Title Authors Published in:
A combination of plasma phospholipid fatty acids and its association with incidence of type 2 diabetes: The EPIC-InterAct case-cohort study. Imamura, F. ; Sharp, S.J. ; Koulman, A. ; Schulze, M. ; Kraeger, J. ; Griffin, J.L. ; Huerta, J.M. ; Guevara, C. ; Sluijs, I. ; Agudo, A. ; Spijkerman, A.M.W. ; et.al.

Plos Med 2017; 14(10):e1002409

Open Access

A comparison between two assays for the redox status in plasma. Jansen, E. ; Beekhof, P. ; Schupp, N. ; Kreutzmann, M. ; Kraus, B.J.

J Anal Bioanal Techn 2017; 8:1

Open Access

A four-domain approach of frailty explored in the Doetinchem Cohort Study. van Oostrom, S.H. ; van der A, D.L. ; Rietman, M.L. ; Picavet, H.S.J. ; Lette, M. ; Verschuren, W.M.M. ; de Bruin, S.R. ; Spijkerman, A.M.W.

BMC Geriatr 2017; 17(1):196

Open Access

A general theory of effect size, and its consequences for defining the benchmark response (BMR) for continuous endpoints Slob, W. Crit Rev Toxicol 2017; 47(4):342-51
A new statistical method to determine the degree of validity of health economic model outcomes against empirical data Ramos, I.C. ; van Voorn, G.A.K. ; Vemer, P. ; Feenstra, T.L. ; Al-Maiwenn, J. Value Health 2017; 20(8):1041-7
A new technique to determine emissions of Burley, Virginia and Oriental tobacco using single puff and puff-by-puff pyrolysis Cheah, N.P. ; Hendrickx, L.P.A. ; Borst, S.E. ; Cremers, J.W.J.M. ; Jansen, E.H.J.M. ; Opperhuizen, A. ; Talhout, R.

J Anal Bioanal Techn 2017; 8:394

Open Access

A novel multiplex poliovirus binding inhibition assay applicable for large serosurveillance and vaccine studies, without the use of live poliovirus. Schepp, R.M. ; Berbers, G.A.M. ; Ferreira, J.A. ; Reimerink, J.H. ; van der Klis, F.R.

J Virol Methods 2017; 241:15-23

Open Access

A probabilistic approach to assess antibiotic resistance development risks in environmental compartments and its application to an intensive aquaculture production scenario. Rico, A. ; Jacobs, R. ; van den Brink, P.J. ; Tello, A. Environ Pollut 2017; 231(1):918-28
A progesterone-brown fat axis is involved in regulating fetal growth McIllvride, S. ; Mushtag, A. ; Papacleovoulou, G. ; Hurling, C. ; Steel, J. ; Jansen, E. ; Abu-Hayyeh, S. ; Williamson, C.

Sci Rep 2017; 7(1):10671

Open Access

A prospective evaluation of plasma phospholipid fatty acids and breast cancer risk in the EPIC study. Chajes, V. ; Assi, N. ; Biessy, C. ; Ferrari, P. ; Rinaldi, S. ; Slimani, N. ; Lenoir, G.M. ; Baglietto, L. ; His, M. ; Boutron-Ruault, M.C. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al. Ann Oncol 2017; 28(11):2836-42
A quantitative comparison of anti-Müllerian hormone measurement and its shifting boundaries between two assays. de Kat, A.C. ; Broekmans, F.J.M. ; van Westing, A.C. ; Lentjes, E. ; Verschuren, W.M.M. ; van der Schouw, Y.T. Maturitas 2017; 101:12-6
A signature of renal stress resistance induced by short-term dietary restriction, fasting, and protein restriction Jongbloed, F. ; Saat, T.C. ; Verweij, M. ; Payan-Gomez, C. ; Hoeijmakers, J.H.J. ; van den Engel, S. ; van Oostrom, C.T. ; Ambagtsheer, G. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; van Steeg, H. ; IJzermans, J.N.M. ; Dolle, M.E.T. ; de Bruin, R.W.F.

Sci Rep 2017; 7:40901

Open Access

A summary index for antimicrobial resistance in food animals in the Netherlands. Havelaar, A.H. ; Graveland, H. ; van de Kassteele, J. ; Zomer, T.P. ; Veldman, K. ; Bouwknegt, M.

BMC Vet Res 2017; 13(1):305

Open Access

A systematic review of financial incentives for physical activity: The effects on physical activity and related outcomes Barte, J.C.M. ; Wendel-Vos, G.C.W.

Behav Med 2017; 43(2):79-90

Open Access

A transcriptomic approach for evaluating the relative potency and mechanism of action of azoles in the rat Whole Embryo Culture. Dimopoulou, M. ; Verhoef, A. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; van Ravenzwaay, B. ; Rietjens, I.M.C.M. ; Piersma, A.H.

Toxicology 2017; 392:96-105

Open Access

Accessibility of standardized information of a national colorectal cancer screening program for low health literate screening invitees: A mixed method study Fransen, M.P. ; Dekker, E. ; Timmermans, D.R.M. ; Uiters, E. ; Essink-Bot, M.L. Patient Educ Couns 2017; 100(2):327-36
Added value of serum hormone measurements in risk prediction models for breast cancer for women not using exogenous hormones: results from the EPIC cohort. Hüsing, A. ; Fortner, R.T. ; Kuhn, T. ; Overvad, K. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Olsen, A. ; Boutron-Ruault, M.C. ; Severi, G. ; Fournier, A. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al. Clin Cancer Res 2017; 23(15):4181-9
Adherence to the WCRF/AICR dietary recommendations for cancer prevention and risk of cancer in elderly from Europe and the United States: a meta-analysis within the CHANCES Project Jankovic, N. ; Geelen, A. ; Winkels, R.M. ; Mwungura, B. ; Fedirko, V. ; Jenab, M. ; Illner, A.K. ; Brenner, H. ; Ordonez-Mena, J.M. ; Kiefte-de Jong, J.C. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2017; 26(1):136-44

Open Access

Advanced toxicological risk assessment by implementation of ontologies operationalized in computational models. Staal, Y.C.M. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; Hessel, E.V.S. ; Piersma, A.H. ; Roggen, E.L. Appl Vitro Toxicol 2017; 3(4)
Adverse effects of levamisole in cocaine users: a review and risk assessment. Brunt, T.M. ; van den Berg, J. ; Pennings, E. ; Venhuis, B. Arch Toxicol 2017; 91(6):2303-13
Age-specific incidence and prevalence of keratoconus: a nationwide registration study Godefrooij, D.A. ; de Wit, G.A. ; Uiterwaal, C.S. ; Imhof, S.M. ; Wisse, R.P.L. Am J Ophthalmol 2017; 175:169-72
Alcohol consumption and risk of urothelial cell bladder cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Botteri, E. ; Ferrari, P. ; Roswall, N. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Hjartaker, A. ; Huerta, J.M. ; Fortner, R.T. ; Trichopoulou, A. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al. Int J Cancer 2017; 141(10):1963-70
Alcoholic beverage preference and diabetes incidence across Europe: the Consortium on Health and Ageing Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES) project. Sluik, D. ; Jankovic, N. ; Hughes, M. ; O'Doherty, M.G. ; Schöttker, B. ; Drygas, W. ; Rolandsson, O. ; Männisto, S. ; Ordonez-Mena, J.M. ; Spijkerman, A.M.W. ; et.al. Eur J Clin Nutr 2017; 71:659-68
An adverse outcome pathway analysis employing DNA methylation effects in arsenic-exposed Zebrafish embryos supports a role of epigenetic events in arsenic-Induced chronic disease van der Ven, L. ; Jelinek, J. ; Hodemaekers, H.M. ; Zwart, E.P. ; Ruiter, S. ; van den Brandhof, E.-J. ; Issa, J.-P. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; Luijten, M. Appl Vitro Toxicol 2017; 3(4):312-24
An adverse outcome pathway for sensitization of the respiratory tract by low-molecular-weight chemicals: building evidence to support the utility of in vitro and in silico methods in a regulatory context. Sullivan, K.M. ; Enoch, S.J. ; Ezendam, J. ; Sewald, K. ; Roggen, E.L. Appl Vitro Toxicol 2017; 3(3)
An exploration of socio-economic and food characteristics of high trans fatty acid consumers in the Dutch and UK national surveys after voluntary product reformulation. Rippin, H.L. ; Hutchinson, J. ; Ocke, M. ; Jewell, J. ; Breda, J.J. ; Cade, J.E.

Food Nutr Res 2017; 61(1):1412793

Open Access

Anti-Müllerian hormone trajectories are associated with cardiovascular disease in women: results from the Doetinchem Cohort Study. de Kat, A.C. ; Verschuren, W.M. ; Eijkemans, M.J.C. ; Broekmans, F.J.M. ; van der Schouw, Y.T.

Circulation 2017; 135(6):556-65

Open Access

Application of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to determine urinary concentrations of five commonly used low-calorie sweeteners: a Novel Biomarker Approach for Assessing Recent Intakes? Logue, C. ; Dowey, L.R.C. ; Strain, J.J. ; Verhagen, H. ; McClean, S. ; Gallagher, A.M. J Agric Food Chem 2017; 65(22):4516-25
Applying 'omics technologies in chemicals risk assessment: Report of an ECETOC workshop. Buesen, R. ; Chorley, B.N. ; da Silva Lima, B. ; Daston, G. ; Deferme, L. ; Ebbels, T. ; Gant, T.W. ; Goetz, A. ; Greally, J. ; Piersma, A.H. ; et.al.

Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2017; 91 (Suppl 1):3-13

Open Access

APROBA-Plus: A probabilistic tool to evaluate and express uncertainty in hazard characterization and exposure assessment of substances. Bokkers, B.G.H. ; Mengelers, M.J. ; Bakker, M.I. ; Chiu, W.A. ; Slob, W. Food Chem Toxicol 2017; 100:408-17
Are more environmentally sustainable diets with less meat and dairy nutritionally adequate? Seves, S.M. ; Verkaik-Kloosterman, J. ; Biesbroek, S. ; Temme, E.H. Public Health Nutr 2017; 20(11):2050-2062
Assessing the inequality of lifetime healthcare expenditures: a nearest neighbour resampling approach Wong, A. ; Boshuizen, H. ; Polder, J. ; Ferreira, J.A. J R Statist Soc A 2017; 180(1):141-60
Assessment of the toxicity of citrinin Graven, C. ; Bokkers, B. ; Geraets, L. ; Ezendam, J. ; Mengelers, M. Bilthoven: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment: Front Office Food and Product Safety, 2017
Association between changes in fat distribution and biomarkers for breast cancer. van Gemert, W.A. ; Monninkhof, E.M. ; May, A.M. ; Elias, S.G. ; van der Palen, J. ; Veldhuis, W. ; Stapper, M. ; Stellato, R.K. ; Schuit, J.A. ; Peeters, P.H. Endocr Relat Cancer 2017; 24(6):297-305
Association between plasma phospholipid saturated fatty acids and metabolic markers of lipid, hepatic, inflammation and glycaemic pathways in eight European countries: a cross-sectional analysis in the EPIC-InterAct study. Zheng, J.-S. ; Sharp, S.J. ; Imamura, F. ; Koulman, A. ; Schulze, M.B. ; Ye, Z. ; Griffin, J. ; Guevara , M. ; Spijkerman, A.M.W. ; et.al.

BMC Med 2017; 15(1):203

Open Access

Associations between lifestyle and air pollution exposure: Potential for confounding in large administrative data cohorts. Strak, M. ; Janssen, N. ; Beelen, R. ; Schmitz, O. ; Karssenberg, D. ; Houthuijs, D. ; van den Brink, C. ; Dijst, M. ; Brunekreef, B. ; Hoek, G.

Environ Res 2017; 156:364-73

Open Access

Associations between lifestyle factors and an unhealthy diet Fransen, H.P. ; Boer, J.M.A. ; Beulens, J.W.J. ; de Wit, G.A. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; Hoekstra, J. ; May, A.M. ; Peeters, P.H.M.

Eur J Public Health 2017; 27(2):274-8

Open Access

Associations between specific redox biomarkers and age in a large European Cohort: The MARK-AGE Project. Weber, D. ; Stuetz, W. ; Toussaint, O. ; Debacq-Chainiaux, F. ; Dollé, M.E.T. ; Jansen, E. ; Gonos, E.S. ; et.al.

Oxid Med Cell Longev 2017; 2017:1401-52

Open Access

Asthma diagnosis in a child and cessation of smoking in the child's home: the PIAMA birth cohort Wijga, A.H. ; Schipper, M. ; Brunekreef, B. ; Koppelman, G.H. ; Gehring, U. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2017; 27(5):521-525
Baseline incidence of intussusception in early childhood before rotavirus vaccine introduction, the Netherlands, January 2008 to December 2012. Gadroen, K. ; Kemmeren, J.M. ; Bruijning-Verhagen, P.C. ; Straus, S.M. ; Weibel, D. ; de Melker, H.E. ; Sturkenboom, M.C.

Euro Surveill 2017; 22(25):pii.30556

Open Access

Biomarkers of folate and vitamin B12 and breast cancer risk: Report from the EPIC cohort Matejcic, M. ; de Batlle, J. ; Ricci, C. ; Biessy, C. ; Perrier, F. ; Huybrechts, I. ; Weiderpass, E. ; Ruault, B.M. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al. Int J Cancer 2017; 140(6):1246-59
Biowaiver monograph for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: amoxicillin trihydrate. Thambavita, D. ; Galappatti, P. ; Mannapperuma, U. ; Jayakody, R.L. ; Cristofoletti, R. ; Abrahamsson, B. ; Groot, D.W. ; Langguth, P. ; Mehta, K.M. ; Parr, A. ; Polli, J.E. ; Shah, V.P. ; Dressman, J. J Pharm Sci 2017; 106(10):2930-45
Biowaiver monographs for Immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Folic acid. Hofsäss, M.A. ; Souza, J. ; Silva-Barcellos, N.M. ; Bellavinha, K.R. ; Abrahamsson, B. ; Cristofoletti, R. ; Groot, D.W. ; Parr, A. ; Langguth, P. ; et.al. J Pharm Sci 2017; 106(12):3421-30
Biowaiver monographs for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms: Enalapril. Verbeeck, R.K. ; Kanferi, I. ; Löbenberg, R. ; Abrahamsson, B. ; Cristofoletti, R. ; Groot, D.W. ; Langguth, P. ; Polli, J.E. ; Parr, A. ; Shah, V.P. ; Mehta, M. ; Dressman, J.B. J Pharm Sci 2017; 106(8):1933-438
Blood metabolic signatures of body mass index: a targeted metabolomics study in the EPIC Cohort. Carayol, M. ; Leitzmann, M. ; Ferrari, P. ; Zamora-Ros, R. ; Achaintre, D. ; Stepien, M. ; Schmidt, J.A. ; Travis, R.C. ; Overvad, K. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al. J Proteome Res 2017; 16(9):3137-46
Body mass index in adolescence may influence the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life Hulsegge, G. Evid Based Nurs 2017; 20(2):50
CDHR3 gene variation and childhood bronchiolitis. Husby, A. ; Pasanen, A. ; Waage, J. ; Sevelsted, A. ; Hodemaekers, H. ; Janssen, R. ; Karjalainen, M.K. ; Stokholm, J. ; Chawes, B.L. ; et.al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; 140(5):1469-71
Changes in LXR signaling influence early-pregnancy lipogenesis and protect against dysregulated fetoplacental lipid homeostasis. Nikolova, V. ; Papacleovoulou, G. ; Bellafante, E. ; Borges Manna, L. ; Jansen, E. ; Baron, S. ; Abu-Hayyeh, S. ; Parker, M.G. ; Williamson, C.

Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2017; 313(4):E463-72

Open Access

Characterizing adult sleep behavior over 20 years - the population-based Doetinchem Cohort Study. Zomers, M.L. ; Hulsegge, G. ; van Oostrom, S.H. ; Proper, K.I. ; Verschuren, W.M.M. ; Picavet, H.S.J.

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Open Access

Circulating copper and zinc levels and risk of hepatobiliary cancers in Europeans. Hughes, D.J. ; Stepien, M. ; Hybsier, S. ; Bamia, C. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Overvad, K. ; Affret, A. ; His, M. ; Boutron-Ruault, M.C. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

Br J Cancer 2017; 116(5):688-96

Open Access

Circulating RANKL and RANKL/OPG and breast cancer risk by ER and PR subtype: Results from the EPIC cohort. Sarink, D. ; Schock, H. ; Johnson, T. ; Overvad, K. ; Holm, M. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Boutron-Ruault, M.C. ; His, M. ; Kvaskoff, M. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

Cancer Prev Res 2017; 10(9):525-34

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Coffee drinking and mortality in 10 European countries: a multinational cohort study. Gunter, M.J. ; Murphy, N. ; Cross, A.J. ; Dossus, L. ; Dartois, L. ; Fagherazzi, G. ; Kaaks, R. ; Kühn, T. ; Boeing, H. ; Aleksandrova, K. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Olsen, A. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

Ann Intern Med 2017; 167(4):236-47

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Coffee, tea and melanoma risk: findings from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Caini, S. ; Massala, G. ; Saieva, C. ; Kvaskoff, M. ; Savoye, I. ; Sacerdote, C. ; Hemmingsson, O. ; Hammer Bech, B. ; Overvad, K. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Petersen, K.E. ; Mancini, F.R. ; Boutron-Ruault, M.C. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et al

Int J Cancer 2017; 140(10):2246-55

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Cohort Profile Update: The Doetinchem Cohort Study 1987-2017: lifestyle, health and chronic diseases in a life course and ageing perspective. Picavet, H.S.J. ; Blokstra, A. ; Spijkerman, A.M.W. ; Verschuren, W.M.M.

Int J Epidemiol 2017; 46(6):1751-1751

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Combining traditional dietary assessment methods with novel metabolomics techniques: present efforts by the Food Biomarker Alliance. Brouwer-Brolsma, E.M. ; Brennan, L. ; Drevon, C.A. ; van Kranen, H. ; Manach, C. ; Dragsted, L.O. ; Roche, H.M. ; Andres-Lacueva, C. ; Bakker, S.J.L. ; Bouwman, J. ; Capozzi, F. ; de Saeger, S. ; et.al. Proc Nutr Soc 2017; 76(4):619-27
Community participation in Health Impact Assessment. A scoping review of the literature. den Broeder, L. ; Uiters, E. ; ten Have, W. ; Wagemakers, A. ; Schuit, A.J.

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Comparing BMD-derived genotoxic potency estimations across variants of the transgenic rodent gene mutation assay. Wills, J.W. ; Johnson, G.E. ; Battaion, H.L. ; Slob, W. ; White, P.A.

Environ Mol Mutagen 2017; 58(9):632-43

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Comparing rat and rabbit embryo-fetal developmental toxicity data for 379 pharmaceuticals: on systemic dose and developmental effects Theunissen, P.T. ; Beken, S. ; Beyer, B. ; Breslin, W.J. ; Cappon, G.D. ; Chen, C.L. ; Chiemlewski, G. ; de Schaepdrijver, L. ; Enright, B. ; Foreman, J.E. ; Piersma, A.H. ; et.al.

Crit Rev Toxicol 2017; 47(5):402-14

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Comparison of general obesity and measures of body fat distribution in older adults in relation to cancer risk: meta-analysis of individual participant data of seven prospective cohorts in Europe. Freisling, H. ; Arnold, M. ; Soerjomataram, I. ; O'Doherty, M.G. ; Ordonez-Mena, J.M. ; Bamia, C. ; Kampman, E. ; Leitzmann, M. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

Br J Cancer 2017; 116(11):1486-97

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Computer simulation models of pre-diabetes populations: a systematic review protocol. Leal, J. ; Khursid, W. ; Pagano, E. ; Feenstra, T.

BMJ Open 2017; 7(10):e0114954

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Confidence intervals for the treatment effect on the treated. Ferreira, J.A. J Nonparametric Statistics 2017; 29(3):477-90
Considerations for safe innovation: the case of graphene. Park, M.V.D.Z. ; Bleeker, E.A.J. ; Brand, W. ; Cassee, F.R. ; van Elk, M. ; Gosens, I. ; de Jong, W. ; Meesters, J.A.J. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Quik, J.T.K. ; Vandebriel, R.J. ; Sips, A.J.A.M. ACS Nano 2017; 11(10):9574-93
Consumption of fish is not associated with risk of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study. Zamora-Ros, R. ; Castaneda, J. ; Rinaldi, S. ; Cayssials, V. ; Slimani, N. ; Weiderpass, E. ; Tsilidis, K.K. ; Boutron-Ruault, M.C. ; Overvad, K. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al. J Nutr 2017; 47(7):1366-73
Consumption of whole grains, fruit and vegetables is not associated with indices of renal function in the population-based longitudinal Doetinchem study. Herber-Gast, G.M. ; Boersma, M. ; Verschuren, W.M.M. ; Stehouwer, C.D.A. ; Gansevoort, R.T. ; Bakker, S.J.L. ; Spijkerman, A.M.W.

Br J Nutr 2017; 118(5):375-82

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Cost of Nosocomial Outbreak Caused by NDM-1-Containing Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Netherlands, October 2015-January 2016. Mollers, M. ; Lutgens, S.P. ; Schoffelen, A.F. ; Schneeberger, P.M. ; Suijkerbuijk, A.W.M.

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Cost variation in diabetes care across Dutch care groups Mohnen, S.M. ; Molema, C.C. ; Steenbeek, W. ; van den Berg, M.J. ; de Bruin, S.R. ; Baan, C.A. ; Struijs, J.N.

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Cost-effectiveness analysis of an 18-week exercise programme for patients with breast and colon cancer undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy: the randomised PACT study. May, A.M. ; Bosch, M.J.C. ; Velthuis, M.J. ; van der Wall, E. ; Steins Bisschops, C.N. ; Los, M. ; de Wit, G.A. ; et.al.

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Cost-effectiveness analysis of corneal collagen crosslinking for progressive keratoconus. Godefrooij, D.A. ; Mangen, M.J. ; Chan, E. ; O'Brart, D.P.S. ; Imhof, S.M. ; de Wit, G.A. ; Wisse, R.P.L. Ophthalmology 2017; 124(10):1485-95
Cross-sectional study on factors hampering implementation of measles pre- and postexposure measures in Dutch hospitals during the 2013-2014 measles outbreak. Fievez, L.C.R. ; Wong, A. ; Ruijs, W.L.M. ; Meerstadt-Rombach, F.S. ; Timen, A. Am J Infect Control 2017; 45(7):750-5
De rekening van roken. Polder, J.J. ; van Gils, P.F. ; Kok, L. ; Talhout, R. ; Feenstra, T.L. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2017; 160(0):D833
Decreased, but still sufficient, iodine intake of children and adults in the Netherlands. Verkaik-Kloosterman, J. ; Buurma-Rethans, E.J.M. ; Dekkers, A.L.M. ; van Rossum, C.T.M.

Br J Nutr 2017; 117(7):1020-31

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Defining population health management: a scoping review of the literature Steenkamer, B.M. ; Drewes, H.W. ; Heijink, R. ; Baan, C.A. ; Struijs, J.N. Popul Health Manag 2017; 20(1):74-85
Delta-aanpak water factor bij reductie medicijnresten. Venhuis, B. ; van Elk, B. ; Moermond, C.T.A. Pharm Weekbl 2017; 152(46):14-5
Dementia incidence trend over 1992-2014 in the Netherlands: Analysis of primary care data. van Bussel, E.F. ; Richard, E. ; Arts, D.L. ; Nooyens, A.C. ; Coloma, P.M. ; Waal, M.W. ; van den Akker, M. ; Biermans, M.C.J. ; et.al.

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Determinants of diet and physical activity (DEDIPAC): a summary of findings. Brug, J. ; van der Ploeg, H.P. ; Loyen, A. ; Ahrens W ; Allais, O. ; Andersen, L.F. ; Cardon, G. ; Capranica, L. ; Chastin, S. ; de Bourdeaudhuij, I. ; de Craemer, M. ; van den Berg, M. ; et al.

Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2017; 14(1):150

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Determinants of first-time utilization of long-term care services in the Netherlands: an observational record linkage study. Slobbe, L.C.J. ; Wong, A. ; Verheij, R.A. ; van Oers, H.A.M. ; Polder, J.J.

BMC Health Serv Res 2017; 17(1):626

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Determinants of rotavirus transmission: a lag non-linear time series analysis. van Gaalen, R.D. ; van de Kassteele, J. ; Hahne, S.J.M. ; Bruijning-Verhagen, P. ; Wallinga, J.

Epidemiology 2017; 28(4):503-13

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Development and evaluation of the Dutch Healthy Diet index 2015. Looman, M. ; Feskens, E.J. ; de Rijk, M. ; Meijboom, S. ; Biesbroek, S. ; Temme, E.H. ; de Vries, J. ; Geelen, A. Public Health Nutr 2017; 20(13):2289-99
Development of a pilot service for the electronic infrastructure of METROFOOD-RI. Presser, K.; Zoom, C.; Szymanek, J.; Ocke, M.; Zappa, G. In: 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition. International Measurement Confederation, 2017:95-9
Dietary and lifestyle determinants of acrylamide and glycidamide hemoglobin adducts in non-smoking postmenopausal women from the EPIC cohort Obon-Santacana, M. ; Lujan-Barroso , L. ; Freisling, H. ; Cadeau, C. ; Fagherazzi, C. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et al.

Eur J Nutr 2017 ;56(3):1157-68

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Dietary cumulative acute risk assessment of organophosphorus, carbamates and pyrethroids insecticides for the Brazilian population. Oliveira Jardim, A.N. ; Brito, A.P. ; van Donkersgoed, G. ; Boon, P.E. ; Caldas, E.D. Food Chem Toxicol 2017; 112:108-17
Dietary flavonoid intake and colorectal cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Zamora-Ros, R. ; Barupai, D.K. ; Rothwell, J.A. ; Jenab, M. ; Fedirko, V. ; Romieu, I. ; Aleksandrova, K. ; Overvad, K. ; Kyro, C. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Affret, A. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

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Dietary intake of whole grains and plasma alkylresorcinol concentrations in relation to changes in anthropometry: the Danish diet, cancer and health cohort study. Kyro, C. ; Kristensen, M. ; Jakobsen, M.U. ; Halkjaer, J. ; Landberg, R. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; Christensen, J. ; Romieu, I. ; Tjonneland, A. ; Olsen, A. Eur J Clin Nutr 2017; 71(8):944-952
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DNA methylome analysis identifies accelerated epigenetic ageing associated with postmenopausal breast cancer susceptibility. Ambatipudi, S. ; Horvath, S. ; Perrier, F. ; Cuenin, C. ; Hernandez-Vargas, H. ; le Calvez-Klein , F. ; Durand, G. ; Byrnes , G. ; Ferrari, P. ; Bouaoun, L. ; Dolle, M. ; et.al.

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Does a better adherence to dietary guidelines reduce mortality risk and environmental impact in the Dutch sub-cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition? Biesbroek, S. ; Verschuren, W.M.M. ; Boer, J.M.A. ; van de Kamp, M.E. ; van der Schouw, Y.T. ; Geelen, A. ; Looman, M. ; Temme, E.H.M.

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Does the health impact of exposure to neighbourhood green space differ between population groups? An explorative study in four European cities. Ruijsbroek, A. ; Droomers, M. ; Kruize, H. ; van Kempen, E. ; Gidlow, C.J. ; Hurst, G. ; Andrusaityte, S. ; et.al.

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Embryotoxic and pharmacologic potency ranking of six azoles in the rat whole embryo culture by morphological and transcriptomic analysis. Dimopoulou, M. ; Verhoef, A. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; van Ravenzwaay, B. ; Rietjens, I.M.C.M. ; Piersma, A.H.

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Exposure-response analyses of asbestos and lung cancer subtypes in a pooled analysis of case-control studies. Olsson, A.C. ; Vermeulen, R. ; Schüz, J. ; Kromhout, H. ; Pesch, B. ; Peters, S. ; Behrens, T. ; Portengen, L. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

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Genetic variants related to longer telomere length are associated with increased risk of renal cell carcinoma. Machiela, M.J. ; Hofmann, J.N. ; Carreras-Torres, R. ; Brown, K.M. ; Johansson, M. ; Wang, Z. ; Foll, M. ; Li, P. ; Rothman, N. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al. Eur Urol 2017; 72(5):747-54
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Helicobacter pylori infection, chronic corpus atrophic gastritis and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort: a nested case-control study Huang, J. ; Zagai, U. ; Hallmans, G. ; Nyren, O. ; Engstrand, L. ; Stolzenberg-Solomon, R. ; Duell, E.J. ; Overvad, K. ; Katzke, V.A. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

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Hepcidin levels and gastric cancer risk in the EPIC-EurGast Study. Jakszyn, P. ; Fonseca-Nunes, A. ; Luján-Barroso, L. ; Aranda, N. ; Tous, M. ; Arija, V. ; Cross, A. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; Weiderpass, E. ; Kühn, T. ; Kaaks, R. ; et.al. Int J Cancer 2017; 141(5):945-51
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Increased risk of asthma in overweight children born large for gestational age. Pinto, L.A. ; Guerra, S. ; Anto, J.M. ; Postma, D. ; Koppelman, G.H. ; de Jongste, J.C. ; Gehring, U. ; Smit, H.A. ; Wijga, A. Clin Exp Allergy 2017; 47(8):1050-6
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Interactions between genome-wide significant genetic variants and circulating concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in relation to prostate cancer risk in the National Cancer Institute BPC3. Dimitrakopoulou, V.L. ; Travis, R.C. ; Shui, I.M. ; Mondul, A. ; Albanes, D. ; Virtamo, J. ; Agudo, A. ; Boeing, H. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

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International comparison of experience-based health state values at the population level. Heijink, R. ; Reitmer, P. ; Leidl, R.

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Inventory of surveillance systems assessing dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours in Europe: a DEDIPAC study. Bel-Serrat, S. ; Huybrechts, I. ; Thumann, B.F. ; Hebestreit, A. ; Abuja, P.M. ; de Henauw, S. ; Dubuisson, C. ; Heuer, T. ; Murrin, C.M. ; Lazzeri, G. ; van Rossum, C. ; et.al. Eur J Public Health 2017; 27(4):747-55
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Lifetime secondhand smoke exposure and childhood and adolescent asthma: findings from the PIAMA cohort. Milanzi, E.B. ; Brunekreef, B. ; Koppelman, G.H. ; Wijga, A.H. ; van Rossem, L. ; Vonk, J.M. ; Smit, H.A. ; Gehring, U.

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Linee guida europee 2016 sulla prevenzione delle malattie cardiovascolari nella pratica clinica. Sesta Task Force congiunta della Società Europea di Cardiologia e di altre Società sulla Prevenzione delle Malattie Cardiovascolari nella Pratica Clinica (costituita da rappresentanti di 10 società e da esperti invitati). Redatte con il contributo straordinario dell'Associazione Europea per la Prevenzione e Riabilitazione Cardiovascolare (EACPR). Piepoli, M.F. ; Hoes, A.W. ; Agewall, S. ; Albus, C. ; Brotons, C. ; Catapano, A.L. ; Cooney, M.T. ; Corra, U. ; Verschuren, W.M.M. ; et.al. Giorn Ital Cardiol 2017; 18(7):547-612
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Long-term effects of a weight loss intervention with or without exercise component in postmenopausal women: A randomized trial de Roon, M. ; van Gemert, W.A. ; Peeters, P.H. ; Schuit, A.J. ; Monninkhof, E.M.

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Measured adiposity in relation to head and neck cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition Ward, H.A. ; Wark, P.A. ; Mueller, D.C. ; Steffen, A. ; Johansson, M. ; Norat, T. ; Gunter, M.J. ; Overvad, K. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; et.al.

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Mediterranean diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Molina-Montes, E. ; Sanchez, M.J. ; Buckland, G. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; Weiderpass, E. ; Amiano, P. ; Wark, P.A. ; Kühn, T. ; Katzke, V. ; Huerta, J.M. ; et.al.

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Meta-analysis of pulmonary transcriptomes from differently primed mice identifies molecular signatures to differentiate immune responses following Bordetella pertussis challenge. Raeven, R.H.M. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; van Riet, E. ; Kersten, G.F.A. ; Metz, B.

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Metabolic mediators of the association between adult weight gain and colorectal cancer: Data from the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Aleksandrova, K. ; Schlesinger, S. ; Fedirko, V. ; Jenab, M. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; Freisling, H. ; Romieu, I. ; Pischon, T. ; Kaaks, R. ; Gunter, M.J. ; et.al.

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Metabolic profiling of presymptomatic Huntington's disease sheep reveals novel biomarkers. Skene, D.J. ; Middleton, B. ; Fraser, C.K. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; Kuchel, T.R. ; Rudiger, S.R. ; Bawden, C.S. ; Morton, A.J.

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Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower chronic disease burden expressed in disability-adjusted life years: a prospective cohort study. Beulens, J.W.J. ; Fransen, H.P. ; Struijk, E.A. ; Boer, J.M.A. ; de Wit, G.A. ; Onland-Moret, N.C. ; Hoekstra, J. ; Bueno de Mesquita, H.B. ; Peeters, P.H.M. ; May, A.M.

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Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults. Abarca-Gómez, L. ; Abdeen, Z.A. ; Hamid, Z.A. ; Abu-Rmeiley, N.M. ; Acosta-Cazres , B. ; Acuin, C. ; Adams, R.J. ; Aekplakom, W. ; Afsana, K. ; Aguilar-Salina, C.A. ; Agyemang, C. ; Verschuren, W.M. ; et.al.

Lancet 2017; 390(10113):2627-42

Open Access