Modification date 30-09-2024 | 17:06
Current and former additional posts held by Ana Maria de Roda Husman, head of the environmental department at the Centre for Infectious Disease Control (CIb) at RIVM.
Current additional posts
- Professor of Global changes and environmentally transmitted infectious diseases, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University.
- Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Risk Assessment of Pathogens in Food and Water.
- Expert of the committee for revision of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality.
- Member of the International Expert Advisory Board for the multi-phase research study SaniPath, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in Accra, Ghana.
- Member of the Soil Protection Technical Committee.
Former additional posts
- Member of several national working groups for: recreational waters, cyanobacteria and swimmer’s itch, legionellosis.
- Member of several international microbiological working groups.