RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) is the main knowledge institute in the field of public health, nutrition, safety and the environment in the Netherlands. We conduct research and perform tasks to promote both public health and a healthy and safe environment.
Tasks and responsibilities
- Policy support. Our commissioners submit concrete research questions, the answers to which will help them to develop appropriate policy.
- National coordination. In the Netherlands, the responsibility for various health tasks is organised at the regional and local level. RIVM plays an important role in overseeing and coordinating these activities.
- Prevention and intervention programmes. RIVM is responsible for several programmes which promote public health and focus on prevention (breast cancer screening, bowel cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, National Immunisation Programme (NIP).
- Provision of information to professionals and the general public. RIVM informs professionals and the “general public” on health and environmental issues.
- Knowledge development and research. RIVM conducts research, most of it commissioned by the three core ministries (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy). RIVM also has a Strategic Research Programme (SPR (Strategic Programme RIVM)) for its own knowledge development and research.
- Crisis management and response. RIVM has a joint responsibility in a number of national crisis situations, such as an outbreak of an infectious disease, a food safety incident or an environmental accident.
Commissioners and partners
We are mainly commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, both policy directorates and inspectorates. We also carry out assignments for other ministries, such as the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and of Social Affairs and Employment. Assignments are also undertaken for regional governments, non-profit organisations and international organisations, such as the European Commission, World Health Organisation, and United Nations.