Second Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space

Groundwork for the harmonised implementation of the secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space – the EHDS. 


TEHDAS2 aims to develop  common guidelines and technical specifications to facilitate the access to health data for secondary purposes, such as research, innovation and policymaking. The European Member States and European Commission can use these documents to support the national implementation and development of implementing acts of the forthcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation.  Ultimately, the Joint Action will contribute to more efficient European collaboration on data sharing to benefit the public health in Europe and foster the competitiveness of European researchers and innovators. The project started in May 2024, and will run until December 2026.  


TEHDAS2 is carried out by 29 European countries and coordinated by Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund, that also coordinated the first Joint Action TEHDAS on the development of principles for the crossborder secondary use of health data. Stakeholders across Europe are invited to provide input to the work published by the Joint Action through public consultations and stakeholder forums. Next to input from stakeholders, TEHDAS2 will work in close collaboration with other relevant European projects, such as the HealthData@EU Pilot project

RIVM role

RIVM participates in multiple TEHDAS2 work packages. For one, we co-coordinate work package 6 on access to data, which aims to enhance the common understanding about and the operationalisation of access to electronic health data. This work package will develop guidelines on making personal and non-personal/anonymous health data available, the requirements during the data application, issuing data permits and decisions on data requests, and technical specifications and/or requirements for the so-called Data Access Application Management Systems (DAAMS). In addition, RIVM contributes to the development of a guideline on international and third- country access to health data and a recommendation on informing natural persons about the use of health data through a Citizen Information Point. 

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This project has received funding from the European Union through the European Commission’s EU4Health Programme under Project number 101176773