Dr Doctor (Doctor ) H.B.M (Henk) Hilderink (1966) is Top expert Population Health Foresight at the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Henk Hilderink
Policy making is about the future. Insights into what future developments we are facing, and which future we find desirable, are therefore essential to achieve a better society


Henk Hilderink studied Mathematics at Radboud University Nijmegen. He obtained his PhD in Demography at the University of Groningen with the thesis "World Population in Transition". He has been working at RIVM since 2014 and was project leader of the Public Health Foresight  Study (VTV) 2018. Before that, he worked for the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NiDi) and the Department of Public Health at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research focus is on integrated population and health scenarios. He participated in several national, European and global scenario studies, such as the Sustainability Outlook, OECD Environmental Outlook and the UNPE Global Environmental Outlook, where he contributed with the modeling of demography and population health. He is also working on Burden of Disease (BoD) estimates for the Netherlands.

He is a member of the "Umweltmedizin and Environmental Public Health" Commission of the German Federal Ministry of Health, member of the Burden 2020 scientific advisory committee of the Robert Koch Institute, member of the WHO Steering Group for the European Health Information Initiative (EHII) and hold the vice-chair of the WHO European Burden of Disease Network (EBoDN).


  • Foresight and scenario development
  • Burden of disease
  • Demography
  • Health modelling


E-mail: info@rivm.nl