Activity Seminar
Date 3 June, 2024
Time 14.00-17.00 
Venue Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Jaarbeursplein 6
Organisation RIVM Centre Public Health and Health Services

EuroHealthNet’s seminar will present new insights on mental health, well-being and health behaviours and how they can be applied to improve health equity in Europe. Marith Volp, Director of Public Health and Health Services, RIVM and Marjolijn Sonnema, Director General for Public Health, Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS) will welcome the participants of the seminar. Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights will introduce the two sessions of the seminar by video. 

Session  1: Social inequalities, vulnerabilities and mental health in times of change.
This session will provide an overview and examples of policies for mental health and wellbeing, strategic frameworks, and implementation of local approaches and interventions on social and economic determinants to improve mental health outcomes and  areas for further action. Speakers: Professor Laura Shields-Zeeman, Head of Mental Health & Prevention at Trimbos Institute and Professor at Utrecht University, Jessica Mahony, Policy Analyst at the OECD Centre on Well-being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity and Claudia Marinetti,  Director of Mental Health Europe. This session will be co-moderated by Nicoline Tamsma, Co-ordinating Adviser, RIVM and Matej Vinko, Head of the Mental Health Centre, National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia, NIJZ.

Session  2:  Behavioural and cultural insights for better health equity decision-making.
This session will present and discuss different perspectives on BCI and its use across the European Region. It will address recent developments in behavioural science, evidence, training and advocacy in two current themes of application: 1) environmental sustainability, 2) digitisation of our societies. Speakers: Katrine Bach Habersaat,  WHO/Europe's  Regional Advisor for BCI, Dr Doctor (Doctor ) Sanae Okamoto, Researcher at United Nations University-MERIT and co-lead of the ‘UNU-Climate Resilience Initiative and Dr Jon Roozenbeek, Lecturer in Psychology and Security at Kings College London. This session will be co-moderated by Jet Sanders, Senior Behavioural Scientist, RIVM and Yvette Shajanian Zarneh, Head of Unit 'Planning, strategy, knowledge transfer, international relations', Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA).


Costs None
Participants Professionals and policymakers, managers working in the field of mental health and on the theme of behavioural and cultural insights
Registration Registration form if you want to participate in-person
Online registration  Registration form if you want to participate online
Programme Download the programme