Publication date 02-05-2017 | 00:00
Modification date 02-11-2018 | 18:54
Title | Authors | Published in: |
A medical-toxicological view of tattooing | Laux P., Tralau T., Tentschert J., Blume A., Dahouk S.A., Baumler W., Janssen P., et al. | Lancet 2016; 387(10016):395-402 |
A method of establishing a transect for biodiversity and ecosystem function monitoring across Europe | Stone D., Blomkvist P., N. Bohse Hendriksen, Bonkowski M., Bracht Jorgensen H., Rutgers M., Steenbergen E., et al. | Appl Soil Ecol 2016; 97:3-11 |
A model to calculate effects of atmospheric deposition on soil acidification, eutrophication and carbon sequestration | Bonten L.T.C., Reinds G.J., Posch M. | Environ Model Software 2016; 79:75-84 |
A multilaboratory toxicological assessment of a panel of 10 engineered nanomaterials to human health-ENPRA project-The highlights, limitations, and current and future challenges | Kermanizadeh A., Gosens I., MacCalman L., Johnston H., Danielsen P.H., Jacobsen N.R., Lenz A.-G., Cassee F.R., | J Toxicol |Environ Health B Crit Rev 2016; 19(1):1-28 |
A novel approach in calculating site-specific aftercare completion criteria for landfills in The Netherlands: Policy developments | Brand E., de Nijs T.C., Dijkstra J.J., Comans R.N. | Waste Manag 2016; 56(16):255-61 |
Air pollution abatement benefits the economy | Maas R., Amann M., Almodovar P., Scavo K., Berton E., Pritula D., Kerr J. | In: Maas R, Grennfelt P, eds. Towards cleaner air. Scientific Assessment Report 2016. EMEP Steering Body and Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2016; Chapter 9 |
Air pollution in perspective: Health risks of air pollution expressed in equivalent numbers of passively smoked cigarettes | van der Zee S.C., Fischer P.H., Hoek G. | Environ Res 2016; 148:475-83 |
Air quality and climate change: two sides of the same coin | Maas R., Astrom S., Almodovar P., Scavo K., Kerr J., Berton E., Pritula D. | In: Maas R, Grennfelt P, eds. Towards cleaner air. Scientific Assessment Report 2016. EMEP Steering Body and Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2016; Chapter 6 |
An integrative test strategy for cancer hazard identification | Luijten M., Olthof E.D., Hakkert B.C., Rorije E., van der Laan J.W., Woutersen R.A., van Benthem J. | Crit Rev Toxicol 2016; 46(7):615-39 |
An update oN nlrp3 inflammasome activation by engineered nanomaterials | Vandebriel R.J., Dekkers S., de Jong W., Cassee F.R. | Curr Bionanotech 2016; 2(1):40-6 |
Assessing non-specific symptoms in epidemiological studies: Development and validation of the Symptoms and Perceptions (SaP) questionnaire | Yzermans J., Baliatsas C., van Dulmen S., van Kamp I. | Int J Hyg Environ Health 2016; 219(1):53-65 |
Assessing the reliability of ecotoxicological studies: An overview of current needs and approaches | Moermond C.T.A., Beasley A., Breton R., Junghans M., Laskowski R., Solomon K., Zahner H. | Integr Environ Assess Manag 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Assessment of health risks due to arsenic from iron ore lumps in a beach setting | Swartjes F.A., Janssen P.J.C.M. | Sci Total Environ 2016; 563-564:405-12 |
Assessment of recent developmental immunotoxicity studies with bisphenol A in the context of the 2015 EFSA t-TDI | Hessel E.V.S., Ezendam J., van Broekhuizen F.A., Hakkert B., DeWitt J., Granum B., Guzylack B.L., Lawrence P., Penninks A., Rooney A.A., Piersma A.H., van Loveren H., Rooney | Reprod Toxicol 2016; 65:448-56 |
Atmospheric dispersion modelling of bioaerosols that are pathogenic to humans and livestock | van Leuken J.P.G., Swart A.N., Havelaar A.H., van Pul A., van der Hoek W., Heederik D. | Microbial Risk Analysis 2016; 1:19-39 |
Author's response to: Harmful effects form one puff of shisha-pen vapor: methodological and interpretational problems in the risk assessment analysis"." | Bos P.M., Kienhuis A.S., Talhout R. | Tob Induc Dis 2016; 14;21 |
Benzo(a)pyrene in Europe: Ambient air concentrations, population exposure and health effects | Guerreiro C.B.B., Horalek J., de Leeuw F., Couvidat F. | Environ Pollut 2016; 214:657-67 |
Benzo(a)pyrene in Europe: Ambient air concentrations, population exposure and health effects | Guerreiro C.B.B., Horalek J., de Leeuw F., Couvidat F. | Environ Pollut 2016; 14:657-67 |
Biodegradation of brominated and organophosphorus flame retardants | Waaijers S.L., Parsons J.R. | Curr Opin Biotechnol 2016; 38:14-23 |
Biology-inspired microphysiological system approaches to solve the prediction dilemma of substance testing | Marx U., Andersson T.B., Bahinski A., Beilmann M., Beken S., Cassee F.R., Cirit M., Daneshian M., de Jong W., Vandebriel R., Rodenburg M.., | ALTEX 2016 ; 33(3):272-321 |
Bodemdegradatie in levenscyclusanalyse (LCA). Een ruimtelijke indicator voor fosforuitputting op wereldschaal | Hollander A., Zijp M., van Wijnen H. | Bodem 2016; 26(1) |
Can a pre-assessment help us to properly manage controversial risks of chemicals? A discussion on potential improvement of the REACH restriction process | Devilee J., Verhoeven J., Beekman M., Knol A.B. | J Risk Res 2016; 19(8):1063-70 |
Can dispersion modeling of air pollution be improved by land-use regression? An example from Stockholm, Sweden | Korek M., Johansson C., Svensson N., Lind T., Beelen R., Hoek G., Pershagen G., Bellander T. | J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Can the direct peptide reactivity assay be used for the identification of respiratory sensitization potential of chemicals? | Dik S., Rorije E., Schwillens P., van Loveren H., Ezendam J. | Tox Sci 2016; 153(2):361-71 |
Children's respiratory health and oxidative potential of PM2.5: the PIAMA birth cohort study | Yang A., Janssen N.A., Brunekreef B., Cassee F.R., Hoek G., Gehring U. | Occup Environ Med 2016 ; 73(3):154-60 |
Citizen Science for public health | den Broeder L., Devilee J., van Oers H., Schuit A.J., Wagemakers A. | Health Promot Int 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Citizen science on a smartphone: Participants' motivations and learning | Land-Zandstra A.M., Devilee J.L.A., Snik F., Buurmeijer F., van den Broek J.M. | Public Underst Sci 2016; 25(1):45-60 |
Citizen sensing for improved urban environmental monitoring | Jiang Q., Kresin F., Bregt A.K., Kooistra L., Pareschi E., van Putten E., Volten H., Wesseling J. | J Sensors 2016; 2016:5656245 |
Climate change effects on airborne pathogenic bioaerosol concentrations: a scenario analysis | van Leuken J.P.G., Swart A.N., Droogers P., van Pul A., Heederik D., Havelaar A.H. | Aerobiologia 2016 ; 32(4):607-17 |
Clinically defined non-specific symptoms in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations: A retrospective before-after study | Baliatsas C., van Kamp I., Bolte J., Kelfkens G., van Dijk C., Spreeuwenberg P., Hooiveld M., Lebret E., Yzermans J. | Sci Total Environ 2016; 565:714-20 |
Comparing the effect of a leaflet and a movie in preventing tick bites and Lyme disease in The Netherlands | Beaujean D.J.M.A., Crutzen R., Gassner F., Ameling C., Wong A., van Steenbergen J.E., Ruwaard D. | BMC Public Health 2016; 16(1):495 |
CRED: Criteria for reporting and evaluating ecotoxicity data | Moermond C.T.A., Kase R., Korkaric M., Agerstrand M. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2016; 35(5):1297-309 |
Critical elements for human health risk assessment of less than lifetime exposures | Geraets L., Nijkamp M.M., ter Burg W. | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2016 ; 81:362-71 |
Derivation of water quality standards for carbamazepine, metoprolol and metformin and comparison with monitoring data | Moermond C.T.A., Smit C.E. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2016; 35(4):882-888 |
Determining the fluxes of ions (Pb2+, Cu2+ and Cd2+) at the root surface of wetland plants using the scanning ion-selective electrode technique | Li L-Z., Yu S.-Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Luo Y.M. | Plant Soil 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Development and application of the SSD approach in scientific case studies for Ecological Risk Assessment | del Signore A., Hendriks A.J., Lenders H.J., Leuven R.S., Breure A.M. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2016; 35(9):2149-2161 |
Development of an urban green space indicator and the public health rationale | Annerstedt van den Bosch M., Mudu P., Uscila V., Barrdahl M., Kulinkina A., Staatsen B., Swart W., Kruize H., Zurlyte I., Egorov A. | Scand J Public Health 2016; 44(2):159-67 |
Development of nanostructure-activity relationships assisting the nanomaterial hazard categorization for risk assessment and regulatory decision-making | Chen G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Kovalishyn V., Vijver M.G. | RSC Advances 2016; 6(57):52227-35 |
Do car-mounted mobile measurements used for radio-frequency spectrum regulation have an application for exposure assessments in epidemiological studies? | Bolte J.F.B., Maslanyj M., Addison D., Mee T., Kamer J., Colussi L. | Environ Int 2016; 96:75-83 |
Dose metrics assessment for differently shaped and sized metal-based nanoparticles | Hua J., Vijver M.G., Chen G., Richardson M.K., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. | Environ Toxicol Chem 2016; 35(10):2466-73 |
Dosimetry and toxicology of nano-sized particles and fibres | Cassee F.R., Kreyling W., Aitken R., Poland C. | In: Viana M, ed. Indoor and outdoor nanoparticles. Berlin: Springer, 2016:1-18 (Handbook of environmental chemistry 48) |
Eco-epidemiology of aquatic ecosystems: Separating chemicals from multiple stressors | Posthuma L., Dyer S.D., de Zwart D., Kapo K., Holmes C.M., Burton G.A. | Sci total Environ 2016; 573:1303-19 |
Ecological network analysis reveals the inter-connection between soil biodiversity and ecosystem function as affected by land use across Europe | Creamer R.E., Hannula S.E., van Leeuwen J.P., Stone D., Rutgers M., Schmelz R.M., | Appl Soil Ecol 2016; 97:112-24 |
Effect of industrial dust on precipitation chemistry in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) from 1850 to 2013 | Kopacek J., Hejzlar J., Kram P., Oulehle F., Posch M. | Water Res 2016; 103:30-7 |
Effects of budget constraints on conservation network design for biodiversity and ecosystem services | Remme R.P., Schroeter M. | Ecol Complex 2016 ; 26:45-56 |
Effects of climate change and land management on soil organic carbon dynamics and carbon leaching in northwestern Europe | Stergiadi M., van der Perk M., de Nijs T.C.M., Bierkens M.F.P. | Biogeosci 2016; 13(5):1519-36 |
Elektromagnetische velden in arbeidssituaties | Stam R., Bolte J.F.B., Pruppers M.J.M. | Den Haag: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, 2016 |
Emergency preparedness for long lasting releases - Overview and conclusions | Gering F., Gerich B., Arnold K., Peltonen T., Duranova T., Bujan A., Duran J., Bohun L., Montero M., Trueba C., Puijker L., Twenhöfel C., de Vries H. | Radioprotection 2016; 51(HS2):S63-5 |
Empirical analysis of BMD metrics in genetic toxicology part I: in vitro analyses to provide robust potency rankings and support MOA determinations | Wills J.W., Johnson G.E., Doak S.H., Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Slob W., White P.A. | Mutagenesis 2016; 31(3):255-63 |
Environmental and public health tracking to advance knowledge for planetary health | Behbod B., Lauriola P., Leonardi G., Crabbe H., Close R., Staatsen B., Knudsen E., de Hoogh K.., Medina S., Semenza J.C., Fletcher T. | Eur J Public Health 2016;26(6):900 |
Evaluating the combined toxicity of Cu and ZnO nanoparticles: utility of the concept of additivity and a nested experimental design | Liu Y., Baas J., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G. | Environ Sci Technol 2016; 50(10):5326-37 |
Evaluation of exposure scenarios on intentional microbiological contamination in a drinking water distribution network | Schijven J., Foret J.M., Chardon J., Teunis P., Bouwknegt M., Tangena B. | Water Res 2016; 96:148-54 |
Fate assessment of engineered nanoparticles in solids dominated media - Current insights and the way forward | Peijnenburg W., Praetorius A., Scott-Fordsman J., Cornelis G. | Environ Pollut 2016; 218:1365-9 |
Fate of nano- and microplastic in freshwater systems: A modeling study | Besseling E., Quik J.T.K., Sun M., Koelmans A.A. | Environ Pollut 2017; 220:540-8 |
Frameworks and tools for risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials | Hristozov D., Gottardo S., Semenzin E., Oomen A., Bos P., Peijnenburg W., van Tongeren M., | Environ Int 2016; 95:36-53 |
Future needs and recommendations in the development of species sensitivity distributions: Estimating toxicity thresholds for aquatic ecological communities and assessing impacts of chemical exposures | Belanger S., Barron M., Craig P., Dyer S., Galay-Burgos M., Hamer M., Marshall S., Posthuma L., Raimondo S., Whitehouse P. | Integr Environ Assess Manag 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Ground-based assessment of the bias and long-term stability of 14 limb and occultation ozone profile data records | Hubert D., Lambert J.-C., Verhoelst T., Granville J., Keppens A., Baray J.-L., Bourassa A.E., Cortesi U., Degenstein D.A., Froidevaux L., Swart D.P.J., | Atmos Meas Tech 2016; 9(6):2497-534 |
Grouping nanomaterials to predict their potential to induce pulmonary inflammation | Braakhuis H.M., Oomen A.G., Cassee F.R. | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2016 ; 299:3-7 |
Health effects from low-frequency noise and infrasound in the general population: Is it time to listen? A systematic review of observational studies | Baliatsas C., van Kamp I., van Poll R., Yzermans J. | Sci Total Environ 2016; 557-558:163-9 |
How should the completeness and quality of curated nanomaterial data be evaluated? | Marchese Robinson R.L., Lynch I., Peijnenburg W., Rumble J., Klaessig F., Marquardt C., Rauscher H., | Nanoscale 2016; 8(19):9919-43 |
How stratospheric are deep stratospheric intrusions? LUAMI 2008 | Trickl T., Vogelmann H., Fix A., Schäfler A., Wirth M., Calpini B., Levrat G., Romanens G., Apituley A., | Atmos Chem Phys 2016; 16(14):8791-815 |
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Emissions in China: An Inventory for 2005-2013 and Projections to 2050 | Fang X., Velders G.J.M., Ravishankara A.R., Molina M.J., Hu J., Prinn R.G. | Environ Sci Technol 2016; 50(4):2027-34 |
Identification of PM10 characteristics involved in cellular responses in human bronchial epithelial cells (Beas-2B) | van den Heuvel R., den Hond E., Govarts E., Colles A., Koppen G., Staelens J., Mampaey M., Janssen N., Schoeters G. | Environ Res 2016; 149:48-56 |
Identification of the appropriate dose metric for pulmonary inflammation of silver nanoparticles in an inhalation toxicity study | Braakhuis H.M., Cassee F.R., Fokkens P.H.B., de la Fonteyne L.J.J., Oomen A.G., Krystek P., de Jong W., van Loveren H., Park M.V.D.Z. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 10(1):63-73 |
In vitro genotoxicity testing: Significance and use in environmental monitoring | De Aragao Umbuzeiro G., Heringa M., Zeiger E. | Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
In vitro neurotoxic hazard characterisation of dinitrophenolic herbicides | Heusinkveld H.J., van Vliet A.C., Nijssen P.C.G., Westerink R.H.S. | Toxicol Lett 2016; 252-62-9 |
Ingredients for a Dutch radon action plan, based on a national survey in more than 2500 dwellings | Smetsers R.C.G.M., Blaauboer R.O., Dekkers S.A.J. | J Environ Radioact 2016; 165:93-102 |
International regulatory needs for development of an IATA for non-genotoxic carcinogenic chemical substances | Jacobs M.N., Colacci A., Louekari K., Luijten M., Hakkert B.C., Paparella M., Vasseur P. | ALTEX 2016; 33(4):359-92 |
International standards on food and environmental radioactivity measurement for radiological protection: status amd -perspectives | Calmer D., Ameon R., Bombard A., Brun S., Byrde F., Chen J., Duda J.-M., Forte M., Fournier M., Kwakman P., | Rasiat Prot Dosimetry 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Interpretation of fish biomarker data for identification, classification, risk assessment and testing of endocrine disrupting chemicals | Dang Z. | Environ Int 2016; 92-93:422-41 |
Joint association of long-term exposure to both O3 and NO2 with children's respiratory health | Janssen N.A., Hoek G., Fischer P.H., Wijga A.H., Koppelman G., de Jongste J.J., Brunekreef B., Gehring U. | Epidemiology 2016; 28(1):e7-9 |
Lessons learnt on biases and uncertainties in personal exposure measurement surveys of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields with exposimeters | Bolte J.F.B. | Environ Int 2016; 94(1):724-35 |
Lidar measurements of industrial benzene emissions | Berkhout A.J.C., van der Hoff G.R., Gast L.F.L. | EPJ web of Conf 2016; 119:26005 |
Mapping earthworm communities in Europe | Rutgers M., Orgiazzi A., Gardi C, Rombke J., Jansch S., Keith A.M., Neilson R., Mulder C., Bogte J.J., van Wijnen H.J., Schouten A.J., de Zwart D., | Appl Soil Ecol 2016; 97:98-111 |
Maternal exposure to diluted diesel engine exhaust alters placental function and induces intergenerational effects in rabbits | Valentino S.A., Tarrade A., Aioun J., Mourier E., Richard C., Dahirel M., Rousseau-Ralliard D., Fokkens P.H., Cassee F.R., | Part Fibre Toxicol 2016; 13(1):39 |
Microdosimetric measurements of a tissue-equivalent proportion counter based on a gas electron multiplier down to 140 nm simulated site sizes | Farahmand M., de Nardo L. | Radiat Prot Dosim 2016; 171(3):304-12 |
Modeling lung carcinogenesis in radon-exposed miner cohorts: accounting for missing information on smoking | van Dillen T., Dekkers F., Bijwaard H., Brüske I., Wichmann H.E., Kreuzer M., Grosche B. | Risk Anal 2016; 36(5):954-76 |
Modeling nanomaterial fate and uptake in the environment: Current knowledge and future trends | Baalousha M., Cornelis G., Kuhlbusch T.A.J., Lynch I., Nickel C., Peijnenburg W., van den Brink N.W. | Environ Sci Nano 2016; 3(2):323-45 |
Modelling impacts of forest bioenergy use on ecosystem sustainability: Lammi LTER region, southern Finland | Forsius M., Akujárvi A., Mattsson T., Holmberg M., Punttila P., Posch M., Liski J., Repo A., Virkkala R., Vihervaara P. | Ecol Indicators 2016; 65:66-75 |
Monitoring soil bacteria with community-level physiological profiles using Biolog ECO-plates in the Netherlands and Europe | Rutgers M., Wouterse A, Drost S.M., Breure A.M., Mulder A., Stone D., Creamer R.E., Winding A., Bloem J. | Appl Soil Ecol 2016; 97:23-35 |
Multimedia environmental fate and speciation of engineered nanoparticles: A probabilistic modeling approach | Meesters J.A.J., Quik J.T.K., Koelmans A.A., Hendriks A.J., van de Meent D. | Env Sci: Nano 2016; 3(4):715-27 |
Nanomaterials vs Ambient Ultrafine Particles: an Opportunity to Exchange Toxicology Knowledge | Stone V., Miller M.R., Clift M.J.D., Elder A., Mills N.L., Moller P., Schins R.P.F., Vogel U., Cassee F.R., | Environ Health Perspect 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Networking our way to better ecosystem service provision | Bohan D.A., Mulder C., Ma A., Landuyt D., Massol F., | Trends Ecol Evol 2016; 31(2):105-15 |
Neurodegenerative and neurological disorders by small inhaled particles | Heusinkveld H.J., Wahle T., Campbell A., Westerink R.H.S., Tran L., Johnston H., Stone V., Cassee F.R., Schins R.P.F. | Neurotoxicology 2016; 56:94-106 |
Nocebo responses to high-voltage power lines: Evidence from a prospective field study | Porsius J.T., Claassen L., Woudenberg F., Smid T., Timmermans D.R.M. | Sci Total Environment 2016; 543 (Pt A):432-8 |
Noise sensitivity: Symptoms, health status, illness behavior and co-occurring environmental sensitivities | Baliatsas C., van Kamp I., Swart W., Hooiveld M., Yzermans J. | Environ Res 2016; 150:8-13 |
On the importance of trait interrelationships for understanding environmental responses of stream macroinvertebrates | Pilière A.F.H., Verberk W.C.E.P., Gräwe M., Breure A.M., Dyer S.D., Posthuma L., de Zwart D., Huijbregts M.A.J., Schipper A.M. | Freshwater Biol 2016; 61:181-94 |
Operation of gas electron multiplier (GEM) with propane gas at low pressure and comparison with tissue-equivalent gas mixtures | de Nardo L., Farahmand M. | Nucl Instruments Methods Physics Res A 2016; 819:154-62 |
Oral intake of added titanium dioxide and its nanofraction from food products, food supplements and toothpaste by the Dutch population | Rompelberg C., Heringa M.B., van Donkersgoed G., Drijvers J., Roos A., Westenbrink S., Peters R., van Bemmel G., Brand W., Oomen A.G. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 0(10):1404-14 |
Organ burden and pulmonary toxicity of nano-sized copper (II) oxide particles after short-term inhalation exposure | Gosens I., Cassee F.R., Zanella M., Manodori L., Brunelli A., Costa A.L., Bokkers B.G.H., de Jong W., Brown D., Hristozov D., Stone V. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 10(8):1084-95 |
Overview of the PREPARE WP3: Management of contaminated goods in post-accidental situation - Synthesis of European stakeholders' panels | Charon S., Lafage S., van Asselt E., Baptista M., van Bourgondiën M., Brandhoff P., Cabianca T., Camps J., Cessac B., Crouail P, Durand V., Twenhöfel C., | Radioprotection 2016; 51(HS2):S83-91 |
Pollution and oral bioaccessibility of Pb in soils of villages and cities with a long habitation history | Walraven N., Bakker M., van Os B., Klaver G., Middelburg J.J., Davies G. | Int J Environ Res Public Health 2016; 13(2):221 |
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and biphenyls (PCBs) in home-produced eggs | Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., ten Dam GI., van Bruggen M., Jeurissen S.M.F., van Leeuwen S.P.J., Theelen R.M.C., Zeilmaker M.J. | Chemosphere 2016; 150:311-9 |
Prediction of joint algal toxicity of nano-CeO2/nano-TiO2 and florfenicol: Independent action surpasses concentration addition | Wang Z., Wang S., Peijnenburg W.J. | Chemosphere 2016; 156:8-13 |
Prediction of RF-EMF exposure levels in large outdoor areas through car-mounted measurements on the enveloping roads | Aerts S., Joseph W., Maslaanyi M., Addison D., Mee T., Colussi L., Kamer J., Bolte J. | Environ Int 2016; 34(1):482-8 |
Programmed effects in neurobehavior and antioxidative physiology in Zebrafish embryonically exposed to cadmium: observations and hypothesized adverse outcome pathway framework | Ruiter S., Sippel J., Bouwmeester M.C., Lommelaars T., Beekhof P., Hodemaekers H.M., Bakker F., van den Brandhof E.-J., Pennings J.L.A., van der Ven L.T.M. | Int J Mol Sci 2016; 17(11):1830 |
Proposed criteria for the evaluation of the scientific quality of mandatory rat and mouse feeding trials with whole food/feed derived from genetically modified plants | Schmidt K., Döhring J., Kohl C., Pia M., Kok E.J., Glandorf D.C.M., Custers R., | Arch toxicol 2016; 90(9):2287-91 |
Radiation protection in pediatric radiology: results of a survey among Dutch hospitals | Bijwaard H., Valk D., de Waard-Schalkx I. | Health Phys 2016; 111(4):393-7 |
Regulatory ecotoxicity testing of nanomaterials - proposed modifications of OECD test guidelines based on laboratory experience with silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles | Hund-Rinke K., Baun A., Cupi D., Fernandes T., Handy R., Kinross J.H., Navas J.M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Schlich K., Shaw B.J., Scott-Fordsman J. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 10(10):1442-7 |
Reply to: Derivation of water quality guidelines for priority pharmaceuticals by Kumar A, Batley GE, Nidumolu B, Hutchinson TH [Letter to the editor] | Junghans M., Andres S., Bachmann J., Kase R., Korkaric M., Moermond C., Smit E., Verbruggen E., | Environ Toxicol Chem 2016; 35(10):2392-4 |
Residential exposure to RF-EMF from mobile phone base stations: Model predictions versus personal and home measurements | Martens A.L., Slottje P., Meima M.Y., Timmermans D., Kromhout H., Smid T., Vermeulen R.C. | Sci Total Environ 2016; 550:987-93 |
Review of existing terrestrial bioaccumulation models and terrestrial bioaccumulation modeling needs for organic chemicals | Gobas F.A.P.C., Burkhard L.P., Doucette W.J., Sappington K.G., Verbruggen E.M.J., Hope B.K., Bonnell M.A., Arnot J.A., Tarazona J.V. | Integr Environ Assess Manag 2016; 12(1): 123-134 |
Risk assessment of titanium dioxide nanoparticles via oral exposure, including toxicokinetic considerations | Heringa M.B., Geraets L., van Eijkeren J.C., Vandebriel R.J., de Jong W.H., Oomen A.G. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 29:1-43 |
Scientific opinion on risk assessment of synthetic biology | Epstein M.M., Vermeire T. | Trends Biotechnol 2016; 34(8):601-603 |
Selecting cost effective and policy-relevant biological indicators for European monitoring of soil biodiversity and ecosystem function | Griffiths B.S., Rombke J., Schmelz R.M., Scheffczyk A., Faber J.H., Rutgers M., Mulder C., et al. | Ecol Indicators 2016; 69:213-23 |
Silver nanoparticles, ions, and shape governing soil microbial functional diversity: Nano shapes micro | Zhai Y., Hunting E.R., Wouters M., Peijnenburg W.J., Vijver M.G. | Front Microbiol 2016; 7:1123 |
SimpleBox 4.0: Improving the model while keeping it simple…. | Hollander A., Schoorl M., van de Meent D. | Chemosphere 2016; 148:99-107 |
Size-mediated effects of water-flow velocity on riverine fish species | del Signore A., Lenders H.J.R., Hendriks A.J., Vonk J.A., Mulder C., Leuven R.S.E.W. | River Res Applic 2016 ; 32(3):390-8 |
Smart emission - Building a spatial data infrastructure for an environmental citizen sensor network | Grothe M., Carton L., van den Broecke J., Volten H., Kieboom R. | CEUR Workshop Proceeedings 2016; 1762 |
Societal risk and Urban land use planning: Creating useful pro-Active risk information | Geerts R., Heitink J., Gooijer L., van Vliet A., Scheres R., de Boer D.-J. | Chem Engineer Transact 2016; 48:955-60 |
Solid-phase microextraction to determine micropollutant-macromolecule partition coefficients | Bridle H.L., Heringa M.B., Schaefer A.I. | Nat Protoc 2016; 11(8):1328-44 |
Sources, fates, toxicity, and risks of trifluoroacetic acid and its salts: Relevance to substances regulated under the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols | Solomon K.R., Velders G.J., Wilson S.R., Madronich S., Longstreth J., Aucamp P.J., Bornman J.F. | J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev 2016; 19(7):289-304 |
Spatial variation in nitrogen dioxide concentrations and cardiopulmonary hospital admissions | Dijkema M.B., van Strien R.T., van der Zee S.C., Mallant S.F., Fischer P., Hoek G., Brunekreef B., Gehring U. | Environ Res 2016; 151:721-7 |
Sustainability aspects and nutritional composition of fish: evaluation of wild and cultivated fish species consumed in the Netherlands | Seves S.M., Temme E.H.M., Brosens M.C.C., Zijp M.C., Hoekstra J., Hollander A. | Climatic Change 2016 ; 135(3-4):597-610 |
Ten questions on the soundscapes of the built environment | Kang J., Aletta F., Gjestland T.T., Brown L.A., Botteldooren D., Schulte-Fortkamp B., Lercher P., van Kamp I., Genuit K., | Building Environ 2016; 108:284-94 |
The action spectrum for vitamin D3: initial skin reaction and prolonged exposure | van Dijk A., den Outer P., van Kranen H., Slaper H. | Photochem Photobiol Sci 2016; 15(7):896-909 |
The effect of pesticides on the composition of aquatic macrofauna communities in field ditches | Ieromina O., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Musters C.J.M., Vijver M.G. | Basic Appl Ecol 2016; 17(2):125-33 |
The elusive role of soil quality in nutrient cycling: A review | Schroder J.J., Schulte R.P.O., Creamer R.E., Delgado A., van Leeuwen J., Rutgers M., Spiegel H., Staes J., Toth G., Wall D.P. | Soil Use and Management 2016 ; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
The impact of particle filtration on indoor air quality in a classroom near a highway | van der Zee S.C., Strak M., Dijkema M.B.A., Brunekreef B., Janssen N.A.H. | Indoor Air 2016; 27(2):291-302 |
The use of transcriptomics data in detecting non-genotoxic carcinogens | Schaap M.M. | Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2016. Proefschrift |
The way forward for risk assessment of nanomaterials in solid media | Scott-Fordsmand J.J., Peijnenburg W., Amorim M.J., Landsiedel R., Oorts K. | Environ Pollut 2016 ; 218:1363-4 |
TiO2 nanoparticles reduce the effects of ZnO nanoparticles and Zn ions on zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) | Hua J., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G. | NanoImpact 2016; 2:45-53 |
Towards a nanospecific approach for risk assessment | Dekkers S., Oomen A.G., Bleeker E.A.J., Vandebriel R.J., Micheletti C., Cabellos J., Cassee F.R., Sips A.J.A.M., Wijnhoven S.W.P., | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2016; 80:46-59 |
Towards an effective protection of groundwater resources: Putting policy into practice with the drinking water protection file | van den Brink C., Wuijts S. | Water policy 2016; 18(3):635-53 |
Towards cleaner air. Scientific Assessment Report 2016. EMEP Steering Body and Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution | Maas R., Grennfelt P. | Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2016 |
Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources | Brack W., Dulio V., Agerstrand M., Allan I., Altenburger R., Brinkmann M., Bunke D., Burgess R.M., Cousins I., Escher B.I., Hernandez F.J., Hewitt L.M., Posthuma L., | Sci Total Environ 2016; 576:720-37 |
Towards validation of the NanoDUFLOW nanoparticle fate model for the river Dommel, the Netherlands | de Klein J.J.M., Quik J.T.K., Bauerlein P.S., Koelmans A.A. | Environ Sci Nano 2016; 3(2):434-41 |
Toxicity of copper nanoparticles to Daphnia magna under different exposure conditions | Xiao Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Chen G., Vijver M.G. | Sci Total Environ 20016; 563-564:81-8 |
Tracking SVOCs' transfer from products to indoor air and settled dust with deuterium-labeled substances | Sukiene V., Gerecke A.C., Park Y.-M., Zennegg M., Bakker M.I., Delmaar C.J.E., Hungerbuhler K., von Goetz N. | Environ Sci Technol 2016 ; 50(8):4296-303 |
Trait modality distribution of aquatic macrofauna communities as explained by pesticides and water chemistry | Ieromina O., Musters C.J.M., Bodegom P.M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G. | Ecotoxicology 2016; 25(6):1170-80 |
Trees enhance soil carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in a silvopastoral system in south-western Nicaragua | Hoosbeek M.R., Remme R.P., Rusch G.M. | Agroforest Syst 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Visiting green space is associated with mental health and vitality: A cross-sectional study in four european cities | van den Berg M., van Poppel M., van Kamp I., Andrusaityte S., Balseviciene B., Cirach M., Kruize H., et al. | Health Place 2016; 38:8-15 |
What effect does production have on the availability of fresh water? | Hollander A., Huijbregts M., Zijp M., Verones F. | H2O Water Matters 2016(1) |
Zebrafish embryos as a screen for DNA methylation modifications after compound exposure | Bouwmeester M.C., Ruiter S., Lommelaars T., Sippel J., Hodemaekers H.M., van den Brandhof E.J., Pennings J.L.A., Kamstra J.H., Jelinek J., Issa J.J., Legler J., van der Ven L.T.M. | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2016; 291:84-96 |