Meisje krijgt vaccinatie

Starting on 18 January 2022, parents of children aged 5-11 years will receive a letter with information about COVID-19 vaccination for their child or children. An appointment for COVID-19 vaccination by the Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs) can also be scheduled as of 18 January. The letter explains how.

Most children hardly have any symptoms if they become infected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. However, a small number of children do become seriously ill and need to be admitted to hospital or intensive care (ICU). COVID-19 vaccination can prevent serious illness in children.  

Children will receive a vaccine made by Pfizer. This vaccine has been adapted for children, researched and then approved for use. The child vaccine has a smaller dose of active ingredient than the adult vaccine.  

On 10 December 2021, the Health Council of the Netherlands recommended making COVID-19 vaccination available for children aged 5-11 years who want to get vaccinated, and for their parents.  The Cabinet has adopted that advisory opinion (in Dutch).