Professor Johan Polder (1966), is Chief Science Officer of Health Economics at RIVM. His previous positions included project leader/manager of the 2010 Public Health Forecast Committee and project leader of projects in the areas of health care spending, population ageing and medical technology. In addition to his position at RIVM, he is Professor TS Social and Behavioral Sciences at Tranzo, Tilburg University since 2007.
Health Economics can make things better for everyone. The sustainability of the public health sector is at stake. The scarce health care Euros should be spent very carefully. This way, public health can benefit the most and the public health sector will remain sustainably good, accessible and affordable.
Johan Polder studied economics at Rotterdam’s Erasmus University. He received his PhD in the field of Health Economics from this university in 2001. His dissertation was titled: ‘Cost of illness in the Netherlands: description, comparison and projection’. Between 1992 and 2002 he worked at the Rotterdam Erasmus University as a university lecturer and scientific researcher.
He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal for Health Sciences and Chairman of the Health Economics Society. He also acts as guest lecturer in Health Economics for a number of educational institutions. He serves on various committees including The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), the Health Council of the Netherlands, the Health Care Insurance Board, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel) and the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF).
Areas of expertise
- Health Economics
- Economic evaluations
- Cost and financing of health care
- Population ageing