Title Authors Published in: Access
A common framework for using and reporting consumer purchase data (CPD) in foodborne outbreak investigations in Europe. S Jore,  UC Braae, F Trier Møller,  I Friesema, K Paranthama,  K Jalava, et al. Infect Ecol Epidemiol. 2022, 12(1): 2007828 Open Access
A European multicenter evaluation study to investigate the performance on commercially available selective agar plates for the detection of carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae C Dierikx, S Borjesson, A Perrin-Guyomard, M Haenni, M Norstrom, HH Divon, et al. J Microbiol Methods 2022; 193:106418 Open Access
A framework for measuring timeliness in the outbreak response path: lessons learned from the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) epidemic, September 2012 to January 2019 C dos Santos Ribeiro, M van Roode, E Farag, M NouM, G Haringhuizen, et al. Eurosurveillance 2022; 27(48):pii.21011064 Open Access
A genetic cluster of OXA-244 carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli ST38 with putative uropathogenicity factors in the Netherlands DW Notermans, AF Schoffelen, F Landman, CCH Wielders, S Witteveen,VA  Ganesh, M van Santen-Verheuvel, SC de Greeff, EJ Kuijper, APA Hendrickx J Antimicrob Chemother 2022;  77(11):3205-3208 Open Access
A large multi-country outbreak of monkeypox across 41 countries in the WHO European Region, 7 March to 23 August 2022 AM Vaughan, O Cenciarelli, S Colombe, LA de Sousa, N Fischer, C van Ewijk, et al. Euro Surveill 2022; 27(36) Open Access
A One Health Evaluation of the Surveillance Systems on Tick-Borne Diseases in the Netherlands, Spain and Italy A Garcia-Vozmediano, D de Meneghi, H Sprong, A Portillo, JA Oteo, L Tomassone Vet Sci 2022 Sep 14; 9(9):504 Open Access
A prospective matched case-control study on the genomic epidemiology of colistin-resistant Enterobacterales from Dutch patients KEW Vendrik, A de Haan, S Witteveen, APA Hendrickx, F Landman, DW Notermans, P Bijkerk, AF Schoffelen, SC de Greeff, CCH Wielders, EJ Kuijper, LM Schouls, et al. Commun Med 2022; 2:55 Open Access
A qualitative study examining the impact of multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) carriage on the daily lives of carriers and parents of carriers with experiences of hospital precautionary measures R Baron, R Eilers, MR Haverkate, SG Feenstra, A Timen Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2022; 11(1):103 Open Access
A qualitative study of parental associations and beliefs regarding the HPV vaccination for Dutch boys JR Venderbos, R Eilers, H de Vries, K van Zoonen  BMC Public Health 2022; 22(1):1188 Open Access
A scenario modelling analysis to anticipate the impact of COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents and children on disease outcomes in the Netherlands, summer 2021 KEC Ainslie, JA Backer, PT de Boer, AJ van Hoek, D Klinkenberg, H Korthals Altes, KY Leung, HE de Melker, F Miura, J Wallinga Euro Surveill 2022; 27(44):pii.2101090 Open Access
A sharp decrease in reported non-COVID-19 notifiable infectious diseases during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Rotterdam region, the Netherlands: a descriptive study B van Deursen, M Hagenaars, A Meima, L van Asten, JH Richardus, et al. BMC Infect Dis 2022; 22(1):208 Open Access
A statistical modelling approach for source attribution meta-analysis of sporadic infection with foodborne pathogens L Mughini-Gras, E Beninca, SA McDonald, A de Jong, J Chardon, E Evers, AA Bonacic Marinovic  Zoonoses Public Health 2022;  69(5):475-486 Open Access
A Systematic Review of European Clinical Practice Guidelines for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prophylaxis RM Reeves, M van Wijhe, T Lehtonen, L Stona, AC Teirlinck, M van Boven, et al. J Infect Dis 2022;  226(Suppl 1):S110-S116 Open Access
A universal influenza mRNA vaccine candidate boosts T cell responses and reduces zoonotic influenza virus disease in ferrets K van de Ven, J Lanfermeijer, H van Dijken, H Muramatsu, C Vilas Boas de Melo, S Lenz, F Peters, D van Baarle, J de Jonge, et al. Sci Adv 2022; 8(50):eadc9937 Open Access
Access and benefit-sharing by the European Virus Archive in response to COVID-19 S Sett, C Dos Santos Ribeiro, C Prat, G Haringhuizen, A Hartman Scholz, et al. Lancet Microbe 2022;  32:513-525 Open Access
Ad26.COV2.S priming provided a solid immunological base for mRNA-based COVID-19 booster vaccination D Geers, RSG Sablerolles, D van Baarle, NA Kootstra, WJR Rietdijk, KS Schmitz, et al. iScience 2022; 26(1):105753 Open Access
Age and Primary Vaccination Background Influence the Plasma Cell Response to Pertussis Booster Vaccination AM Diks, P Versteegen,  C Teodosio, RJ Groenland,  B de Mooij, AM Buisman, G Berbers, et al. Vaccines 2022; 10(2):136 Open Access
Age-Specific Estimates of Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalizations in 6 European Countries: A Time Series Analysis CK Johannesen, M van Wijhe, S Tong, LV Fernández, T Heikkinen, M van Boven, A Teirlinck, et al. J Infect Dis 2022 ;  226(Suppl 1):S29-S37 Open Access
Air pollution from livestock farms and the oropharyngeal microbiome of COPD patients and controls W van Kersen, A Bossers, WAA de Steenhuijsen Piters, MMT de Rooij, M Bonten, AC Fluit, et al Environ Int 2022; 169:107497 Open access
Amoxicillin and thiamphenicol treatments may influence the co-selection of resistance genes in the chicken gut microbiota A Laconi, R Tolosi, L Mughini-Gras, M Cuccato, FT Cannizzo, A Piccirillo Sci Rep 2022; 12(1):20413 Open Access
An analytical framework on the leaching potential of veterinary pharmaceuticals: A case study for the Netherlands N Rakonjac, SEATM van der Zee, L Wipfler, E Roex,CA  Faundez Urbina, LJ Borgers, CJ Ritsema Sci Total Environ 2022;  859(2):160310  Open Access
Analysing the protection from respiratory tract infections and allergic diseases early in life by human milk components: the PRIMA birth cohort AH van Stigt, K Oude Rengelink, KWM Bloemenkamp, WB de Waal, SMPJ  Prevaes, G den Hartog, et al. BMC Infect Dis 2022; 22(1):152 Open Access
Analyzing the immunogenicity of bivalent booster vaccinations in healthcare workers: The SWITCH ON trial protocol NH Tan, RSG Sablerolles, WJR Rietdijk, A Goorhuis A, DS Postma, D van Baarle, et al. Front Immunol 2022; 13:1067749 Open Access
Antibody and T-cell responses 6 months after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 vaccination in patients with chronic kidney disease, on dialysis, or living with a kidney transplant JSF Sanders, AL Messchendorp, R de Vries, D van Baarle, R van Binnendijk, G den Hartog G, N Rots, et al. Clin Infect Dis 2022; ciac557 Open Access
Antibody Levels at 3-Years Follow-Up of a Third Dose of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine in Young Adults P Kaaijk, AJ Wijmenga-Monsuur, HI ten Hulscher, J Kerkhof, G Smits, MA Nicolaie, MA van Houten, RS van Binnendijk  Vaccines 2022; 10(1):132 Open Access
Antibody Response in Immunocompromised Patients With Hematologic Cancers Who Received a 3-Dose mRNA-1273 Vaccination Schedule for COVID-19 S Haggenburg, Q Hofsink, LI Lissenberg-Witte, RS van Binnendijk, G den Hartog, GP Smits, NY  Rots, et al. JAMA Oncol 2022;  8(10):1477-1483 Open Access
Antigenic cartography using sera from sequence-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern infections reveals antigenic divergence of Omicron K van der Straten, D Guerra, MJ van Gils,I Bontjer, H Vennema, C Reusken, D Eggink, et al. Immunity 2022; 55(9):1725-1731.e4 Open Access
Antimicrobial resistance genes aph(3')-III, erm(B), sul2 and tet(W) abundance in animal faeces, meat, production environments and human faeces in Europe D Yang, DJJ Heederik, P Scherpenisse, L van Gomel, REC Luiken, H Schmitt, et al. J Antimicrob Chemother 2022;  77(7):1883-1893 Open Access
Appropriately smoothing prevalence data to inform estimates of growth rate and reproduction number O Eales, KEC Ainslie, CE Walters, H Wang, C Atchison, D Ashby, et al. Epidemics 2022; 40:100604 Open Access
Approximate likelihood-based estimation method of multiple-type pathogen interactions: An application to longitudinal pneumococcal carriage data I Man, JA Bogaards, K Makwana, K Trzcinski, K Auranen Stat Med 2022;  10(4):355-66  Open Access
Assembly and Comparison of Ca. Neoehrlichia mikurensis Genomes T Azagi, RP Dirks, ES Yebra-Pimentel, PK Schaap, JJ Koehorst, H Sprong, et al. Microorganisms 2022; 10(6):1134 Open Access
Assessing Biosecurity Compliance in Poultry Farms: A Survey in a Densely Populated Poultry Area in North East Italy G Tilli, A Laconi, F Galuppo, L Mughini-Gras, A Piccirillo  Animals 2022; 12(11):1409 Open Access
Association of pneumococcal carriage in infants with the risk of carriage among their contacts in Nha Trang, Vietnam: A nested cross-sectional survey G Qian, M Toizumi, S Clifford, LT Le,  T Papastylianou, AJ van Hoek, et al. Plos Med 2022; 19(5):e1004016 Open Access
Associations and recovery dynamics of the nasopharyngeal microbiota during influenza-like illness in the aging population SA Shetty, J van Beek, E Bijvank, J Groot, S Kuiling, T Bosch, D van Baarle, S Fuentes  Sci Rep 2022; 12(1):1915 Open Access
Attributable mortality of vancomycin resistance in ampicillin-resistant Enterococcus faecium bacteremia in Denmark and the Netherlands: A matched cohort study WC Rottier, M Pinholt, AK van der Bij, M Arpi, SN Blank, MH Nabuurs-Franssen, GJHM Ruijs, M Tersmette, JM Ossewaarde, RH Groenwold, H West, MJM Bonten Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2022;  43(6):719-727 Open Access
Automated surveillance systems for healthcare-associated infections: results from a European survey and experiences from real-life utilization JDM Verberk, SJS Aghdassi, M Abbas, P Naucler, S Gubbels, N Maldonado, SM van Rooden, et al. J Hosp Infect 2022; 122:35-43 Open Access
BCG-induced trained immunity enhances acellular pertussis vaccination responses in an explorative randomized clinical trial J Gillard, BA Blok, DR Garza, PB Venkatasubramanian, GAM Berbers, PGM van Gageldonk, et al. NPJ Vaccines 2022; 7(1):21 Open Access
Biosecurity and antimicrobial use in broiler farms across nine European countries: towards identifying farm-specific options for reducing antimicrobial usage P Mallioris, G Teunis, G Lagerwei, P Joosten, L Mughini-Gras, and the EFFORT consortium Epidemiol Infect 2022; 151:e13 Open Access
Bordetella pertussis induces IFN-gamma production by NK cells resulting in chemo-attraction by respiratory epithelial cells. G den Hartog, MA Schijf, GAM Berbers, FRM van der Klis, AM Buisman J Infect Dis 2022;  225(7):1248-1260 Open Access
Bordetella pertussis-infected innate immune cells drive the anti-pertussis response of human airway epithelium MM Kroes, A Miranda-Bedate, RHJ Jacobi, E van Woudenbergh, G den Hartog, J de Wit, E Pinelli, et al. Sci Rep 2022; 12(1):3622 Open Access
Borrelia burgdorferi Is a Poor Inducer of Gamma Interferon: Amplification Induced by Interleukin-12 FR van de Schoor, HD Vrijmoeth, MAE Brouwer, HJM ter Hofstede, HLM Lemmers, CC van den Wijngaard, et al. Infect Immun 2022; 90(3):e00558-21 Closed Access
Breakthrough infections with the SARS-CoV-2 omicron (B.1.1.529) variant in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases EW Stalman, L Wieske, KPJ van Dam, LY Kummer, ZLE van Kempen, CACM van Els, et al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2022;81(12):1757-1766 Open Access
Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections with the delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases using immunosuppressants: a substudy of two prospective cohort studies L Boekel, EW Stalman, L Wieske, F Hooijberg, KPJ van Dam, CACM van Els, J de Wit, et al. Lancet Rheumatol 2022;  4(6):e417-e429 Open Access
Brief report: community-acquired Friedlander's pneumonia and pulmonary metastatic Klebsiella pneumoniae infection caused by hypervirulent ST23 in the Netherlands M Fliss, CHSB van den Berg, E Kuijper, DW Notermans, APA Hendrickx, et al.  Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2022;  41(8):1133-1138 Open Access
Budgetary impact of using BPaL for treating extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis C Mulder, S Rupert, E Setiawan, E Mambetova, P Edo, S van den Hof, et al. BMJ Glob Health 2022; 7(1):e007182 Open Access
Burden of Disease of COVID-19: Strengthening the Collaboration for National Studies SM Pires, GMA Wyper, A Wengler, JL Peñalvo, R Haneef, SA McDonald, et al. Front Public Health 2022 Jun 3; 10:907012 Open Access
cfr and fexA genes in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from humans and livestock in the Netherlands LM Schouls, K Veldman, C Dierikx, S Witteveen, M van Santen-Verheuvel, APA Hendrickx, F Landman, P Hengeveld, E van DuijkereE, et al. Commun Med 2022; 2:135 Open Access
Changing epidemiology of Salmonella Enteritidis human infections in the Netherlands and Belgium, 2006 to 2019: a registry-based population study L Chanamé Pinedo, E Franz, M van den Beld, N van Goethem, T Bosch, L Mughini-Gras, R Pijnacker, et al. Euro Surveill 2022; 27(38) Open Access
Characterization of the early cellular immune response induced by HPV vaccines H Pasmans, MA Berkowska, AM Diks, L de Rond, MA Nicolaie,  FRM van der Klis, AM Buisman, et al. Front Immunol 2022; 13:863164 Open Access
Characterization of the virulence of three novel clade 2 Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile strains and a two-year screening in animals and humans in Brazil AN Diniz, LN Fontoura Moura, DS Goncalves Cruz, CA Oliveira Junior, EJ Kuijper, et al. Plos One 2022; 17(8):e0273013 Open Access
Children and Adults With Mild COVID-19: Dynamics of the Memory T Cell Response up to 10 Months P Kaaijk, VO Pimentel, ME Emmelot, M Poelen, A Cevirgel, RM Schep, G den Hartog, DFM Reukers, L Beckers, J van Beek, CACM van Els, A Meijer, NY Rots, J de Wit Front Immunol 2022; 13:817876 Open Access
Clinical relevance of rifampicin-moxifloxacin interaction in isoniazid resistant/intolerant tuberculosis patients VB Vogensen, MS Bolhuis, MGG Sturkenboom, TS van der Werf, WCM de Lange, RM Anthony, D van Soolingen, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2022;  66(2):e0182921 Closed Access
Clinical standards for the dosing and management of TB drugs JWC Alffenaar, SL Stocker, L Davies Forsman, A Garcia-Prats, D van Soolingen, SK Heysell, et al. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2022; 26(6):483-99 Open Access
Clostridioides difficile infection: are the three currently used antibiotic treatment options equal from pharmacological and microbiological points of view? M Krutova, M Wilcox, E Kuijper Int J Infect Dis 2022; 124:118-23 Open Access
Clusters van MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ) en andere BRMO in de thuiszorg JC Langeveld, MR Haverkate, R Eilers, A Timen Infectieziekten Bulletin 2022: augustus  Open Access
Co-Expression of TIGIT and Helios Marks Immunosenescent CD8 + T Cells During Aging DKJ Pieren, NAM Smits, RJ Postel, V Kandiah, J de Wit, J van Beek, D van Baarle, T Guichelaar Front Immunol 2022; 13:833531 Open Access
Colistin-resistant Enterobacterales among veterinary healthcare workers and in the Dutch population CM Dierikx, AP Meijs, PD Hengeveld, FRM van der Klis, J van Vliet, EF Gijsbers, M Rozwandowicz, AHAM van Hoek,  APA Hendrickx, J Hordijk, E van Duijkeren  JAC Antimicrob Resist 2022; 4(2):dlac041 Open Access
Comparative analysis of IMP-4- and OXA-58-containing plasmids of three carbapenemase-producing Acinetobacter ursingii strains in the Netherlands APA Hendrickx  RP Schade, F Landman, T Bosch, LM Schouls, K van Dijk J Glob Antimicrob Resist 2022;  31:207-211 Open Access
Comparative Analysis of L-Fucose Utilization and Its Impact on Growth and Survival of Campylobacter Isolates PS Middendorf, WF Jacobs-Reitsma, AL Zomer, HMW den Besten, T Abee Front Microbiol 2022; 13:872207 Open Access
Comparing Multiple Locus Variable-Number Tandem Repeat Analyses with Whole-Genome Sequencing as Typing Method for Salmonella Enteritidis Surveillance in The Netherlands, January 2019 to March 2020 R Pijnacker, M van den Beld, K van der Zwaluw, A Verbruggen, C Coipan, A Hernandez Segura, L Mughini-Gras, E Franz, T Bosch Microbiol Spectr 2022;  10(5):e0137522 Open Access
Comparing Vector-Borne Disease Surveillance and Response in Beijing and the Netherlands C Onstwedder, J Lock-Wah-hoon, S van Dorp, M Braks, L van Asten, W van der Hoek, et al. Ann Global Health 2022; 88(1):59 Open Access
Comparison of self-reported and observed water contact measures in Schistosoma japonicum-endemic villages in Leyte, The Philippines. B Falcone, S Park, HW Wu, T Leenstra, MA Jiz, B jarilla, ST McGarvey, JD Kurtis, JF Friedman B Falcone, S park, HW Wu, T Leenstra, MA Jiz, B Jarilla, ST McGarvey, D Kurtis, JF Friedman Closed Access
Comparison of trends in Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalised patients during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective sentinel surveillance study KEW Vendrik RIVM, A Baktash, JJ Goeman, DW Notermans RIVM, SC de Greeff RIVM, EJ Kuijper RIVM, et al. Lancet Reg Health Eur 2022;19:10424 Open Access
Comparison of trends in Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalised patients during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective sentinel surveillance study Vendrik KEW , Baktash A, Notermans DW , de Greeff SC , Kuiper EJ , et al. Lancet Reg Health Eur 2022;19:10424 Open Access
Comparison of Whole-Genome Sequence-Based Methods and PCR Ribotyping for Subtyping of Clostridioides difficile A Baktash, J Corver, C Harmanus, WK Smits, W Fawley, EJ Kuijper, et al. J Clin Microbiol 2022; 60(2):e0173721 Closed Access
Complementarity of International Instruments in the Field of Biosecurity IM Vennis, M Boskovic, DA Bleijs, SA Rutjes  Front Public Health 2022; 10:894389 Open Access
Concerns about the external validity of the study ‘prevalence of persistent symptoms after treatment for Lyme borreliosis: A prospective observational cohort study’-authors´ reply CC van den Wijngaard, Ursinus J, Vrijmoeth HD, Knoop H, A Wong, et al. Lancet Reg Health Eur 2022; 15:100344 Open Access
Continued Circulation of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Variants and Detection of Novel Transmission Foci, the Netherlands HJ Esser, SM Lim, A de Vries , H Sprong , DJ Dekker, E Franz , et al. Emerg Infect Dis 2022;28(12):2416-2424 Open Access
Contribution of Influenza Viruses, Other Respiratory Viruses and Viral Co-Infections to Influenza-like Illness in Older Adults P Kaaijk, N Swaans, AM Nicolaie, JP Bruin, RAJ van Boxtel, MMA de Lange, A Meijer, EAM Sanders, NY Rots, W Luytjes  J van Beek Viruses 2022; 14(4):797 Open Access
Controversies and evidence on Chlamydia testing and treatment in asymptomatic women and men who have sex with men: a narrative review NHTM Dukers-Muijrers, YJ Evers, CJPA Hoebe, Wolffs PFG, de Vries HJC, Hoenderboom B, Heijne J, van Bergen, et al. BMC Infect Dis 2022; 22(1):255 Open Access
Correction to: Predictive factors for vaccine failure to guide vaccination in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients MJM Janssen, AHW Bruns, FM Verduyn Lunel, NM Nanlohy, GP Smits, D van Baarle, et al. Bone Marrow Transplant 2022;   57:1050 Closed Access
Corrigendum to 'Performance of the Diasorin SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection assay on the LIAISON XL' [Journal of Clinical Virology 141 (2021) 104909] N van der Moeren, VF Zwart, G Goderski, G Rijkers, W van den Bijllaard, A Meijer, et al. J Clin Virol 2022;   147:105028 Open Access
Corrigendum to 'The epidemic of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in China in historical and phylogenetic perspectives' [Journal of Infection, Volume 80, Issue 4 (2020) Pages 444-453] Y Zhou, R Anthony, S Wang, X Ou, D Liu, D van Soolingen, et al. J Infect 2022; 85(5):609 Open Access
Corrigendum: Children and Adults With Mild COVID-19: Dynamics of the Memory T Cell Response Up to 10 Months P Kaaijk, VO Pimentel  ME Emmelot, MCM Poelen, A Cevirgel, RM Schepp, G den Hertog, DFM Reukens, L Beckers, J van Beek  CACM van Els, A Meijer, NY Rots, J de Wit  Front Immunol 2022; 13:893720 Open Access
Corrigendum: Genetic microbial source tracking support QMRA modeling for a riverine wetland drinking water resource J Derx, K Demeter, R Linke, S Cervero-Arago, G Lindener, JF Schijven, et al Front Microbiol 2022; 13:973379 Open Access
Country differences and determinants of yield in programmatic migrant TB screening in four European countries D Menezes, D Zenner, R Aldridge, SR Anderson, G de Vries, C Erkens, et al. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2022; 26(10):942-948 Closed Access
COVID-19 outbreak in an elderly care home: Very low vaccine effectiveness and late impact of booster vaccination campaign CE van Ewijk, EI Hazelhorst, SJM Hahné, ML Knol  Vaccine 2022; 40(46):6664-6669 Open Access
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection during the Delta period, a nationwide study adjusting for chance of exposure, the Netherlands, July to December 2021 CE van Ewijk, MN Kooijman, E Fanoy, SFH Raven, M Middeldorp, A Shah, B de Gier, HE de Melker, SJM Hahné, ML Knol Euro surveill 2022; 27(45):pii.2200217 Open Access
COVID-19-uitbraken in verpleeghuizen : besmettingskans, ernst en vaccineffectiviteit EI Hazelhorst, C Verstraten,  A Afrian, A Haenen, M Biesheuvel, J van den Boogaard, SJ Hahné, S van den Hof, MJ Knol Infectieziekten Bulletin 2022: augustus  Open Access
C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate for the diagnosis of lower urinary tract infection in older people S Hidad, SD Kuil, JC Fischer, CE VisserE, SE Geerlings, MMG Leeflang, C Schneeberger Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2022;(12):CD014521 Closed Access
De opkomst van T. mentagrophytes ITS genotype VIII/T. indotineae J Buil, T Bosch , E Meijer, W Melchers, P Verweij  Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2022;30(4):167-173 Open Access
De rol van kinderen bij de verspreiding van SARS-CoV-2 tijdens een uitbraak op een basisschool in Twente F Koedijk, I Hazelhorst, J van den Boogaard Infectieziekten Bulletin 2022: augustus  Open Access
Deciding about maternal pertussis vaccination: associations between intention, and needs and values in a vaccine-hesitant religious group AC de Munter, JLA Hautvast, WLM Ruijs, DH Spaan, MEJL Hulscher, RAC Ruiter Vaccine 2022; 40(35):5213-5222 Open Access
Decision-making, barriers, and facilitators regarding cervical cancer screening participation among Turkish and Moroccan women in the Netherlands: a focus group study. N Hamdiui, E Marchena, ML Stein, JE van Steenbergen, R Crutzen, HM van Keulen, R Reis, METC van den Muijsenbergh, A Timen Ethn Health 2021;  27(5):1147-1165 Open Access
Decrease in viral hepatitis diagnoses during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands. MJ Sonneveld, IK Veldhuijzen, TJW van de Laar, ELM Op de Coul, AJ van der Meer J Hepatol 2022; 77(3):896-897 Closed Access
Decreased antibody response after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in patients with Down Syndrome BMM Streng , M Bont , EM Delemarre, RS Binnendijk , G Smit , G den Hartog , FR van der Klis , et al. J Infect Dis 2022 Jun 24; jiac235 Open Access
Defining a risk area for tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in a country where TBE is emerging, the Netherlands, July 2016-October 2020 F Geeraedts, A Wertenbroek, J de Klerk, JJ Prick, LJA Reichman, J Reimerink , et al. Ticks Tick Borne Dis 2022; 13(2):101898 Closed Access
Detection of intrathecal antibodies to diagnose enterovirus infections of the central nervous system SNA Ayudhya, GJ Sips, S Bogers, LME Leijten, BM Laksono, K Benschop, et al. J Clin Virol 2022; 152:105190 Open Access
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the general population by three prevailing rapid antigen tests: cross-sectional diagnostic accuracy study RP Venekamp, IK Veldhuijzen, KGM Moons, W van den Bijllaardt, WGH Han, S van den Hof, et al. BMC Med 2022; 20(1):97 Open Access
Determinants associated with viable genital or rectal Chlamydia trachomatis bacterial load (FemCure) KJH Janssen, PFG Wolffs, CJPA Hoebe, T Heijman, HM Gotz,  HJ de Vrie, et al. Sex Transm Infect 2022; 98(1):17-22 Closed Access
Determinants for antimicrobial resistance genes in farm dust on 333 poultry and pig farms in nine European countries REC Luiken, DJJ Heederik, P Scherpenisse, L van Gompel, E van Heijnsbergen, H Schmitt, et al. Environ Res 2022; 208:112715 Open Access
Determinants of PrEP Uptake, Intention and Awareness in the Netherlands: A Socio-Spatial Analysis H Wang, O Shobowale, C den Daas, E Op de Coul, B Bakker, et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19(14):8829 Open Access
Development of a standardized and validated flow cytometry approach for monitoring of innate myeloid immune cells in human blood K van der Pan, S de Bruin-Versteeg, D Damasceno, JAM van Gaans-van den Brink, GAM Berbers, et al. Front Immunol 2022; 13:935879 Open Access
Diagnostic parameters of cellular tests for Lyme borreliosis in Europe (VICTORY study): a case-control study ME Baarsma, FR van de Schoor, SA Gauw, HD Vrijmoeth, K Kremer, CC van den Wijngaard, et al. Lancet Infect Dis 2022; 22(9):1388-96 Closed Access
Diagnostic work-up of urinary tract infections in pregnancy: study protocol of a prospective cohort study DE Werter, BM Kazemier, E van Leeuwen, MCFJ de Rotte, SD Kuil, E Pajkrt, C Schneeberger BMJ Open 2022; 12(9):e063813 Open access
Differential vaccine-induced kinetics of humoral and cellular immune responses in SARS-CoV-2 naive and convalescent health care workers W Smit, S Thijsen, R van der Kieft, S van Tol, J Reimerink, C Reusken, et al. Pathog Dis 2022;  80(1):ftac035 Open access
Diminished Pneumococcal-Specific CD4 + T-Cell Response is Associated With Increased Regulatory T Cells at Older Age SWJ He, MDB van de Garde, DKJ Pieren, MCM Poelen, F Vosss, CACM van Els,  et al Front AGing 2021; 2:746295 Open Access
Discovery of novel drug-like antitubercular hits targeting the MEP pathway enzyme DXPS by strategic application of ligand-based virtual screening D Zhu, S Johannsen, T Masini, C Simonin, J Haupenthal, T van der Laan, et al. Chem Sci 2022; 13:10686-98 Open Access
Discriminating cross-reactivity in polyclonal IgG1 responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern DMH van Rijswijck, A Bondt, M Hoek,K van der Straten, D Eggink, C Reusken, et al. Nature Commun 2022; 13(1):6103 Open Access
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