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Press Officers
Journalist can request information through the Press Office. Please contact:
Infectious disease control
Harald Wychgel
+31 (0)88 689 3005
Email: harald.wychgel@rivm.nl
Available every weekday except Monday
Corporate and Environment and Safety
Coen Berends
+31 (0)88 689 4791
Email: coen.berends@rivm.nl
Available every weekday except Friday
Environment and Safety
Marah Michel
088 689 2301
E-mail: marah.michel@rivm.nl
Available every weekday except Wednesday
Health and Healthcare
Jan Brouwer de Koning
+31 (0)88 689 4049
Email: jan.brouwer.de.koning@rivm.nl
Available every weekday except Wednesday
Health and Healthcare
Simon Fousert
088 689 5236
Email: simon.fousert@rivm.nl
Available every weekday except Wednesday
Availability outside office hours
To contact a Press Officer outside office hours, please call +31 (0)88 689 8989 or email persvoorlichting@rivm.nl
Filming and photography
If you wish to film or take photographs on RIVM premises, you must obtain prior permission through one of the Press Officers.