Title Authors Published in:
(Not) doing the right things for the wrong reasons: An investigation of consumer attitudes, perceptions, and willingness to pay for bio-based plastics. MV Zwicker, C Bric, GJM Gruter, F van Harreveld Sustainability 2021; 13(12):6819
3D Omgevingsmodel Geluid landsdekkend beschikbaar via PDOK. J Stoter, R Peters, B Dukai, T Baving, I Reimerink, R van Loon Geo-Info 2021; (2):20-3
3D omgevingsmodel Nederland. R van Loon Geluid 2021; (1):19-21
A global observational analysis to understand changes in air quality during exceptionally low anthropogenic emission conditions. RS Sokhi, V Singh, X Querol, S Finardi, AC Targino, M de Fatima Andrade, R Pavlovic, RM Garland, J Massague, S Kong, A Baklanov, D Mooibroek, et.al. Environ Int 2021; 157:106818 
A human biomonitoring (HBM) Global Registry Framework: Further advancement of HBM research following the FAIR principles. MZ Jeddi, A Virgolino, P Fantke, NB Hopf, KS Galea, S Remy, S Viegas, V Mustieles, MF Fernandez, N von Goetz, T Vermeire, J van Klaveren, et.al. Int J Hyg Environ Heatlth 2021; 238:113826 
A machine learning based modelling framework to predict nitrate leaching from agricultural soils across the netherlands. J Spijker, D Fraters, A Vrijhoef Environ Res Commun 2021; 3(4):045002
A matter of time: Recovery of plant species diversity in wild plant communities at declining nitrogen deposition. F Berendse, RHEM Geerst, WT Elberse, TM Bezemer, PW Goedhard, W Xue, E Noordijk, CJF ter Braak, H Korevaar Diversity Distribut 2021; 27(7):1180-93
A psychological network approach to attitudes and preventive behaviors during pandemics: a COVID-19 study in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. M Chambon, J Dalege, JE Elberse, F van Harreveld Social Psycholog Personal Sci 2021; 13(1) 233–245
A review of bottom-up and top-down emission estimates of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in different parts of the world. H Flerlage, GJM Velders, J de Boer Chemosphere 2021; 283:131208
A review to support the derivation of a worst-case dermal penetration value for nanoparticles .   I Gimeno-Benito, A Giusti, S Dekkers, A Haase, G Janer Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2021; 119;  104836 
A systematic review of in vitro models of drug-induced kidney injury. AR Irivine, D van Berlo, R Shekhani, P Masereeuw Curr Opin Toxicol 2021; 27:18-20
Achieving European water quality ambitions: governance conditions for more effective approaches at the localrRegional scale. S Wuijts, HFMW van Rijswick, PPJ Driessen Sustainability 2021; 13(2):681
Adenine base editing of the DUX4 polyadenylation signal for targeted genetic therapy in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. D Sikrova, VA Cada, rY Ariyurek, JFJ Laros, J Balog, SM van der Maarel Molecular Ther Nucleid Acids 2021; 25:342-54
Adsorption of titanium dioxide nanoparticles onto zebrafish eggs affects colonizing microbiota. BW Brinkmann, WF Beijk, RC Vlieg, SJT van Noort, J Meija, WJGM Peijnenburg, MG Vijver, et al. Aquat Toxicol 2021; 232:105744 
Alteration of dominant cyanobacteria in different bloom periods caused by abiotic factors and species interactions.  Z Zhang, X Fan, WJGM Peijnenburg, M Zhang, L Sun, Y Zhai, Q Yu, J Wu, T Lu, H Qian J Environ Sci 2021; 99:1-9 
Alterations to the urinary metabolome following semi-controlled short exposures to ultrafine particles at a major airport. L Selley, A Lammers, A le Guennec, M Pirhadi, C Sioutas, N Janssen, ,AH Maitland-van der Zee, I Mudway, F Cassee Int J Hyg Environ Health 2021; 237:113803 
An environmental ecocorona influences the formation and evolution of the biological corona on the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes. FA Monikh, L Chupani, I Karkossa, Z Gadrian, D Arenas-Lagoo, M von Bergen, K Schubert, V Piackova, E Zuskova, W Jiskoot, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg NanoImpact 2021; 22:100315
An integrated approach to testing and assessment to support grouping and read-across of nanomaterials after inhalation exposure. HM Braakhuis, F Murphy, L Ma-Hock, S Dekkers, J Keller, AG Oomen, V Stone Appl Vitro Toxicol 2021; 7(3):112-28
Assessing multifunctionality of agricultural soils: Reducing the biodiversity trade-off. C Vazquez, RGM de Goede, M Rutgers, TJ de Koeijer, RA Creamer Eur J Soil Sci 2021; 72(4):1624-39
Assessment of pm2.5 exposure during cycle trips in the netherlands using low-cost sensors. J Wesseling, C Hendricx, H de Ruiter, S van Ratingen, D Drukker, M Huitema, E Tielemans, et al. nt J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(11):6007
Associations between road traffic noise exposure at home and school and ADHD in school-aged children: The TRAILS study. WL Zijlema, Y de Kluizenaar, I van Kamp, CA Hartman Eur Child Adolescent Psychiatry 2021; 30(1):155-67
Atmospheric dispersion and transmission of Legionella from wastewater treatment plants: A 6-year case-control study. LC Vermeulen, PS Brandsema, J van de Kassteele, BCJ Bom, HAM Sterk, FJ Sauter, HHJL van den Berg, AM de Roda Husman Int J Hyg Environ Health 2021; 237:113811 
Biotechnology and biosafety policy at OECD: future trends. PWE Kearns, GA Kleter, HEN Bergmans, HA Kuiper Trends Biotechnol 2021;  39(10):965-9
Bodembiodiversiteit in beeld, bioindicatoren voor boer beleid en burger G Korthal,; M Rutgers Bodem 2021: 31(3):23-5
Cell differentiation in the cardiac embryonic stem cell test (ESTc) is influenced by the oxygen tension in its underlying embryonic stem cell culture RH Mennen, VC de Leeuw, AH Piersma Toxicol in Vitro 2021;77:105247
Characterizing the chemical profile of incidental ultrafine particles for toxicity assessment using an aerosol concentrator. M Viana, A Salmatonidis, S Bezantakos, C Ribalta, N Morena, P Cordoba, FR Cassee, J Boere, et al. Ann Work Expo Health 2021; 65(8):966-978
Chemische stoffen in het grondwater: status vergrijzing in Nederland A Negash, FA Swartjes RIVM: 2021. Kennisimpuls Waterkwaliteit. Stowa rapport 2021-58
Climate variability effects on eutrophication of groundwater, lakes, rivers, and coastal waters in the Netherlands. J Rozemeijer, R Noordhuis, K Ouwerkerk, MD Pires, A Blauw, A Hooijboer, GJ van Oldenborgh Sci Total Environ 2021; 771:145366 
Clinical relevance of rifampicin-moxifloxacin interaction in isoniazid resistant/intolerant tuberculosis patients VB Vogensen, M Bolhuis, MGG Sturkenboom, TS van der Werf, RM Anthony, D van Soolingen, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 66(2):e01829-21
Comparison of associations between mortality and air pollution exposure estimated with a hybrid, a land-use regression and a dispersion model. JO Klompmaker, N Janssen, ZJ Andersen, R Atkinson M Bauwelinck, D Douthuijs, M Marra, M Strak, W Swart, J Wesseling, et al. Environ Int 2021; 146:106306
Compositional and functional responses of bacterial community to titanium dioxide nanoparticles varied with soil heterogeneity and exposure duration. Y Zhai, L Chen, G Liu, L Song, D Arenas-Lago, L Kong, W Peijnenburg, MG Vijver Sci Total Environ 2021; 773:144895
Conceptual model for the evaluation of attractiveness, addictiveness and toxicity of tobacco and related products: The example of JUUL e-cigarettes Y Staal, A Havermans, L van Nierop, W Visser, S Wijnhoven, W Bil, R Talhout Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2021; 127:1050771
Considering ‘non-acoustic factors’ as social and environmental determinants of health equity and environmental justice. Reflections on research and fields of action towards a vision for environmental noise policies N Riedel, I van Kamp RIVM, S Dreger, G Bolte, T Andringa, SR Payne, et al. Transport Res Interdisc Perspect 2021;11:100445
Contribution of pristine and reduced microbial extracellular polymeric substances of different sources to Cu(II) reduction. H Xu, E He, WJGM Peijnenburg, L Song, L Zhao, X Xu, X Cao, H Qiu J Hazard Mat 2021; 415:125616 
Copper accumulation and physiological markers of soybean (Glycine max) grown in agricultural soil amended with copper nanoparticles Y Xiao, J Ma, J Xian, WJGM Peijnenburg, Y Du, D Tian et al. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2021 ;229:113088
Corrigendum to "Effects of extracellular polymeric substances on silver nanoparticle bioaccumulation and toxicity to Triticum aestivum L" QL Fu, CJ Zhong, T Qing, ZY Du, CC Li, JJ Fei, WJGM Peijnenburg Chemosphere 2021; 131718
Dark cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are formed in the epidermis of Fitzpatrick skin types I/II and VI in vivo after exposure to solar simulated radiation. D Fajuygbe, T Douki, A van Dijk, R Sarkany, Young AR Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 2021; 34(3): 575-84
De Ketenverkenner van de Kennismpuls Waterkwaliteit: biociden, microplastics en consumentenproducten C Moermond, J van den Broeke, T ter Laak, I Roessink, E Roex H2O-Online / 31 mei 2021
De Ketenverkenner van de Kennismpuls Waterkwaliteit: biociden, microplastics en consumentenproducten. C Moermond, J van den Broeke, T ter Laak, I Roessink, E Roex, E Smit, J Wezenbeek, M Marinovic, M Faber, S Waaijers H2O Online 2021; (mei)
Detection of radioactivity of unknown origin: Protective actions based on inverse modelling. JM Tomas, V Peereboom, A Kloosterman, A van Dijk J Environ Radioact 2021; 235-236:106643 
Development and usability of educational material about workplace particulate matter exposure. TAM Stege, JFB Bolte, L Claassen, DRM Timmermans BMC Public Health 2021; 21(1):198
Development of a mechanism for the rapid risk assessment of cross-border chemical health threats. C Hague, R Orford, T Gaulton, E Thomas, L Hall, R Duarte-Davidson J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2021; 31: 876–886
Development of a quantitative chemical risk assessment (QCRA) procedure for contaminants of emerging concern in drinking water supply. B Cantoni, L Penserini, D Vries, MML Dingemans, BGH Bokkers, A Turolla, PWMH Smeets, M Antonelli Water Res 2021; 194:116911
Development of a rapid risk and impact assessment tool to enhance response to environmental emergencies in the early stages of a disaster: a tool developed by the European multiple environmental threats emergency NETwork (EMETNET) project. EJ Goode, E Thomas, O Landeg, R Duarte-Davidson, L Hall, J Roelofs, S Schulpen, A de Bruin, et al. Int J Disaster Risk Sci 2021; 12:528–39
Development of a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model simulating chronic copper toxicity to the Zebra mussel based on subcellular fractionation. TT Yen Le, D Grabner, M Nachev, MA Garcia, WJGM Peijnenburg, AJ Hendriks, B Sures Aquat Toxicol 2021; 241:106015
Dissolution dynamics and accumulation of Ag nanoparticles in a microcosm consisting of a soil-lettuce-rhizosphere bacterial community J Wu, Y Zhai, T Bosker, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg ACS Sustain Chem and Engineer 2021; 9(48):16005-16527
Does biological rhythm transmit from plants to rhizosphere microbes? T Lu, Z Zhang, Y LiQ Zhang, H Cui, WJGM Peijnenburg, J Peñuelas, L Zhu, YG Zhu, J Chen, H Qian Environ Microbiol 2021 ; 23(11):6895-6906
Does surrounding greenness moderate the relationship between apparent temperature and physical activity? Findings from the PHENOTYPE project? JY Ho, WL Zijlema, M Triguero-Mas, D Donaire-Gonzalez, A Valentin, J Ballester, H Kruize, et al. Environ Res 2021; 197:110992
Dual-Use Quickscan: A Web-Based Tool to Assess the Dual-Use Potential of Life Science Research IM Vennis, MM Schaap, PAM Hogervorst, A de Bruin, S Schulpen, MA Boot, MWJ van Passel, SA Rutjes, DA Bleijs Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2021;9:797076
Dual-Use Quickscan: A Web-Based Tool to Assess the Dual-Use Potential of Life Science Research IM Vennis, MM Schaap, PAM Hogervorst, A de Bruin, S Schulpen, MA Boot, MWJ van Passel, SA Rutjes, DA Bleijs Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2021;9:797076
Dynamic public perceptions of the coronavirus disease crisis, the netherlands, 2020. M de Vries, L Claassen, MJM te Wierik, S van den Hof, AEM Brabers, JD de Jong, DRM Timmermans, A Timen Emerg Infect Dis 2021; 27(4):1098-109
Dynamic release and transformation of metallic copper colloids in flooded paddy soil: Role of soil reducible sulfate and temperature. H Zu, B Xia, E He, R Qiu, WJGM Peijnenburg, H Qiu, L Zhao, X Xu, X Cao J Hazard Mat 2021; 402:123462
Dynamic release and transformation of metallic copper colloids in flooded paddy soil: Role of soil reducible sulfate and temperature.   H Xu, B Xia, E He, R Qiu, WJGM Peijnenburg, H Qiu, L Zhao, X Xu, X Cao J Hazard Mat 2021; 402:123462 
Effect of UV/chlorine treatment on photophysical and photochemical properties of dissolved organic matter. Y Zhou, F Cheng, D He, YN Zhang, J Qu, X Yang, J Chen, WJGM Peijnenburg Water Res 2021; 192:116857 
Effects of exposure to surrounding green, air pollution and traffic noise with non-accidental and cause-specific mortality in the Dutch national cohort. JO Klompmaker, NAH Janssen, LD Bloemsma, M Marra, E Lebret, U Gehring, G Hoek Environ Health 2021; 20(1):82
Effects of extracellular polymeric substances on silver nanoparticle bioaccumulation and toxicity to Triticum aestivum L. QL Fu, CJ Zhong, T Qing, ZY Du, CC Li, JJ Fei, WJGM Peijnenburg Chemosphere 2021; 280:130863
Effects of humic substances on the aqueous stability of cerium dioxide nanoparticles and their toxicity to aquatic organisms. Q Yu, Z Wang, G Wang, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg Sci Total Environ 2021; 781:146583
Effects of natural organic matter on the joint toxicity and accumulation of Cu nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles in Daphnia magna Q Yu, Z Wang, G Wang, WJGM Peijnenburg, MG Vijver Environ Pollut 2021 ;292(Pt B):118413
Elucidating the effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on the toxicity and accumulation of Cu in soybean plants (Glycine max L.). Y Xiao, Y Du, X Zhang, J Wu, G Yang, Y He, Y Zhou, WJGM Peijnenburg, L Luo Ecotox Environ Saf 2021; 219:112312
Emerging biotechnology and information hazards. AC Nieuwenweg, BD Trump, K Blasa, DA Bleijs, KA Oye In: Emerging threats of synthetic biology and biotechnology, Trump B.D., Florin MV., Perkins E., Linkov I. (eds) , Springer, 2021. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security).
Evaluating chemical similarity as a measure to identify potential substances of very high concern.  PNH Wassenaar, E Rorije, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg Regul Pharmacol Toxicol 2021; 119:104834 
Europe-wide atmospheric radionuclide dispersion by unprecedented wildfires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, April 2020. O Masson, O Romanenko, O Saunier, S Kirieiev, V Protsak, G Laptev, O Voitsekhovytch, V Durand, F Coppin, G Steinhauser, GJ Knetsch, et.al. Environ Sci Technol 2021; 55(20): 13834–13848
Facilitating the decision-making process after a nuclear accident - case studies in the Netherlands and Slovakia. ED van Asselt, CJW Twenhöfel, T Duranova, RCGM Smetsers, J Bohunova, T Müller Integr Environ Assess Manag 2021; 17(2):376-87
FAIRification of nanosafety data to improve applicability of (Q)SAR approaches: A case study on in vitro Comet assay genotoxicity data C Bossa, C Andreoli, M Bakker, F Barone, I De Angelis, N Jeliazkova Comput Toxicol 2021;20:100190
Feasibility of using interspecies relationships for integration of human and environmental hazard assessment. J de Knecht, E Rorije, L Maslankiewicz, ZC Dang Hum Ecol Risk Assess 2021; 27(6):1715-31
Fish toxicity testing for identification of thyroid disrupting chemicals. ZC Dang, M Arena, A Kienzler Environ Pollut 2021;  284:117374
Geographical Variations of the Minimum Mortality Temperature at a Global Scale: A Multicountry Study A Tobías, M Hashizume, Y Honda, F Sera, CF Sheng Ng, Y Kim, D Houthuijs, C Ameling, et al. Environ Epidemiol 2021 Sep 24;5(5):e169
Global, regional and national trends of atmospheric ammonia derived from a decadal (2008-2018) satellite record. M van Damme, L Clarisse, B Franco, M Sutton, JW Erisman, R Wichink Kruit, M van Zanten, et al. Environ Res Lett 2021; 16(5):055017
Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study. Q Zhao, Y Guo, T Ye, A Gasparrini, S Tong, Q Overcenco, A Urban, A Schneider, D Houthuijs, et al. Lancet Planet Health 2021; 5(7):e415-25
Graphene nanoplatelets and reduced graphene oxide elevate the microalgal cytotoxicity of nano-zirconium oxide. Z Wang, F Zhang, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg Chemosphere 2021; 276:130015
Green space, air pollution, traffic noise and saliva cortisol in children: The PIAMA study. LD Bloemsa, AH Wijga, JO Klompmaker, G Hoek, NAH Janssen, M Oldenwening, GH Koppelman, E Lebret, B Brunekreef, U Gehring Environ Epidemiol 2021; 5(2):e141
Groene baten in Dordrecht, voordelen van natuurlijk kapitaal in stedelijk gebied in beeld met de Groene Baten-planner R Koopman, T de Nijs, M Rutgers, E Kelder Bodem 2021: 31(5):19-21
Grouping hypotheses and an integrated approach to testing and assessment of nanomaterials following oral ingestion. L di Cristo, AG Oomen, S.  Dekkers, C.  Moor, eW Rocchia, F Murphy, et al. Nanomaterials 2021; 11(10):2623
Health effects related to wind turbine sound: an update. I van Kamp, F van den Berg Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(17):9133 
Highly time-resolved measurements of element concentrations in PM10 and PM2.5: comparison of Delhi, Beijing, London, and Krakow. Rai P, JG Slowik, M Furger, I el Haddad, S Visser, Y Tong, A Singh, G Wehrle, V Kumar, et al. Atmos Chem Phys 2021; 21:717-30
Household air pollution from, and fuel efficiency of, different coal types following local cooking practices in Xuanwei, China. Y Zhang, K Meliefste, W Hu, J Li, J Xu, B Ning, K Yan, gF Cassee, et.al. Environ Pollut 2021; 290:117949
How to Address Consumers' Concerns and Information Needs about Emerging Chemical and Microbial Contaminants in Drinking Water; The Case of GenX in The Netherlands L Claassen, J Hartmann, S Wuijts Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(20):10615
How to investigate human health effects related to exposure to mixtures of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: A systematic review of statistical methods. I Rosato, MZ Jeddi, C Ledda, E Gallo, C Fletche, rG Pitter, E Batzellaa, C Canova Environ Res 2021;205:112565
Identification and spatial mapping of tracers of PM10 emission sources using a high spatial resolution distributed network in an urban setting. L Massimi, J Wesseling, S van Ratingen, I Javed, MA Frezzini, ML Astolfi, S Canepari, R Vermeulen Atmosph Res 2021; 262:105771
Identification of emerging safety and sustainability issues of advanced materials: Proposal for a systematic approach. WJGM Peijnenburg, A Oomen, LG Soeteman-Hernandez, M Groenewold, AJAM Sips, CW Noorlander, JAB Kettelarij, EAJ Bleeker NanoImpact 2021; 23:100342
Improvements in air quality in the Netherlands during the corona lockdown based on observations and model simulations. GJM Velders, SM Willers, J Wesseling, S van den Elshout, E van der Swaluw, D Mooibroek, S van Ratingen Atmosph Environ 2021; 247:118158
In vitro hazard characterization of simulated aircraft cabin bleed-air contamination in lung models using an air-liquid interface (ALI) exposure system RW He, MMG Houtzager, WP Jongeneel, RHS Westerink, FR Cassee Environ Int 2021; 156:106718
In vitro toxicity of industrially relevant engineered nanoparticles in human alveolar epithelial cells: Air–liquid interface versus submerged cultures MJ Bessa, F Brandao, PHB Fokkens, DLAC Leseman, AJF Boere, FR Cassee, A Salmatonidis, M Viana, A Vulpoi, S Simon, E Monfort, JP Texeira, S Fraga Nanomaterials 2021;11(12):3225 
Inflammatory response in human alveolar epithelial cells after TiO 2 NPs or ZnO NPs exposure: inhibition of surfactant protein A expression as an indicator for loss of lung function. C Jimenez-Chavez, A Solorio-Rodriguez, V Escamilla-Rivera, D Leseman, R Morales-Rubio, M Uribe-Ramirez, L Campos-Villegas, IE Mediza-Ramirez, L Arreola-Mendoza, FR Cassee, A de Vizcaya-Ruiz Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 2021; 81:103654
Issues currently complicating the risk assessment of synthetic amorphous silica (SAS) nanoparticles after oral exposure. W Brand, PCE van Kesteren, RJB Peters, AG Oomen Nanotoxicology 2021; 15(7):905-3
Land use and water quality. B Kronvang, D Fraters, F Wendland MDPI Books, 2021
Landelijk gezondheidsonderzoek bij rampen M Bosmans, E Marra, N Tak, N Jansen, F de Zwart RIVM, M Duckers TSG 2021; online ahead of print
Long term exposure to low level air pollution and mortality in eight European cohorts within the ELAPSE project: pooled analysis. M Strak, G Weinmayr, S Rodopoulou, J Chen, K de Hoogh, ZJ Andersen, R Atkinson, NAH Janssen, et al. BMJ 2021; 374:n1904
Long-term exposure to air pollution and liver cancer incidence in six European cohorts. R So, J Chen, AJ Mehta, M Strak, K Wolf, UA Hvidtfeldt, S Rodopoulou, M Stafoggia, JO Klompmaker, N Janssen, et al. Int J Cancer 2021; 149(11):1887-97
Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and lung cancer incidence in the ELAPSE pooled cohort. UA Hvidfeldt, J Chen, ZJ Andersen, R Atkinson, M Bauwelinck, T Bellander, J Brandt, N Janssen, et a.l. Environ Res 2021; 193:110568
Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and mortality in Europe: Results from six European administrative cohorts within the ELAPSE project S Rodopoulou, M Stafoggia, J Chen, K de Hoogh, M Bauwelinck, JO Klompmaker, et al. Sci Total Environ 2022 ; 809:152205 
Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and natural and cause-specific mortality-a pooled analysis of eight European Cohorts within the ELAPSE Project. J Chen, S Rodopoulou, K de Hoogh, M Strak, ZJ Andersen, R Atkinson, M Bauwelinck, T Bellander, J Brandt, G Cesaroni, NAH Janssen, et al. Environ Health Perspect 2021; 129(4):47009
Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of asthma: the ELAPSE project. S Liu, JT Jorgensen, P Ljungman, G Pershagen, T Bellander, M Strak, et al. Eur Resp J 2021; 57(6):2003099
Long-term exposure to low-level ambient air pollution and incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of six European cohorts within the ELAPSE project. K Wolf, B Hoffmann, ZJ Andersen, RW Atkinso, nM Bauwelinck, T Bellander, J Brandt, B Brunekreef, G Cesaroni, NAH Janssen, JO Klompmaker, et.al. Lancet Planet Health 2021; 5(9):e620-32
Long-term low-level ambient air pollution exposure and risk of lung cancer - A pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts.    UA Hvidfeldt, G Severi, ZJ Andersen, R Atkinson, M Bauwelinck, T Bellander, N Janssen, et al. Environ Int 2021; 146:106249
Method for extraction of nanoscale plastic debris from soil. F Abolahpur Monikf, N Doornhein, S Romeijn, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg Anal Methods 2021; 13(13):1576-83
Mitigation of the effect of drought on growth and yield of pomegranates by foliar spraying of different sizes of selenium nanoparticles. SM Zahedi, MS Hosseini, NDH Moybodi, WJGM Peijnenburg J Sci Food Agric 2021; 101(12):5202-13
Model development for evidence-based prioritisation of policy action on emerging chemical and microbial drinking water risks J Hartmann, JC Chacon-Hurtado, E Verbruggen, J Schijven, E Rorije, S Wuijts, AM de Roda Husman, JP van der Hoek, L Scholten J Environ Manage 2021; 295:112902
Modeling low-dose radiation-induced acute myeloid leukemia in male CBA/H mice.  S Stouten, S Verduyn Lunel, R Finnon, C Badie, F Dekkers Radiat Environ Phys 2021; 60(1):49-60
Modeling multi-level survival data in multi-center epidemiological cohort studies: applications from the ELAPSE project E Samoli, S Rodopoulou, UA Hvidtfeld, K Wolff, Stafoggia, B Brunekreef, M Strak, J Chen, et al. Environ Int 2021; 147:106371 
Modelling chronic toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of copper in mussels considering ionoregulatory homeostasis and oxidative stress. TTY Le, M Nachev, D Grabner, M Garcia, E Balsa-Canto, AJ Hendriks, WJGM Peijnenburg, B Sures Environ Poll 2021; 287:117645 
Modelling exposure by spraying activities-status and future needs. S Hahn, J Meyer, M Roitsch, C Delmaar, W Koch, J Schwarz, A Heiland, T Schendel, C Jung, U Schluter Int J Environ Health Res Public Health 2021; 18(15):7737
Modernizing innovation governance to meet policy ambitions through trusted environments. LG Soeteman-Hernandez, HR hazard ratio (hazard ratio ) Sutcliffe, T Sluijters, J van Geuns, CW Noorlander, AJAM Sips NanoImpact 2021; 21:100301
Monitoring and risk assessment of hazardous chemicals in toy-slime and putty in The Netherlands. MW den Braver, DJ Schakel, HS Hendriks, AG Schuur, W Brand, DTHM Sijm, K Bouma Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2021; 125:105000 
Mortality risk attributable to wildfire-related PM 2·5 pollution: a global time series study in 749 locations. G Chen, Y Guo, X Yue, S Tong, A Gasparrini, ML Bell, B Armstrong, J Schwartz, JJK Jaakkola, A ZanobettiI, E Lavigne, D Houthuijs, et.al. Lancet Planet Health 2021; 5(9):e579-87
Multi-functional land use is not self-evident for European farmers: a critical review.  JJ Schröder, HFM ten Berge, F Bampa, RE Creamer, JW Giraldez-Cervera, CB Henriksen, JE Olesen, M Rutgers, T Sanden, H Spiegel Front Environ Sci 2021; 8:575466
Multiple stressors determine river ecological status at the European scale: Towards an integrated understanding of river status deterioration.    JU Lemm, M Venorh, L Globevnik, K Stefanids, Y Panagopoulos, J van Gils, L Posthuma, P Kristensen, et al. Glob Change Biol 2021; 27(9):1962-75
Naar een gezonde en duurzame landbouw. Pathogene bodemmicroben: onderwerp van internationale zorg.  WJGM Peijnenburg, MG Vijver, M Schrama Tijdschrift Milieu 2021; (8):54-7
NAM-supported read-across: From case studies to regulatory guidance in safety assessment. C Rovida, SE Escher, M Herzler, SH Bennekou, H Kamp, DE Kroese, L Maslankiwcz, et al. ALTEX 2021; 38(1):140-50
Nanoethics: giving orientation to societal reflection FWA Brom, R van Est, B Walhout In: Ethics in Nanotechnology. M van de Voorde, G Jeswani, eds. Boston, De Gruyter, 2021: 1-20
Nanoethics: giving orientation to societal reflection FWA Brom, R van Est, B Walhout In: Handbook of nanoethics. G Jeswani, M van de Voorde, eds. Boston, De Gruyter, 2021:3-20
Nanotechnology for a sustainable future: addressing global challenges with the International Network4Sustainable nanotechnology L Pokrajac, A Abbas, W Chrzanowsk, iGM Dias, BJ Eggleton, A Sips, et al. ACS Nano 2021 ; 15( 12):18608–18623
National surveillance pilot study unveils a multicenter, clonal outbreak of VIM-2-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST111 in the Netherlands between 2015 and 2017 J Pirzadian, MC Persoon, JA Severin, CHW Klaassen, SC de Greeff, MG Mennen, AF Schoffelen, CCH Wielders, S Witteveen, M van Santen-Verheuve, lLM Schouls, MC Vos, et al. Sci Rep 2021 11(1):21015
Network analysis to identify communities among multiple exposure biomarkers measured at birth in three Flemish general population samples. I Ottenbros, E Govarts, E Lebret, R Vermeulen, G Schoeters, J Vlaanderen Front Public Health 2021; 9:590038
Open science in regulatory environmental risk assessment. TCM Brock, KC Elliott, A Gladbach, C Moermond, J Romeis, TB Seiler, K Solomon, GP Dohmen Integr Environ Assess Manag 2021; 17(6):1229-42
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