Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe
The Horizon2020 project Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe (SOPHIE) explored the complex interplay between the health of the marine environment and that of humans. It also aimed to build a network of researchers and practitioners from two traditionally distinct groups: marine and maritime specialists and the medical and public health community. SOPHIE was launched in December 2017 and ran for 2.5 years.
The project has delivered a clear roadmap for the future direction of Oceans and Human Health research in Europe to improve our understanding of the impacts environments such as 'blue spaces' can have on health and well-being. See H2020 SOPHIE Consortium (2020) A Strategic Research Agenda for Oceans and Human Health in Europe. H2020 SOPHIE Project. Ostend, Belgium. ISBN: 9789492043894 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3696561. There is also a still active working community on LinkedIn.
RIVM role
The European Centre for Environment & Human Health of the University of Exeter coordinated SOPHIE. RIVM was active on two work packages: Innovative Solutions and Future Scenarios and the Strategic Research Agenda. This project provided RIVM with an exciting opportunity to share and further develop our knowledge of a healthy environment for the sea basins in Europe and its role in various future trends. SOPHIE also built on parallel work by RIVM in the EU (European Union ) Horizon 2020 projects BlueHealth and INHERIT. Susanne Wuijts of RIVM's Centre for Environmental Quality coordinated, together with Deltares, the work package on Innovative Solutions and Future Scenarios.
The project consortium included members from academia, small and medium-sized businesses, and government. It had specific expertise in developing and implementing public health and environmental policies.
SOPHIE received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774567.