In the past week, the Municipal Health Services (GGDs) reported 36,931 new reports of confirmed COVID infections. This is about the same as in the previous week, when 37,706 new COVID-19 infections were reported (-2%).  The number of people who are or were admitted to hospital due to COVID-19 did decrease slightly, from 1,496 to 1,291. The number of people admitted to intensive care also decreased slightly, from 224 last week to 193 this week.  The healthcare system remains under high pressure due to COVID-19.

The reproduction number for 6 November* has risen compared to a week earlier and is now 1.02 (lower limit: 0.99, upper limit: 1.05). A reproduction number of 1.02 means that 100 people with COVID-19 will collectively infect another 102 people with the virus. An R number of 1 means that the number of new infections remains stable. An R number higher than 1 means that infections are increasing. An R number lower than 1 means that infections are decreasing. The lower the reproduction number, the better.

*The estimates for R from longer than 14 days ago are reliable. An estimated R based on data from less than 14 days ago involves more uncertainties. That is why we always look at the R from 14 days ago.

Age distribution and security regions

The number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 is increasing in the age groups up to 17 years, especially in the age group of 13-17 years. A slight decrease was observed in the other age groups (Figure 1). 16 of the 25 security regions are still in a serious phase of the epidemic, with more than 150 positive test results per 100,000 inhabitants. None of the regions are in a controlled phase with under 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

GGD test lanes and percentage of positive tests

In the week of 16 to 22 November, 265,215* people were tested in the GGD test lanes, over 27,000 more than in the week before. The test results for 251,690 people are known, and 30,303 people tested positive for COVID-19. The percentage of people who tested positive is 12%, a slight decrease compared to the previous week (13.8%). Although the percentage of positive tests has decreased, it is still high.

The time between making an appointment and receiving the test result of a test in the GGD test lanes has been greatly reduced in recent weeks. Someone who telephones via 0800-1202 or makes an appointment online will now receive the results of the coronavirus test somewhere between less than 24 hours up to a maximum of 38 hours.   

** These figures are higher than the number of administered tests published by GGD GHOR on Monday morning, because the records were updated and are more complete on Tuesday morning.

Number of contagious people

The number of contagious people this week has been estimated at 109,000 (with a lower limit of 78,000 and an upper limit of nearly 140,000).

Slow down the virus? Prevent the spread? Follow the basic measures!

It continues to be important to always get tested if you have mild symptoms that could indicate COVID-19 – even if you think it might just be a common cold. To prevent the virus from continuing to spread, it is important for everyone to comply with the measures and the basic rules. Stay at least 1.5 metres from others. Work from home. If you have symptoms, stay home and get tested. Wash your hands frequently, especially when you arrive at home. Sneeze and cough into your elbow. 

Daily figures

RIVM publishes a weekly overview of the number of infections, hospital admissions and ICU admissions, and people who have died from the consequences of COVID-19. Daily figures (which are corrected for later updates in some media, and not in others) may fluctuate dramatically as delayed reports come in, and are therefore less suitable for monitoring the course of the epidemic. RIVM does publish open data every day that is accessible to everyone. From 3 December on, the open data will be updated every afternoon at 3:15 p.m. instead of 2:15 p.m. Daily updates on the open data can also be found on the coronavirus dashboard.

  Last week1 Two weeks ago2
COVID-19 reports by Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs)    
Newly reported COVID-19 infections 36,931 37,706
Number of hospital admissions to nursing wards (Source: NICE) 1291 1496
Number of hospital admissions to Intensive Care (Source: NICE) 193 224
Deaths 422 479
GGD test lanes per calendar week3 week 47 week 46
Total number of tests of which results are known 251,690 226,364
Number of people who tested positive 30,303 31,278
Percentage of positive tests 12% 13,8%

Not all of the reported hospital admissions or deaths occurred within the last 24 hours

¹GGD reports to RIVM between 17 November 10:01 and 24 November 10:00 as published 24 November 2020 in the weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 in the Netherlands.
²GGD reports to RIVM between 10 November 10:01 and 17 November 10:00, as published 17 November 2020 in the weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 in the Netherlands.
³As published on 24 November 2020 in the weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 in the Netherlands. The figures from the GGD test lanes were reported during the past week and current week, and may be updated to include any test results provided later.