Even at very high temperatures, hardly any chemicals are released from a synthetic turf field with rubber granulate. The concentrations of volatile organic compounds, aldehydes and PAHs that the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM has measured in an indicative study are so low that no health risk is expected. On an extremely hot day in 2018 with temperatures of up to 37 ˚C, RIVM performed measurements on an artificial grass field. The temperature of the rubber granulate was 70 ° C.
In this video (Dutch only), RIVM tells about the conducted measurements on a scorching summer day on an artificial grass field with rubber granulate. The measurements show that hardly any chemicals were released at these temperatures. The substances are therefore not expected to pose any health risks.
No extra chemicals released from rubbergranulate at high temperatures (Dutch only)
In deze video vertelt het RIVM over de metingen die op een warme zomerdag op een kunstgrasveld met rubbergranulaatkorrels zijn gedaan. Uit de metingen blijkt dat er nauwelijks chemische stoffen vrijkomen bij deze temperaturen. Naar verwachting veroorzaken de stoffen dan ook geen risico voor de gezondheid.