Esaki ta e promé monitor tokante e investigashon di kanser na pechu di poblashon (BVOK-BK) den Caribe Hulandes. E monitor aki ta duna un bista di e resultadonan mas importante di e promé aña di BVOK-BK na Boneiru (periodo juni 2021-juni 2022).

Rekomendashonnan mas importante:

  • Den e promé aña 995 hende muhe a partisipá (945 partisipante a duna permiso pa usa nan datonan)
  • E sifra di referensha den e promé aña tabata 3,6%
  • E sifra di a detektá algo tabata 0,4%
  • E balor positivo di pronóstiko tabata 13,8%

Lesa mas tokante skrinen di poblashon na Hulanda-Caribense

Related subjects

  • Population screening programs in the Caribbean Netherlands

    The government of the Netherlands commissioned the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) to implement the population screenings on breast-, colon-, cervical cancer on the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.