Title Authors Published in: Access
A critical review of the factors determining dermal absorption of nanomaterials and available tools for the assessment of dermal absorption - Final report. Marquart, H. ; Park, M.V.D.Z ; Giannakou, C. ; Vandebriel, R.J. ; Wijnhoven, S.W.P. ; Lazarska, K.E. Helsinki: European Chemicals Agency, 2020 (ECHA-20-R-06-EN) Open Access
A framework for grouping and read-across of nanomaterials- supporting innovation and risk assessment. Stone, V. ; Gottardo, S. ; Bleeker, E.A.J. ; Braakhuis, H. ; Dekkers, S. ; Fernandes, T. ; Haase, A. ; Hunt, N. ; Oomen, A.G. ; et.al. Nano Today 2020; 35:100941  
A generic PBTK model implemented in the MCRA platform: Predictive performance and uses in risk assessment of chemicals. Tebby, C. ; van der Voet, H. ; de Sousa, G. ; Rorije, E. ; Kumar, V. ; de Boer, W. ; et.al. Food Chem Toxicol 2020; 142:111440  
A method for comparing the impact on carcinogenicity of tobacco products: a case study on heated tobacco versus cigarettes. Slob, W. ; Soeteman-Hernandez, L.G. ; Bil, W. ; Staal, Y.C.M. ; Stephens, W.E. ; Talhout, R. Risk Anal 2020; 40(7):1355-66 Open Access
A method to assess the relevance of nanomaterial dissolution during reactivity testing. Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Ruggiero, E. ; Boyles, M. ; Murphy, F. ; Stone, V. ; Elam, D.A. ; Werle, K. ; Wohlleben, W. Materials 2020; 13(10):2235 Open Access
A methodological safe-by-design approach for the development of nanomedicines. Schmutz, M. ; Borges, O. ; Jesus, S. ; Borchard, G. ; Perale, G. ; Zinn, M. ; Sips, A.J.A.M. ; Soeteman-Hernandez, L.G. ; Wick, P. ; Som, C. Front Bioengineer Biotechnol 2020; 8:258 Open Access
A retain and refine approach to cumulative risk assessment. Kennedy, M.C. ; Hart, A.D.M. ; Kruisselbrink, J.W. ; van Lenthe, M. ; Boer, W.J. ; van der Voet, H. ; Rorije, E. ; Sprong, C. ; van Klaveren, J. Food Chem Toxicol 2020; 138:111223  
A review of recent advances towards the development of QSAR models for toxicity assessment of ionic liquids. Abramenko, N. ; Kustov, L. ; Metelytsia, L. ; Kovalishyn, V. ; Tetko, I. ; Peijnenburg, W. J Hazard Mater 2020; 384:121429  
A semi-automated workflow for FAIR maturity indicators in the life sciences Ammar,  A. ; Bonaretti,  S. ; Winckers,  L. ; Quik,  J. ; Bakker,  M. ; Maier,  D. ; Lynch,  I. ; van Rijn,  J. ; Willighagen,  E.  Nanomaterials 2020; 10(10):e2068 Open Access
A taste of the new ReCiPe for life cycle assessment: consequences of the updated impact assessment method on food product LCAs. Dekker, E. ; Zijp, M.C. ; van de Kamp, M.E. ; Temme, E.H.M. ; van Zelm, R. Int J Life Cycle Assess Open Access
Accounting for ingrowth of radioactive progeny in dose assessments: generic weighting factors for dose coefficients van Dillen, T. ; van Dijk, A. ; Kloosterman, A. ; Russo, F. ; Mommaert, C J Radiol Prot 2020; 40(1):83-118 Open Access
Advancing global health through environmental and public health tracking. Lauriola, P. ; Crabbe, H. ; Behbod, B. ; Yip, F. ; Medina, S. ; Semenza, J.C. ; Vardoulakis, S. ; Kass, D. ; Zeka, A. ; Khonelidze, I. ; Ashworth, M. ; Staatsen, B. ; et.al. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(6):e1976 Open Access
Advice to the European Commission as regards type and criteria for comprehensive studies to be requested from manufacturers: The opinion of the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental, and Emerging Risks (SCHEER). Talhout, R. ; Duarte-Davidson, R. ; Hoet, P. ; Nair, U. ; Rydzynski, K. ; Vermeire, T. ; Zacharov, S. ; Testai, E. Nicotine Tob Res 2020; 22(5):613-8  
Air quality mitigation in European cities: Status and challenges ahead. Viana, M. ; de Leeuw, F. ; Bartonova, A. ; Castell, N. ; Öztürk, E. ; Gonzalez Ortiz, A. Environ Int 2020; 143:105907 Open Access
Airborne particulate matter from goat farm increases acute allergic airway responses in mice. Liu, D. ; Wagner, J.G. ; Mariman, R. ; Harkema, J.R. ; Gerlofs-Nijland, M.E. ; Pinelli, E. ; Folkerts, G. ; Cassee, F.R. ; Vandebriel, R.J. Inhal Toxicol 2020; 32(6):265-77  
'All chemical substances are harmful.' public appraisal of uncertain risks of food additives and contaminants. Jansen, T. ; Claassen, L. ; van Kamp, I. ; Timmermans, D.R.M. Food Chem Toxicol 2020; 136:110959 Open Access
An across-species comparison of the sensitivity of different organisms to Pb-based perovskites used in solar cells. Wang, G. ; Zhai , Y. ; Zhang, S. ; Diomede, L. ; Bigini, P. ; Romeo, M. ; Cambier, S. ; Vijver, M.G. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; et.al. Sci Total Environ 2020; 708:135134  
An air-liquid interface bronchial epithelial model for realistic, repeated inhalation exposure to airborne particles for toxicity testing. Braakhuis, H.M. ; He, R. ; Vandebriel, R.J. ; Gremmer, E.R. ; Zwart, E. ; Vermeulen, J.P. ; Fokkens, P. ; Boere, J. ; Gosens, I. ; Cassee, F.R. J Vis Exp 2020; (159):e1210 Open Access
Analysis of different preferences for the EU European Union (European Union )'s regulatory options for endocrine disruptor identification criteria using argumentation theory. Clahsen, S.C.S. ; Moss, L. ; van Kamp, I. ; Vermeire, T.G. ; Garssen, B. ; Piersma, A.H. ; Lebret, E. Sci Total Environ 2020; 740:140076 Open Access
Analysis of radiation exposure data from common radiological procedures in Dutch hospitals. Bijwaard, H. ; de Vries, G. ; de Waard-Schalkx, I. ; van Welie, F. ; Haarmans-Jonkman, S. ; Erenstein, H. ; Scheurleer, J. ; Roding, T. ; Middendorp, I.V. ; van der Ploeg, T. Radiography 2020; 26(3):e134-9  
Application of low dosage of copper oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles boosts bacterial and fungal communities in soil.   Liu,  Y. ; Li,  Y. ; Pan,  B. ; Zhang,  X. ; Zhang,  H. ; Steinberg,  C.E.W. ; Qiu,  H. ; Vijver,  M.G. ; Peijnenburg,  W.J.G.M.   Sci Total Environ 2021: 757:143807  
Application of the Natural Capital Model to assess changes in ecosystem services from changes in green infrastructure in Amsterdam Paulin, M.J. ; Remme, R.P. ; de Nijs, T. ; Rutgers, M. ; Koopman, K.R. ; de Knegt, B. ; van der Hoek, D.C.J. ; Breure, A.M. Ecosystem Services 2020; 43:101114 Open Access
Applying an attitude network approach to consumer behaviour towards plastic. Zwicker, M.V. ; Nohlen, H.U. ; Dalege, J. ; Gruter, G.-J.M. ; van Harreveld, F. J Environ Psychol 2020; 69:101433  Open Access
Are technological developments improving the environmental sustainability of photovoltaic electricity? Blanco, C.F. ; Cucurachi, S. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Beames, A. ; Vijver, M.G. Energy Technol 2020; 8(11) Open Access
Assessing human exposure to SVOCs in materials, products, and articles: a modular mechanistic framework. Eichler,  C.M.A. ; Cohen Hubal,  E.A. ; Xu,  Y. ; Cao,  J. ; Bi,  C. ; Weschler,  C.J. ; Salthammer,  T. ; Morrison,  G.C. ; Koivisto,  A.J. ; Delmaar,  C.J.E.; et al. Environ Sci Technol 2021; 55(1):25-43  
Assessing the sustainability of emerging technologies: A probabilistic LCA method applied to advanced photovoltaics. Blanco, C.F. ; Cucurachi, S. ; Guinée, J.B. ; Vijver, M.G. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Trattnig, R. ; Heijungs, R. J Clean Prod 2020; 259:120968  
Assessment of the combined nitrate and nitrite exposure from food and drinking water: application of uncertainty around the nitrate to nitrite conversion factor. van den Brand, A.D. ; Beukers, M. ; Niekerk, M. ; van Donkersgoed, G. ; van der Aa, M. ; van de Ven, B. ; Bulder, A. ; van der Voet, H. ; Sprong, R.C. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess 2020; 37(4):568-82 Open Access
Associations between road traffic noise exposure at home and school and ADHD in school-aged children: The TRAILS study. Zijlema, W.L. ; de Kluizenaar, Y. ; van Kamp, I. ; Hartman, C.A. Eur Child Adolescent Psychiatry 2020; 23(12):1650-60 Open Access
Automated alternating sampling of PM10 and PM2.5 with an online XRF spectrometer Furger, M. ; Rai, P. ; Slowik, J.G. ; Cao, J. ; Visser, S. ; Baltensperger, U. ; Prévôt, A.S.H. Atmospheric Environ X 2020; 5:100065 Open Access
Beleidskaders voor duurzaam beheer landbouwbodems: synergie of niet? Een afweging van bodem-, water- en luchtdoelstellingen. Blokhuis, C. ; Schepens, J. ; van der Wal, A Bodem 2020; (6):37-9  
Bioavailability and phytotoxicity of rare earth metals to Triticum aestivum under various exposure scenarios. Gong,  B. ; He,  E. ; Xia,  B. ; Ying,  R. ; Peijnenburg,  W.J.G.M. ; Liu,  Y. ; Qiu,  H. Ecotoxicol Environ Safe 2020; 205:111346   
Biomonitoring as an underused exposure assessment tool in occupational safety and health context-challenges and way forward. Viegas, S. ; Jeddi, M.Z. ; Hopf, N.B. ; Bessems, J. ; Palmen, N. ; Galea, K.S. ; Jones, K. ; et.al. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(16):e5884 Open Access
Blootstelling aan lasertraling. Brochure   Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, 2020 Open Access
Blue water use and greenhouse gas emission in Dutch diets and its association with health. Vellinga, R. ; Temme, E.H.M. ; van de Kamp, M. ; Toxopeus, I.B. ; van Rossum, C.T.M. ; de Valk, E. ; Hollander, A. Proc Nutr Soc 2020; advance online publication (ahead of print) Open Acces
Building a European exposure science strategy. Fantke, P. ; von Goetz, N. ; Schluter, U. ; Bessems, J. ;  Connolly, A. ;  Dudzina, T. ;  Ahrens, A. ; Bridges, J. ;  Vermeire, T. ; et al. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2020; 30(6):917-24 Open Access
Building biosecurity for synthetic biology. Trump, B.D. ; Galaitsi, S.E. ; Appleton, E. ; Bleijs, D.A. ; Florin, M.-V. ; Gollihar, J.D. ; Hamilton, R.A. ; Kuiken, T. ; Lentzos, F. ; Mampuys, R. ; et.al. Mol Syst Biol 2020; 16(7):e9723 Open Access
Carbon, water and energy fluxes in agricultural systems of Australia and New Zealand. Cleverly, J. ; Vote, C. ; Isaac, P. ; Ewenz, C. ; Harahap, M. ; Beringer, J. ; Campbell, D.I. ; Daly, E. ; Eamus, D. ; He, L. ; Rutledge-Jonker, S. ; et.al., Agricul Forest Meteorol 2020; 287:107934  
Challenges of implementing nano-specific safety and safe-by-design principles in academia Soeteman-Hernandez, L.G. ; Blab, G.A. ; Carattino, A. ; Dekker, F. ; Dekkers, S. ; van der Linden, M. ; van Silfhout, A. ; Noorlander, C.W. NanoImpact 2020; 19:100243 Open Access
Chemical pollution imposes limitations to the ecological status of European surface waters Posthuma,  L. ; Zijp,  M.C. ; de Zwart,  D. ; van de Meent,  D. ; Globevnik,  L. ; Koprivsek,  M. ; Focks,  A. ; van Gils,  J. ; Birk,  S. Sci Rep 2020; 10(1):14825 Open Access
Choosing the best for preventing the worst: A structured analysis of the selection of risk management options in REACH restriction dossiers.   Hilber,  I. ; Gabbert,  S.   Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2020; 118:104809  Open Access
Colonizing microbiota protect zebrafish larvae against silver nanoparticle toxicity. Brinkmann, B.W. ; Koch, B.E.V. ; Spaink, H.P. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Vijver, M.G. Nanotoxicology 2020; 14(6):725-39 Open Access
Community noise: A fundamental ingredient of an environmental health performance indicator (CHERIO). Houthuijs, D. ; van Kempen, E. ; Swart, W. ; van Beek, A. ; de Leeuw, F. ; Dusseldorp, A. ; van Overveld, A. ; van Engelen, J. ; de Gruijter, D. ; Kruize, H. ; Staatsen, B. In: 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Euronoise 2015, Maastricht, 1-3 June 2015, 2020; 245-50 Open Access 
Comparative toxicity of ultrafine particles around a major airport in human bronchial epithelial (Calu-3) cell model at the air-liquid interface. He, R.-W. ; Gerlofs-Nijland, M.E. ; Boere, J. ; Fokkens, P. ; Leseman, D. ; Janssen, N.A.H. ; Cassee, F.R. Toxicol in Vitro 2020; 68:104950 Open Access
Computational material flow analysis for thousands of chemicals of emerging concern in European waters. van Gils, J. ; Posthuma, L. ; Cousins, I.T. ; Brack, W. ; Altenburger, R. ; Baveco, H. ; Focks, A. ; Greskowiak, J. ; et.al. J Hazard Mater 2020; 397:122655 Open Access
CONFIDENCE dissemination meeting: Summary on the scenario-based workshop.    Duranova,  T. ; Bedwell,  P. ; Beresford,  N.A. ; Bleher,  M. ; Gering,  F. ; Geertsema,  G. ; Hamburger,  T. ; Kaiser,  J.C. ; Tomas,  J. ; et.al.,   Radioprotection 2020; 55(HS1):S17-37   Open Access
Confocal measurement of microplastics uptake by plants. Li, L. ; Luo, Y. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Li, R. ; Yang, J. ; Zhou, Q. MethodsX 2020; 7:100750 Open Access
Coupling mixture reference models with DGT-perceived metal flux for deciphering the nonadditive effects of rare earth mixtures to wheat in soils. Gong, B. ; He, E. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Iwasaki, Y. ; van Gestel, C.A.M. ; Cao, X. ; Zhao, L. ; Xu, X. ; Qiu, H. Environ Res 2020; 188:109736  
Culture conditions affect chemical-induced developmental toxicity in vitro: the case of folic acid, methionine and methotrexate in the neural embryonic stem cell test.    de Leeuw,  V.C. ; van Nieuwland,  M. ; Bokkers,  B.G.H. ; Piersma,  A.H.   Altern Lab Animal 2020; 48(4):173-83  
Cyanobacterial blooms contribute to the diversity of antibiotic-resistance genes in aquatic ecosystems.  Zhang,  Q. ; Zhang,  Z. ; Peijnenburg,  W.J.G.M. ; Gillings,  M. ; Yang,  X. ; Chen,  J. ; Penuelas,  J. ; Zhu,  Y.G. ; Zhou,  N.Y. ; Su,  J. ; Qian,  H.   Reeks  Communications Biology 2020; 3(1):737  33277584 Open Access
De circulaire kunststofketen: wat zijn de knelpunten? van Bruggen, A. ; Zonneveld, M. ; Zijp, M. Kunstof Magazine 2020; (mei/juni):42-8  
Decomposition of mixtures of cover crop residues increases microbial functional diversity. Drost, S.M. ; Rutgers, M. ; Wouterse, M. ; de Boer, W. ; Bodelier, P.L.E. Geoderma 2020; 361:114060  
Demand-side food policies for public and planetary health. Temme, E.H.M. ; Vellinga , R.E. ; de Ruiter, H. ; Kugelberg, S. ; van de Kamp, M. ; Milford, A. ; Alessandrini, R. ; Bartolini, F.. ; Sanz-Cobena, A. ; Leip, A. Sustainability 2020; 12(15):5924 Open Access 
Development of a QSAR model to predict hepatic steatosis using freely available machine learning tools. Cotterill, J. ; Price, N. ; Rorije, E. ; Peijnenburg, A. Food Chem Toxicol 2020; 142:111494  
Development of a quantitative structure-activity relationship model for mechanistic interpretation and quantum yield prediction of singlet oxygen generation from dissolved organic matter. Zhao, J. ; Zhou, Y. ; Li, C. ; Xie, Q. ; Chen, J. ; Chen, G. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Zhang, Y. ; Qu, J. Sci Total Environ 2020; 712:136450  
Development of empirical bioavailability models for metals. Brix, K.V. ; DeForest, D.K. ; Tear, L. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Peters, A. ; Middleton, E.T. ; Erickson, R. Environ Toxicol Chem 2020; 39(1):85-100  
Development of Europe-wide models for particle elemental composition using supervised linear regression and random forest.  Chen,  J. ; de Hoogh,  K.. ; Gulliver,  J. ; Hoffmann,  B. ; Hertel,  O. ; Ketzel,  M. ; Weinmayr,  G. ; Bauwelinck,  M. ; van Donkelaar,  A. ; Janssen,  N.A.H. ; et.al. Environ Sci Technol 2020; 54(24):15698-709  
Differences in cytotoxicity of lung epithelial cells exposed to titanium dioxide nanofibers and nanoparticles: comparison of air-liquid interface and submerged cell cultures. Medina-Reyes, E.I. ; Delgado-Buenrostro, N.L. ; Leseman, D.L. ; Déciga-Alcaraz, A. ; He, R.-W. ; Gremmer, E.R. ; Fokkens, P.H.B. ; Flores-Flores, J.O. ; Cassee, F.R. ; Chirino, Y.I. Toxicol in Vitro 2020; 65:104798  
Digital radiography reject analysis: results of a survey among Dutch hospitals. Bijwaard, H. ; de Waard-Schalkx, I. ; Noij, S. Radiol Technol 2020; 91(5):482-4  
Disentanglement of the chemical, physical, and biological processes aids the development of quantitative structure-biodegradation relationships for aerobic wastewater treatment. Nolte, T.M. ; Chen, G. ; van Schayk, C.S. ; Pinto-Gil, K. ; Hendriks, A.J. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Ragas, A.M.J. Sci Total Environ 2020; 708:133863  
Distant regions underpin interregional flows of cultural ecosystem services provided by birds and mammals. Schröter, M. ; Kraemer, R. ; Remme, R.P. ; van Oudenhoven, A.P.E. Ambio 2020; 49(5):1100-13  
Distinguishing mode of action of compounds inducing craniofacial malformations in zebrafish embryos to support dose-response modeling in combined exposures. Heusinkveld, H.J. ; Schoonen, W.G. ; Hodemaekers, H.M. ; Nugraha, A. ; Sirks, J.J. ; Veenma, V. ; Sujan, C. ; Pennings, J.L.A. ; Wackers, P.F. ; Palazzolo, L. ; Eberini, I. ; Rorije, E. ; van der Ven, L.T.M. Reprod Toxicol 2020; 96:114-27  
Do grazing systems and species composition affect root biomass and soil organic matter dynamics in temperate grassland swards? Hoogsteen, M.J.J. ; Bakker, E.J. ; van Eekeren, N. ; Tittonell, P.A. ; Groot, J.C.J. ; van Ittersum, M.K. ; Lantinga, E.A. Sustainability 2020; 12(3):1260 Open Access
Do the joint effects of size, shape and ecocorona influence the attachment and physical eco(cyto)toxicity of nanoparticles to algae? Abolahpur Monikh, F. ; Arenas-Lago, D. ; Porcal, P. ; Grillo, R. ; Zhang, P. ; Guo, Z. ; Vijver, M.G. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. Nanotoxicology 2020; 14(3):310-25  
Duurzame zorg komt dubbel tot zijn recht. Zijp, M. ; Velders, G. ; Waaijers, S. Medisch Contact 2020; 47(november):18-21  
Effect of nitrogen on fungal growth efficiency. di Lonardo, D.P. ; van der Wal, A. ; Harkes, P. ; de Boer, W. Plant Biosystems 2020; 154(4):433-7 Open Access
Effective modeling framework for quantifying the potential impacts of coexisting anions on the toxicity of arsenate, selenite, and vanadate. Ji, J. ; He, E. ; Qiu, H. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; van Gestel, C.A.M. ; Cao, X. Environ Sci Technol 2020; 54(4):2379-88  
Effective uptake of submicrometre plastics by crop plants via a crack-entry mode. Li, L. ; Luo, Y. ; Li, R. ; Zhou, Q. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Yin, N. ; Yang, J. ; Tu, C. ; Zhang, Y. Nature Sustain 2020;  3:929–37  
Effects of Dutch livestock production on human health and the environment. Post, P.M. ; Hogerwerf, L. ; Bokkers, E.A.M. ; Baumann, B. ; Fischer, P. ; Rutledge-Jonker, S. ; Hilderink, H. ; Hollander, A. ; Hoogsteen, M.J.J. ; Liebman, A. ; Mangen, M.J. ; Manuel, H.J. ; Mughini-Gras, L. ; van Poll, R. ; Posthuma, L. ; van Pul, A. ; Rutgers, M. ; Schmitt, H. ; van Steenbergen, J. ; Sterk, H.A.M. ; Verschoor, A. ; de Vries, W. ; Wallace, R.G. ; Wichink Kruit, R. ; Lebret, E. ; de Boer, I.J.M. Sci Total Environ 2020; 737:139702 Open Access
Effects of European emission reductions on air quality in the Netherlands and associated health effects. Velders, G.J.M. ; Maas, R.J.M. ; Geilenkirchen, G.P. ; de Leeuw, F.A.A.M. ; Ligterink, N.E. ; Ruyssenaars, P. ; de Vries, W.J. ; Wesseling, J. Atmosph Environ 2020; 221:117109  
Effects of short-term exposures to ultrafine particles near an airport in healthy subjects. Lammers, A. ; Janssen, N.A.H. ; Boere, A.J.F. ; Berger, M. ; Longo, C. ; Vijverberg, S.J.H. ; Neerincx, A.H. ; Maitland-van der Zee, A.H. ; Cassee, F.R. Environ Int 2020; 141:105779 Open Access
Electromagnetic field exposure in power plants: a qualitative assessment of work safety perceptions among employees. Stege, T.A.M. ; Bolte, J.F.B. ; Claassen, L. ; Timmermans, D.R.M. J Risk Res 2020; 23(12):1650-60 Open Access
Elucidating toxicodynamic differences at the molecular scale between ZnO nanoparticles and ZnCl2 in Enchytraeus crypticus via nontargeted metabolomics. He, E. ; Qiu, R. ; Cao, X. ; Song, L. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Qiu, H. Environ Sci Technol 2020; 54(6):3487-98  
Elucidating toxicodynamic differences at the molecular scale between ZnO nanoparticles and ZnCl2 in Enchytraeus crypticus via nontargeted metabolomics. He, E. ; Qiu, R. ; Cao, X. ; Song, L. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Qiu, H. Environ Sci Technol 2020; 54(6):3487-98  
Embrace experimentation in biosecurity governance. Evans, S.W. ; Beal, J. ; Berger, K. ; Bleijs, D.A. ; Cagnetti, A. ; Ceroni, F. ; Epstein, G.L. ; Garcia-Reyero, N. ; et.al. Science 2020; 368(6487):138-40  
Encouraging and enabling lifestyles and behaviours to simultaneously promote environmental sustainability, health and equity: key policy messages from INHERIT.    Stegeman,  I. ; Godfrey,  A. ; Romeo-Velilla,  M. ; Bell,  R. ; Staatsen,  B. ; van der Vliet,  N. ; Kruize,  H. ; Morris,  G. ; Taylor,  T. ; et.al.,    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(19):e7166  Open Access
Engineered nanoselenium supplemented fish diet: toxicity comparison with ionic selenium and stability against particle dissolution, aggregation and release Monikh, F.A. ; Chupani, L. ; Smerkova, K. ; Bosker, T. ; Cizar, P. ; Krzyzanek, V. ; Richtera, L. ; Franek, R. ; Zuskova, E. ; Skoupy, R. ; Darbha, G.K. ; Vijver, M. ; Valsami-Jones, E. ; Peijnenburg, W. Environmental Science: NanoVolume 2020; 7(8):2325-36  
Environmental impacts of III-V/silicon photovoltaics: life cycle assessment and guidance for sustainable manufacturing.    Blanco,  C.F. ; Cucurachi,  S. ; Dimroth,  F. ; Guinée,  J.B. ; Peijnenburg,  W.J.G.M. ; Vijver,  M.G.  Energy Environ Sci 2020; 13:4280-90   
Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of the application of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the food and feed chain. Quik, J.T.K. ; Meesters, J.A.J. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Brand, W. ; Bleeker, E.A.J. EFSA support Publ 2020; 17(11):1948E Open Access
Environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials in the light of new obligations under the REACH regulation - Which challenges remain and how to approach them? Schwirn, K. ; Voelker, D. ; Galert, W. ; Quik, J. ; Tietjen, L. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2020; 16(5):706-17 Open Access
Erratum: Paolo Lauriola et al., Advancing Global Health through Environmental and Public Health Tracking, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 1976   Lauriola, P. ; Crabbe, H. ; Behbod, B. ; Yip, F. ; Medina, S. ; Semenza, J.C. ; Vardoulakis, S. ; Kass, D. ; Zeka, A. ; Khonelidze, I. ; Ashworth, M. ; Staatsen, B. ; et.al. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(22):8568 Open Access
Evaluation of neurological effects of cerium dioxide nanoparticles doped with different amounts of zirconium following inhalation exposure in mouse models of Alzheimer's and vascular disease. Wahle, T. ; Sofranko, A. ; Dekkers, S. ; Miller, M.R. ; Heusinkveld, H.J. ; Albrecht, C. ; Cassee, F.R. ; Schins, R.P.F. Neurochem Int 2020; 138:104755 Open Access
Evaluation of receptor and chemical transport models for PM10 source apportionment. Belis, C.A. ; Pernigotti, D. ; Pirovano, G. ; Favez, O. ; Jaffrezo, J.-L. ; Kuenen, J. ; Denier van der Gon, H. ; Reizer, M. ; Riffault, V. ; Alleman, L.Y. ; Mooibroek, D. ; et.al. Atmospheric Environ X 2020; 5:100053 Open Access
Evidence relating to environmental noise exposure and annoyance, sleep disturbance, cardio-vascular and metabolic health outcomes in the context of IGCB (N): a scoping review of evidence regarding sources other than transport noise. van Kamp, I. ; Simon, S. ; Notley, H. ; Baliatsas, C. ; van Kempen, E. Proc 2020 Int Congress Noise Control Engineer 2020; Inter Noise Open Access
Evidence relating to environmental noise exposure and annoyance, sleep disturbance, cardio-vascular and metabolic health outcomes in the context of IGCB (N): a scoping review of new evidence. van Kamp, I. ; Simon, S. ; Notley, H. ; Baliatsas, C. ; van Kempen, E. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(9):pii.e3016 Open Access
Ex ante life cycle assessment of GaAs/Si nanowire-based tandem solar cells: a benchmark for industrialization. Pallas, G. ; Vijver, M.G. ; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. ; Guinee, J. Int J Life Cycle Assess 2020; 25:1767–82 Open Access
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