Dr Doctor (Doctor ) Reinskje Talhout (1971) is a senior scientist working on tobacco and drugs in the RIVM Centre for Health Protection.

RIVM has an independent position in research on tobacco products and advice on such products.

Reinskje Talhout studied chemistry specialising in physical organic chemistry at Groningen University, obtaining a PhD degree in 2003. At the same time, she studied philosophy, specialising in the philosophy of science, logic and epistemology.

Since 2004, Reinskje has been a research scientist at RIVM. She investigates the chemical composition of tobacco products and their toxic, addictive and attractive qualities. RIVM Centre for Health Protection has a smoking machine, which is used to measure the emissions of various substances from cigarettes. Data on the composition per cigarette brand and type are presented on tabakinfo.nl.

Since in 2011, she has been head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Product Regulation and Control hosted by RIVM. The centre supports the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) with, for instance, setting up and validating laboratory determinations for tobacco control, advice on new tobacco and tobacco related products, and information about tobacco products.

Reinskje Talhout has also been coordinator of the Coordination Centre for Assessment and Monitoring of New Drugs (CAM) since 2011. CAM submits new drugs on the Dutch market to multidisciplinary risk assessment and advises the Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport about applicable strategies. New drugs are psychoactive substances of either synthetic (smart drugs such as GHB and XTC or natural origin (paddos and herbs).

Areas of expertise


E-mail: info@rivm.nl