Advanced Characterisation Methodologies to assess and predict the Health and Environmental Risks of Advanced Materials
The MACRAMÉ project addresses Advanced Characterisation Methodologies to assess and predict the Health and Environmental Risks of Advanced Materials.
Within MACRAMÉ, five Advanced Materials (products) are selected for sampling and characterisation during the life cycle; three are based on graphene, one on carbon nanotubes and one on nanomedicine. Furthermore, the hazard and risk assessment after inhalation of these samples shall be established. The developed and improved methods and techniques are further advanced for OECD test guidelines and standardisation (CEN/ISO).
MACRAMÉ’s objectives are to:
- Detect, characterise and quantify Advanced Materials during handling and processing along the product life-cycle
- Assess potential impacts on (human) health and the environment in intended or unintended exposure situations in the product value-chain,
- Advance the wide-spread applicability of the developed test and characterisation methods, by demonstrating their effectiveness and efficiency in the context of existing, market-relevant industrial Advanced Materials containing products, and
- Prepare and initiate standardisation, harmonisation and technological & regulatory validation of test- and characterisation methods.
Role of RIVM
RIVM's role within MACRAMÉ is to carry out the hazard and risk assessment after inhalation of the selected Advanced Materials. This will be done using air liquid interface (ALI) models developed and used within previous EU (European Union) projects. In order to advance the best models per OECD test guidelines and standards, there will be an exchange of ALI models. The materials used are obtained from the chemical and medicine domain. RIVM will help promote coordination between these regulatory frameworks in the field of Advanced Materials. We are also responsible for organising a workshop and providing two Deliverables.
The MACRAMÉ Project is aligned with the EU's ambitions to secure the safety and sustainability of new chemicals, materials, products and processes in order to strive for zero pollution and toxic-free environments, as addressed in the EU’s Chemical Strategy for Sustainability, and in the European Green Deal. The project concentrates on methodologies that are applicable to nanomaterials and widens them to Advanced Materials in commercialised products that are aligned with the future-oriented innovation, safety and sustainability considerations of the OECD, the EU, and several of its member states.
Rob Vandebriel is coordinating MACRAMÉ at RIVM.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101092686.