Workers may come into contact with BPA during its production and subsequent use in the production of other materials and products. Occupational exposure to BPA may also occur in workers who frequently handle thermal paper, such as cashiers who work with cash register receipts that contain BPA.

Exposure occurs primarily when working with BPA as raw material and to a lesser extent when BPA is further processed, for example into a plastic. Exposure is particularly high during PBA production (during packaging of BPA and sampling the production process), in processing epoxy resins and when working with powder coatings containing BPA. Employees who work with BPA plastics and epoxy resins for application in products are usually less exposed.


During specific operations, exposure to BPA can exceed the European standard for safe exposure of workers. This applies mainly to dermal exposure. Given the recent indications of possible adverse effects on the immune system of unborn and young children, special attention is required for the protection of workers who are pregnant or breastfeeding.