M.G. | Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit, 2012 |
Prevalence of Coxiella Burnetii in ticks after a large outbreak of Q fever | Sprong H., Tijsse-Klasen E., Langelaar M., de Bruin A., Fonville M., Gassner F., Takken W., van Wieren S., Nijhof A., Jongejan F., Maassen C.B., Scholte E.J., Hovius J.W., Hovius K.E., Spitalska E., van Duynhoven Y.T. | Zoonoses Public Health 2012; 59(1):69-75 |
Prevalence of genital HPV infections and HPV serology in adolescent girls, prior to vaccination | Mollers M., Scherpenisse M., van der Klis F.R.M., King A.J., van Rossum T.G.J., van Logchem E.M., Feltkamp M.C., Meijer C.J.L.M., Snijders P.J.F., Boot H.J., de Melker H.E. | Cancer Epidemiol 2012; 36(6):519-24 |
Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection in the Netherlands in 1996 and 2007 | Hahne S.J.M., de Melker H.E., Kretzschmar M., Mollema L., van der Klis F.R., van der Sande M.A.B., Boot H.J. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(8):1469-80 |
Prevalence of Neoehrlichia mikurensis in ticks and rodents from North-west Europe | Jahfari S., Fonville M., Hengeveld P., Reusken C., Scholte E.J., Takken W., Heyman P., Medlock J.M., Heylen D., Kleve J., Sprong H. | Parasit Vectors 2012; 5(1):74 |
Prevention of perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission in the Netherlands, 2003-2007: children of Chinese mothers are at increased risk of breakthrough infection | Hahne S., van den Hoek A., Baayen D., van der Sande M., de Melker H., Boot H. | Vaccine 2012; 30(9):1715-20 |
Profiling of humoral immune responses to influenza viruses by using protein microarray | Koopmans M., de Bruin E., Godeke G.-J., Friesema I., van Gageldonk R., Schipper M., Meijer A., van Binnendijk R., Rimmelzwaan G.F., de Jong M.D., Buisman A., van Beek J., van de Vijver D., Reimerink J. | Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(8):797-807 |
Proton pump inhibitor therapy predisposes to community-acquired Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia | de Jager C.P.C., Wever P.C., Gemen E.F.A., van Oijen M.G.H., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., Siersema P.D., Kusters G.C.M., Laheij R.J.F. | Aliment Pharmcol Ther 2012; 36(10):941-9 |
Psychosocial determinants of parents' intention to vaccinate their newborn child against hepatitis B | Harmsen I.A., Lambooij M.S., Ruiter R.A.C., Mollema L., Veldwijk J., van Weert J.W.M., Kok G., Paulussen T.G.W., de Wit G.A., de Melker H.E. | Vaccine 2012; 30(32):4771-7 |
Pulmonary vaccine delivery: a realistic approach? | Tonnis W.F., Kersten G.F., Frijlink H.W., Hinrichs W.L.J., de Boer A.H., Amorij J.P. | J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv 2012; 25(5):249-60 |
Q fever: single-point source outbreak with high attack rates and massive numbers of undetected infections across an entire region | Hackert V.H., van der Hoek W., Dukers-Muijrers N., de Bruin A., Al Dahouk S., Neubauer H., Bruggeman C.A., Hoebe C.J.P.A. | Clin Infect Dis 2012; 55(12):1591-9 |
Q-koorts bij kinderen gedurende de drie epidemische jaren weinig gemeld | Slok E.N.E., de Vries E., Rietveld A., Dijkstra F., Notermans D.W., van Steenbergen J.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(4):109-15 |
Q-koorts-bacterie in afvalwater op rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties | Schets C., de Heer L., Koppenaal E., de Roda Husman A.M. | H2O 2012; 45(6):43-5 |
Q-koortsvaccinatie van hoogrisicopatienten | Bults M., Beaujean D.J.M.A., Wijkmans C.J., Timen A., Richardus J.H., Voeten H.A.C.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):280-2 |
Quantification of transmission of livestock-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pigs | Broens E.M., Graat E.A.M., van de Giessen A.W., Broekhuizen-Stins M.J., de Jong M.C.M. | Vet Microbiol 2012; 15(2-4):381-8 |
Quantifying transmission of norovirus during an outbreak | Heijne J.C.M., Rondy M., Verhoef L., Wallinga J., Kretzschmar M., Low N., Koopmans M., Teunis P.F.M. | Epidemiology 2012; 23(2):277-84 |
Quantitative performance of antibody array technology in a prenatal screening setting | Rodenburg W., Reimerink J.H., Imholz S., Godeke G.J., Pennings J.L.A., Schielen P.C.J.I., Koster M.P., de Vries A. | Clin Chem Lab Med 2012; 50(2):325-32 |
Rabid puppy-dog imported into the Netherlands from Morocco via Spain, February 2012 | van Rijckevorsel G.G., Swaan C.M., van den Bergh J.P., Goorhuis A., Baayen D., Isken L., Timen A., van den Hoek A. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(10): pii:20112 |
Rapid detection of the recently emerged Bordetella pertussis strains with the ptxP3 pertussis toxin promoter allele by real-time PCR | Kallonen T., Mertsola J., Mooi F.R., He Q. | Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(10):E377-9 |
Rapid test for identification of a highly transmissible Mycobacterium tuberculosis beijing strain of sub-Saharan origin | Millán-Lou M., Alonso H., Gavin P., Hernández-Fables M., Campos-Herrero M.I., Copado R., Cañas F., Kremer K., Caminero J.A., Martin C., Samper S. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(2):516-8 |
Recommendations of the NVMM (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie) guideline laboratory detection of highly resistant microorganisms | Bernards A.T., Bonten M.J.M., Cohen Stuart J., Diederen B., Goessens W.H.F., Grundmann H., Kluytmans J.A.J.W., Kluytmans-van den Bergh M.F.Q., Leverstein-van Hall M.A., Mouton J.W., Al Naiemi N., Troelstra A., Vandenbroucke-Grauls C.M.J.E., Vos M.C., Voss A. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(1):13-5 |
Recreational drug use during sex and sexually transmitted infections among clients of a city sexually transmitted infections clinic in Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Heiligenberg M., Wermeling P.R., van Rooijen M.S., Urbanus A.T., Speksnijder A.G.C.L., Heijman T., Prins M., Coutinho R.A., Schim van der Loeff M.F. | Sex Transm Dis 2012; 39(7):518-27 |
Rectal lymphogranuloma venereum | Mistrangelo M., Dal Conte I., Gregori G., Castellano I., Famiglietti F., de Vries H.J.C. | Colorectal Dis 2012; 14(11):e792-3 |
Regulatory T cells that recognize a ubiquitous stress-inducible self-antigen are long-lived suppressors of autoimmune arthritis | van Herwijnen M.J.C., Wieten L., van der Zee R., van Kooten P.J., Wagenaar-Hilbers J.P., Hoek A., den Braber I., Anderton S.M., Singh M., Meiring H.D., van Els C.A.C.M., van Eden W., Broere F. | PNAS 2012; 109(35):14134-9 |
Regulatory T cells that recognize a ubiquitous stress-inducible self-antigen are long-lived suppressors of autoimmune arthritis | van Herwijnen M.J.C., Wieten L., van der Zee R., van Kooten P.J., Wagenaar-Hilbers J.P. | PNAS 2012; 109(35):14134-9 |
Relation between Q fever notifications and Coxiella burnetii infections during the 2009 outbreak in the Netherlands | van der Hoek W., Hogema B., Dijkstra F., Rietveld A., Wijkmans C., Schneeberger P., Zaaijer H. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(3):pii:20058 |
Relationships between human adenoviruses and faecal indicator organisms in European recreational waters | Wyer M.D., Wyn-Jones A.P., Kay D., Au-Jeung H.-K.C., Girones R., Lopez-Pila J., de Roda Husman A.M., Rutjes S., Schneider O. | Water Res 2012; 46(13):4130-41 |
Reply to evaluation of mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat genotyping as performed in laboratories in Canada, France, and the United States"" | de Beer J.L., van Soolingen D. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(5):1832 |
Reply to: Epidemiological study of anti-HPV-16/18 seropositivity and subsequent risk of HPV-16 and -18 infections [Letter to the editor] | Mikolajczyk R.T., Horn J., Damm O., Kaufmann A.M., Kretzschmar M.E. | J Nat Cancer Inst 2012; 104(2):163 |
Residual viral and bacterial contamination of surfaces after cleaning and disinfection | Tuladhar E., Hazeleger W.C., Koopmans M., Zwietering M.H., Beumer R.R., Duizer E. | Appl Environ Microbiol 2012; 78(21):7769-75 |
Resistance mechanisms and drug susceptibility testing of nontuberculous mycobacteria | van Ingen J., Boeree M.J., van Soolingen D., Mouton J.W. | Drug Resist Updat 2012; 15(3):149-61 |
Resistentie en hoofdluisbestrijding via sociale media | Braks M., Hofstee A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(3):89 |
Response to Goodness et al. [Letter to the editor] | Bouva M., Elvers B., Schielen P. | J Med Screen 2012; 19(3):158 |
Response to Tang et al. [Letter to the editor] | Bouva M., Elvers B., Schielen P. | J Med Screen 2012; 19(3):159-60 |
Resurgence of pertussis calls for re-evaluation of pertussis animal models | van der Ark A.A.J., Hozbor D.F., Boog C.J.P., Metz B., van den Dobbelsteen G.P.J.M., van Els C.A.C.M. | Expert Rev Vaccines 2012; 11(9):1121-37 |
Retrospective evaluation of control measures for contacts of patient with Marburg hemorrhagic fever | Timen A., Isken L.D., Willemse P., van den Berkmortel F., Koopmans M.P.G., van Oudheusden D.E.C., Bleeker-Rovers C.P., Brouwer A.E., Grol R.P.T.M., Hulscher M.E.J.L., van Dissel J.T. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(7):1107-14 |
Reusing salad from salad bars - simulating the effects on product loss, microbial safety and product quality | Tromp S.-O., Rijgersberg H., Franz E. | Int J Food Sci Technol 2012; 47(6):1144-50 |
Ring-extended gramicidin S analogs containing cis delta-sugar amino acid turn mimetics with varying ring size | Knijnenburg A.D., Spalburg E., de Neeling A.J., Mars-Groenendijk R.H., Noort D., Grotenbreg G.M., van der Marel G.A., Overkleeft H.S., Overhand M. | Helvetica Chimica Acta 2012; 95(12):2544-61 |
Risico op de rivier: een norovirus-uitbraak op een riviercruiseschip | Cornelissen P.J., Leerssen N.A.M., Tjaden-van der Laan A.J., Ruijs W.L.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(1):7-9 |
Risk based microbiological criteria for Campylobacter in broiler meat in the European Union | Nauta M.J., Sanaa M., Havelaar A.H. | Int J Food Microbiol 2012; 158(3):209-17 |
Risk factors for campylobacteriosis of chicken, ruminant, and environmental origin: a combined case-control and source attribution analysis | Mughini Gras L., Smid J.H., Wagenaar J.A., de Boer A.G., Havelaar A.H., Friesema I.H.M., French N.P., Busani L., van Pelt W. | Plos One 2012; 7(8):e42599 |
Risk factors of Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) seropositivity in veterinary medicine students | de Rooij M.M., Schimmer B., Versteeg B., Schneeberger P., Berends B.R., Heederik D., van der Hoek W., Wouters I.M. | Plos One 2012; 7(2):e32108 |
Risk stratification by residual enzyme activity after newborn screening for medium-chain acyl-CoA dehyrogenase deficiency: data from a cohort study | Touw C.M.L., Smit G.P.A., de Vries M., de Klerk J.B.C., Bosch A.M., Visser G., Mulder M.F., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Elvers B., Niezen-Koning K.E., Wanders R.J.A., Waterham H.R., Reijngoud D.J., Derks T.G.J. | Orphanet J Rare Dis 2012; 7:30 |
Robust reconstruction and analysis of outbreak data: influenza A(H1N1)v transmission in a school-based population | Hens N., Calatayud L., Kurkela S., Tamme T., Wallinga J. | Am J Epidemiol 2012; 176(3):196-203 |
Role of environmental poliovirus surveillance in global polio eradication and beyond | Hovi T., Shulman L.M., van der Avoort H., Deshpande J., Roivainen M., de Gourville E.M. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(1):1-13 |
Salivary immune responses to the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the first 2 years of life | Rodenburg G.D., Sanders E.A.M., van Gils E.J.M., Veenhoven R.H., Zborowski T., van den Dobbelsteen G.P.J.M., Bloem A.C., Berbers G.A.M., Bogaert D. | Plos One 2012; 7(10):e46916 |
Samen werken aan arbeidsgerelateerde zoonosen | van der Giessen J., Overgaauw P. | Tijdschr Diergeneeskd 2012; 137(1):64-5 |
Samenvattingen Transmissiedag 2012. Antibioticaresistentie in vogelvlucht | Fanoy E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(3)75-6 |
Schmallenbergvirus in herkauwers in Nederland: implicaties voor de volksgezondheid | Reusken C., van den Kerkhof H., Koopmans M. | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(1):7-10 |
Science without meritocarcy. Discrimination among European specialists in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology: a questionnaire survey | Tacconelli E., Poljak M., Cacace M., Caiati G., Benzonana N., Nagy E., Kortbeek T. | BMJ Open 2012; 2:e001993 |
SeekTB, a two-stage multiplex real-time-PCR-based method for differentiation of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex | Reddington K., Zumla A., Bates M., van Soolingen D., Niemann S., Barry T., O'Grady J. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(7):2203-6 |
Selection of a phylogenetically informative region of the norovirus genome for outbreak linkage | Verhoef L., K.P. Williams, Kroneman A., Sobral B., van Pelt W., Koopmans M. | Viris Genes 2012; 44(1):8-18 |
Self-reported sick leave and long-term health symptoms of Q-fever patients | Morroy G., Bor H.H.J., Polder J.J., Hautvast J.L.A., van der Hoek W., Schneeberger P.M., Wijkmans C.J. | Eur J Publ Health 2012; 22(6):814-9 |
Self-sampling is appropriate for detection of Staphylococcus aureus: a validation study | van Cleef B.A.G.L., van Rijen M., Ferket M., Kluytmans J.A.J.W. | Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2012; 1(1):34 |
Sequence-based identification and characterization of nosocomial influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infections | Jonges M., Rahamat-Langendoen J.C., Meijer A., Niesters H.G., Koopmans M. | J Hosp Infect 2012; 82(3):187-93 |
Serological cross-sectional studies on salmonella incidence in eight European countries: No correlation with incidence of reported cases | Falkenhorst G., Simonsen J., Ceper T.H., van Pelt W., de Valk H., Sadkowska-Todys M., Zota L., Kuusi M., Jernberg C., Rota M.C., van Duynhoven Y.T.H.P., Teunis P.F.M., Krogfelt K.A., Molbak K. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12(1):523 |
Seroprevalence and risk factors for Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) in dairy goat farmers' households in the Netherlands, 2009-2010 | Schimmer B., Lenferink A., Schneeberger P., Aangenend H., Vellema P., Hautvast J., van Duynhoven Y. | Plos One 2012; 7(7):e42364 |
Seroprevalence and risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in domestic cats in The Netherlands | Opsteegh M., Haveman R., Swart A.N., Mensink-Beerepoot M.E., Hofhuis A., Langelaar M.F., van der Giessen J.W.B. | Prev Vet Med 2012; 104(3-4):317-26 |
Seroprevalence of hepatitis E antibodies and risk profile of HEV (hepatitis E-virus) seropositivity in the Netherlands, 2006-2007 | Verhoef L., Koopmans M., Duizer E., Bakker J., Reimerink J., van Pelt W. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140:1838-47 |
Seroprevalence of seven high-risk HPV types in The Netherlands | Scherpenisse M., Mollers M., Schepp R.M., Boot H.J., de Melker H.E., Meijer C.J.L.M., Berbers G.A.M., van der Klis F.R.M. | Vaccine 2012; 30(47):6686-93 |
Seroprevalentie van 7 kankerverwekkende HPV-typen in Nederland | Scherpenisse M., Mollers M., Schepp R., Boot H., de Melker H., Meijer C., Berbers G., van der Klis F. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):251-8 |
Sexually transmitted penile amoebiasis in Iran: a case series | Abdolrasouli A., de Vries H.J.C., Hemmati Y., Roushan A., Hart J., Waugh M.A. | Sex Transm Infect 2012; 88(8):585-8 |
Shifting priorities in the aftermath of a Q fever epidemic in 2007 to 2009 in the Netherlands: from acute to chronic infection | van der Hoek W., Schneeberger P., Oomen T., Wegdam-Blans M., Dijkstra F., Notermans D., Bijlmer H., Groeneveld K., Wijkmans C., Rietveld A., Kampschreur L., van Duynhoven Y. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(3): pii:20059 |
Shigella als soa | van Zeijl J.H., Hottinga M., Notermans D., Visserman H., Weel J.F. | Seksoa Magazine 2012; |
Should health organizations use Web 2.0 media in times of an infectious disease crisis? An in-depth qualitative study of citizens' information behavior during an EHEC (Enterohemorragische Escherichia coli) outbreak | van Velsen L.S., van Gemert-van Pijnen J.E.W.C., Beaujean D.J.M.A., Wentzel J., van Steenbergen J.E. | J Med Internet Res 2012; 14(6):e1813 |
Small mutations in Bordetella pertussis are associated with selective sweeps | van Gent M., Bart M.J., van der Heide H.G.J., Heuvelman K.J., Mooi F.R. | Plos One 2012; 7(9):e46407 |
Smooth incidence maps give valuable insight into Q fever outbreaks in The Netherlands | van der Hoek W., van de Kassteele J., Bom B., de Bruin A., Dijkstra F., Schimmer B., Vellema P., ter Schegget R., Schneeberger P.M. | Geospat Health 2012; 7(1):127-34 |
Socio-demographic, environmental, lifestyle and psychosocial factors predict self rated health in Irish Travellers, a minority nomadic population | Kelleher C.C., Whelan J., Daly L., Fitzpatrick P. | Health Place 2012; 18(2):330-8 |
Solitary IgM (immuunglobuline M) phase II response has a limited predictive value in the diagnosis of acute Q fever | Raven C.F.H., Hautvast J.L.A., Herremans T., Leenders A.C.A.P., Schneeberger P.M. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(11):1950-4 |
Soluble helminth products suppress clinical signs in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and differentially modulate human dendritic cell activation | Kuijk L.M., Klaver E.J., Kooij G., van der Pol S.M.A., Heijnen P., Bruijns S.C.M., Kringel H., Pinelli E., Kraal G., de Vries H.E., Dijkstra C.D., Bouma G., van Die I. | Mol Immunol 2012; 51(2):210-8 |
Sources of dietary protein and risk of hypertension in a general Dutch population | Altorf-van der Kuil W., Engberink M.F., Geleijnse J.M., Boer J.M.A., Verschuren W.M.M. | Br J Nutr 2012; 108(10):1897-903 |
Spatial Processes in Hydrology" (SPHY). Bodemvocht bepaling ter ondersteuning van analyse Q-koorts transmissie risico" | Terink W., van Leuken J., Droogers P., Swart A., van der Hoek W. | Wageningen: FutureWater, 2012 (Report FutureWater 122) |
Specific serum antibody responses following a Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella spiralis co-infection in swine | Bokken G.C.A.M., van Eerden E., Opsteegh M., Augustijn M., Graat E.A.M., Franssen F.F.J., Görlich K., Buschtöns S., Tenter A.M., van der Giessen J.W.B., Bergwerff A.A., van Knapen F. | Vet Parasitol 2012; 184(2-4):126-32 |
SPF, waarom en hoe? | Boot R. | Biotechniek 2012; 51(1):10-3 |
Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA (meticillinegevoelige S. aureus)) and MRSA (CC398) isolated from post-mortem samples from pigs | van der Wolf P.J., Rothkamp A., Junker K., de Neeling A.J. | Vet Microbiol 2012; 158(1-2):136-41 |
Structural perturbation of diphtheria toxoid upon adsorption to aluminium hydroxide adjuvant | Régnier M., Metz B., Tilstra W., Hendriksen C., Jiskoot W., Norde W., Kersten G. | Vaccine 2012; 30(48):6783-8 |
Successful alternative treatment of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Argentina with a combination of linezolid, moxifloxacin and thioridazine | Abbate E., Vescovo M., Natiello M., Cufré M., Garciá A., Montaner P.G., Ambroggi M., Ritacco V., van Soolingen D. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2012; 67(2):473-7 |
Surveillance van Listeria monocytogenes in Nederland, 2010 | Friesema I.H.M., de Jager C.M., van der Zwaluw W.K., Notermans D.W., van Heerwaarden C.A.M., Heuvelink A.E., van der Ende A., Spanjaard L., van Pelt W. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(1):15-8 |
Surveillance van MRSA in Nederland in 2011 | Haenen A., Pluister G.N., van Luit M., Heck M.E.O.C., de Greeff S., de Neeling A.J. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(7):198-203 |
Systematic review of general burden of disease studies using disability-adjusted life years | Polinder S., Haagsma J.A., Stein C., Havelaar A.H. | Popul Health Metr 2012; 10(1):21 |
Systematic selection of screening participants by risk score in a chlamydia screening programme is feasible and effective | van den Broek I.V.F., Brouwers E.E.H.G., Goetz H.M., van Bergen J.E.A.M., Op de Coul E.L.M., Fennema J.S.A., Koekenbier R.H., Pars L.L., van Ravesteijn S.M., Hoebe C.J.P.A. | Sex Transm Infect 2012; 88(3):205-11 |
T-cell responses before and after the fifth consecutive acellular pertussis vaccination in 4-year-old Dutch children | Schure R-M., Hendrikx L.H., de Rond L.G.H., Oztürk K., Sanders E.A.M., Berbers G.A.M., Buisman A.M. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2012; 19(11):1879-86 |
Technology transfer in human vaccinology: a retrospective review on public sector contributions in a privatizing science field | Hendriks J. | Vaccine 2012; 30(44):6230-40 |
Teken in Nederland | Gassner F., Schoelitsz B. | Dierplagen Info 2012; (3):24-5 |
Temporal trends in Bordetella pertussis populations, Denmark, 1949-2010 | Petersen R.F., Dalby T., Dragsted D.M., Mooi F., Lambertsen L. | Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18(5):767-74 |
The 2007-2010 Q fever epidemic in the Netherlands: characteristics of notified acute Q fever patients and the association with dairy goat farming | Dijkstra F., van der Hoek W., Wijers N., Schimmer B., Rietveld A., Wijkmans C.J., Vellema P., Schneeberger P.M. | FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 2012; 64(1):3-12 |
The 2007-2010 Q fever epidemic in the Netherlands: risk factors and risk groups | van der Hoek W. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2012 |
The added effect of thioridazine in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis | Amaral L., Udwadia Z., Abbate E., van Soolingen D. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012; 16(12):1706-12 |
The application of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or an immunofluorescent assay test leads to different estimates of seroprevalence of Coxiella burnetii in the population | Blaauw G.J., Notermans D.W., Schimmer B., Meekelenkamp J., Reimerink J.H.J., Teunis P., Schneeberger P.M. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(1):36-41 |
The bone marrow functions as the central site of proliferation for long-lived NK cells | van Helden M.J.G., de Graaf N., Boog C.J.P., Topham D.J., Zaiss D.M.W., Sijts A.J.A.M. | J Immunol 2012; 189(5):2333-7 |
The burden of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) in the Netherlands | Wielders C.C., van Lier E.A., van 't Klooster T.M., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., van den Wijngaard C.C., Haagsma J.A., Donker G.A., Meijer A., van der Hoek W., Lugner A.K., Kretzschmar M.E., van der Sande M.A. | Eur J Public Health 2012; 22(1):150-7 |
The burden of infectious intestinal disease (IID) in the community: a survey of self-reported IID in the Netherlands | Doorduyn Y., van Pelt W., Havelaar A.H. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(7):1185-92 |
The dynamics of digital dermatitis in populations of dairy cattle: model-based estimates of transition rates and implications for control | Döpfer D., Holzbauer M., van Boven M. | Vet J 2012; 193(3):648-53 |
The effect of hepatitis C treatment and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection on the disease burden of hepatitis C among injecting drug users in Amsterdam | Matser A., Urbanus A., Geskus R., Kretzschmar M., Xiridou M., Buster M., Coutinho R., Prins M. | Addiction 2012; 107(3):614-23 |
The first locally acquired human infection of Echinococcus multilocularis in The Netherlands | van Dommelen L., Stoot J.H.M.B., Cappendijk V.C., Abdul Hamid M.A., Stelma F.F., Kortbeek L.M., van der Giessen J.W.B., Oude Lashof A.M.L. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(5):1818-20 |
The impact of demographic change on the estimated future burden of infectious diseases: examples from hepatitis B and seasonal influenza in the Netherlands | McDonald S.A., van Lier A., Plass D., Kretzschmar M.E.E. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12(1):1046 |
The impact of temperature on the inactivation of enteric viruses in food and water: a review | Bertrand I., Schijven J.F., Sanchez G., Wyn-Jones P., Ottoson J., Morin T., Muscillo M., Verani M., Nasser A., de Roda Husman A.M., Myrmel M., Sellwood J., Cook N., Gantzer C. | J Appl Microbiol 2012; 112(6):1059-74 |
The KIzSS (Kinderdagverblijven Infectieziekten Surveillance Systeem) network, a sentinel surveillance system for infectious diseases in day care centers: Study protocol | Enserink R., Noel H., Friesema I.H.M., de Jager C.M., Kooistra-Smid A.M.D., Kortbeek L.M., Duizer E., van der Sande M.A.B., Smit H.A., van Pelt W. | BMC Infect Dis 2012; 12:259 |
The lifetime of UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase is controlled by a distinct endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) regulated by sigma-1 receptor chaperones | Hayashi T., Hayashi E., Fujimoto M., Sprong H., Su T.-P. | J Biol Chem 2012; 287(51):43156-69 |
The neutrophil-lymphocyte count ratio in patients with community-acquired pneumonia | de Jager C.P.C., Wever P.C., Gemen E.F.A., Kusters R., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., van der Poll T., Laheij R.J.F. | Plos One 2012; 7(10):e46561 |
The protective effects of temporary immunity under imposed infection pressure | Swart A.N., Tomasi M., Kretzschmar M., Havelaar A.H., Diekmann O. | Epidemics 2012; 4(1):43-7 |
The role of international travel in the worldwide spread of multiresistant Enterobacteriaceae | van der Bij A.K., Pitout J.D.D. | J Antimicrob Chemother 2012; 67(9):2090-100 |
The transcriptional heat shock response of Salmonella Typhimurium shows hysteresis and heated cells show increased resistance to heat and acid stress | Pin C., Hansen T., Munoz-Cuevas M., de Jonge R., Rosenkrantz J.T., Lofstrom C., Aarts H., Olsen J.E. | Plos One 2012; 7(12):e51196 |
The unmet need in the elderly: how immunosenescence, CMV infection, co-morbidities and frailty are a challenge for the development of more effective influenza vaccines | McElhaney J.E., Zhou X., Talbot H.K., Soethout E., Bleackley R.C., Granville D.J., Pawelec G. | Vaccine 2012; 30(12):2060-7 |
The use of typing methods and infection prevention measures to control a bullous impetigo outbreak on a neonatal ward | Koningstein M., Groen L., Geraats-Peters K., Lutgens S., Rietveld A., Jira P., Kluytmans J., de Greeff S.C., Hermans M., Schneeberger P.M. | Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2012; 1(1):37 |
The value of testing multiple anatomic sites for gonorrhoea and chlamydia in sexually transmitted infection centres in the Netherlands, 2006-2010 | Koedijk F.D.H., van Bergen J.E.A.M., Dukers-Muijrers N.H.T.M., van Leeuwen A.P., Hoebe C.J.P.A., van der Sande M.A.B. | Int J STD & AIDS 2012; 23(9):626-31 |
Thermal stability of structurally different viruses with proven or potential relevance to food safety | Tuladhar E., Bouwknegt M., Zwietering M.H., Koopmans M.P.G., Duizer E. | J Appl Microbiol 2012; 112(50):1050-7 |
Thuisisolatie tijdens de nieuwe influenza A (H1N1)-pandemie: bij twijfel toch doen? | Krom A.., Rump B., Verweij M.F., Bosschart M., Woonink F., Kessler C.J., van Steenbergen J.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(2):42-4 |
Toename van het aantal soaconsulten en percentage positieve testen in 2011 | Trienekens S.C.M., Koedijk F.D.H., Vriend H.J., van den Broek I.V.F., Op de Coul E.L.M., van der Sande M.A.B. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(9):316-8 |
Toward rubella elimination in Europe: an epidemiological assessment | Muscat M., Zimmerman L., Bacci S., Bang H., Glismann S., Molbak K., Reef S., de Melker H., Hahne S., The EUVAC.Net group | Vaccine 2012; 30(11):1999-2007 |
Towards tailored vaccine delivery: needs, challenges and perspectives | Amorij J.P., Kersten G.F.A., Saluja V., Tonnis W.F., Hinrichs W.L.J., Slütter B., Bal (Besluit activiteiten leefomgeving) S.M., Bouwstra J.A., Huckriede A., Jiskoot W. | J Control Release 2012; 161(2):363-76 |
Toxocara infection and its association with allergic manifestations | Pinelli E., Aranzamendi C. | Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2012; 12(1):33-44 |
Transfer of an adherent Vero cell culture method between two different rocking motion type bioreactors with respect to cell growth and metabolic rates | Thomassen Y.E., van der Welle J., van Eikenhorst G., van der Pol L.A., Bakker W.A.M. | Process Biochem 2012; 47(2):288-96 |
Transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis through sexual partnerships: a comparison between three individual-based models and empirical data | Althaus C.L., Turner K.M..E., Schmid B.V., Heijne J.C.M., Kretzschmar M., Low N. | J R Soc Interface 2012; 9(66):136-46 |
Transmission of tuberculosis within family-households | Augustynowicz-Kopec E., Jagielski T., Kozi'nska M., Kremer K., van Soolingen D., Bielecki J., Zwolska Z. | J Infect 2012; 64(6):596-608 |
Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in smoking prevalence, consumption, initiation, and cessation between 2001 and 2008 in the Netherlands. Findings from a national population survey | Nagelhout G.E., de Korte-de Boer D., Kunst A.E., van der Meer R.M., de Vries H., van Gelder B.M., Willemsen M.C. | BMC Public Health 2012; 12(1):303 |
Trichinella spiralis-secreted products modulate DC functionality and expand regulatory T cells in vitro | Aranzamendi C., Fransen F., Langelaar M., Franssen F., van der Ley P., van Putten J.P.M., Rutten V., Pinelli E. | Parasite Immunol 2012; 34(4):210-23 |
Trichobilharzia | Horak P., Schets F.M., Kolarova L., Brant S.V. | In: Liu D, ed. Molecular detection of human parasitic pathogens. CRC (Chemical Review Committee) Press, 2012 |
Tuberculose in Nederland 2011 | Slump E., Erkens C.G.M., van Hunen R., van Rest J.F., Schimmel H.J., van Soolingen D. | Den Haag: KNCV (Koninklijke Nederlandse Centrale Vereniging (voor tuberculosebestrijding) - Tuberculosis Foundation) Tuberculosefonds, 2012 |
Tuberculosis is still a major challenge in Africa | Cadmus S.I.B., Tayeb O.E., van Soolingen D. | In: Cardona PJ ed. Understanding tuberculosis. Global experiences and innovative approaches to the diagnosis. InTech, 2012;chapter 3 |
Tuberculosis seasonality in the Netherlands differs between natives and non-natives: a role for vitamin D deficiency? | Korthals Altes H., Kremer K., Erkens C., van Soolingen D., Wallinga J. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012; 16(5):639-44 |
Turning the tide together | Op de Coul E., Zuilhof W. | Seksoa 2012; |
Two-component cluster analysis of a large serodiagnostic database for specificity of increases of IgG antibodies against pertussis toxin in paired serum samples and of absolute values in single serum samples | de Greeff S.C., Teunis P., de Melker H.E., Mooi F.R., Notermans D.W., Elvers B., Schellekens J.F.P. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2012; 19(5):1452-6 |
Type-specific human papillomavirus infections among young heterosexual male and female STI (Sexually transmitted infection) clinic attendees | Vriend H.J., Boot H.J., van der Sande M.A.B. | Sex Transm Dis 2012; 39(1):72-8 |
Uitbreiding aantal prikken per vaccinatieconsult: mening van ouders en professionals | Kaaijk P., Kleijne D.E., Rots N.Y. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(8):265-7 |
Unbiased selective isolation of protein N-terminal peptides from complex proteome samples using phospho tagging (PTAG) and TiO2-based depletion | Mommen G.P.M., van de Waterbeemd B., Mering H.D., Kersten G., Heck A.J.R., de Jong A.P.J.M. | Mol Cell Proteomics 2012; 11(9):832-42 |
Unravelling transmission trees of infectious diseases by combining genetic and epidemiological data | Ypma R.J.F., Bataille A.M.A., Stegeman A., Koch G., Wallinga J., van Ballegooijen W.M. | Proc Biol Sci 2012; 279(1728):444-50 |
Unrecognized norovirus infections in health care institutions and their clinical impact | Beersma M.F.C., Sukhrie F.H.A., Bogerman J., Verhoef L., de Melo M.M., Vonk A.G., Koopmans M. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(9):3040-5 |
Utility of the first few100 approach during the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in the Netherlands | van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., van der Sande M.A.B., Meijer A., Friesema I.H.M., Donker G.A., Reimerink J., Robert-Du Ry van Beest Holle M., Prins J.M., Isken L., Schellevis F.G., van der Lubben M.I.M. | Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2012; 1(1):30 |
Utility of the first few100 approach during the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in the Netherlands | van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., van der Sande M.A.B., Meijer A., Friesema I.H.M., Donker G.A., Reimerink J., Robert-Du Ry van Beest Holle M., Prins J.M., Isken L., Schellevis F.G., van der Lubben M.I.M. | Antimicrob Res Infect Control 2012; 1(1):30 |
Vaccine allocation in a declining epidemic | Goldstein E., Wallinga J., Lipsitch M. | J R Soc Interface 2012; 9(76):2798-803 |
Validation of pncA gene sequencing in combination with the mycobacterial growth indicator tube method to test susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to pyrazinamide | Simons S.O., van Ingen J., van der Laan T., Mulder A., Dekhuijzen P.N.R., Boeree M.J., van Soolingen D. | J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(2):428-34 |
Van bladerlaag tot tekenbeet | Gassner F., Montizaan M., Nijhof A. | Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij 2012; 31(Cahier 1):9-13 |
Veilig werken aan betere kwaliteit. Laboratoriumdiagnostiek van Tuberculose in de praktijk | Mulder B., Bowles E., van Gerven P., Kampert E., Vlaspolder F., de Vries G., Wisselink H., van der Zanden A., van Soolingen D. | Rapport Werkgroep TB-diagnostiek. NVMM/CIB, 2012. |
Vergelijking van de inter-laboratorium variatie van de serologie voor de ziekte van Lyme in Nederland door middel van een rondzending | Herremans T., van Burgel N.D., Brandenburg A.H., Meijer B., Verduyn Lunel F., Nabuurs-Franssen M., | Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20(3):105-10 |
Via risicoprofielen naar preventie op maat: teken en de ziekte van Lyme | van Velsen L.S., Beaujean D.J.M.A., van Gemert-van Pijnen J.E.W.C., van Steenbergen J.E. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(9):306-11 |
Virucidal efficacy of hydrogen peroxide vapour disinfection | Tuladhar E., Terpstra P., Koopmans M., Duizer E. | J Hosp Infect 2012; 80(2):110-5 |
Virus hazards from food, water and other contaminated environments | Rodriguez-Lazaro D., Cook N., Ruggeri F.M., Sellwood J., Nasser A., Nascimento M.S.J., D'Agostino M., Santos R., Saiz J.C., Rzezukta A., Bosch A., Girones R., Carducci A., Muscillo M., de Roda Husman A.M., Hernandez M., van der Poel W.H.M. | FEMS Microbiol Rev 2012; 36(4):786-814 |
Visits on 'lamb-viewing days' at a sheep farm open to the public was a risk factor for Q fever in 2009 | Whelan J., Schimmer B., de Bruin A., Robert-Du Ry van Beest Holle M., van der Hoek W., ter Schegget R. | Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(5):858-64 |
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Voorkómen van ernstige infecties bij patiënten met hypo- of asplenie | Lammers A.J.J., van der Maas N.A.T., Peters E.J.G., Meerveld-Eggink A., Sanders E.A.M., Kroon F.P. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 156(44):A4857 |
Weg met oddsratio's: risicoratio's in cohortonderzoek en gerandomiseerd gecontroleerd onderzoek | Knol M.J. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 156(28):A4775 |
Wellness centres: an important but overlooked source of Legionnaires' disease. Eight years of source investigation in the Netherlands, 1 August 2002 to 1 August 2010 | Euser S.M., Bruin J.P., van der Hoek W., Schop W.A., den Boer J.W. | Eurosurveillance 2012; 17(8): pii:20097 |
Werken aan zoönosen | van der Giessen J., Overgaauw P. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(2):53-4 |
West-Nijl-viruspoliomyelitis na vakantie in Egypte | Kropman E., Bakker L.J., de Sonnaville J.J.J., Koopmans M.P.G., Raaphorst J., Carpay J.A. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012; 155(35):A4333 |
Who participates in the Dutch chlamydia screening? A study on demographic and behavioral correlates of participation and positivity | Op de Coul E.L.M., Goetz H.M., van Bergen J.E.A.M., Fennema J.S.A., Hoebe C.J.P.A., Koekenbier R.H., Pars L.L., van Ravesteijn S.M., van der Sande M.A.B., van den Broek I.V.F. | Sex Transm Dis 2012; 39(2):97-103 |
WHO (World Health Organization)-Toolkit handhygiene My 5 moments vertaald en aangepast voor verpleeghuizen | Haenen A. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(6):171 |
Why did patients with cardiovascular disease in the Netherlands accept Q fever vaccination? | Bults M., Beaujean D.J.M.A., Wijkmans C.J., Timen A., Richardus J.H., Voeten H.A.C.M. | Vaccine 2012; 30(23):3369-75 |
Wie consulteerde in 2010 de LCI en waarover? | van der Kraaij-Dirkzwager M.M., Heimeriks C.T., Swaan C.M. | Infectieziekten Bulletin 2012; 23(2):55-8 |
Ziekmakende zoonosen | Heimeriks K. | Tijdschr Toegepaste Arbowetenschap 2012; (2):47-52 |
Ziekte van Lyme. Nasleep van een tekenbeet | van den Broek P., van Everdingen J., Gassner F., Evenblij M. | Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij 2012; 31(Cahier 1) |