Publication date 10-12-2013 | 00:00
Modification date 02-11-2018 | 18:35
University of Tilburg, Tranzo departement: Endowed professor Economic Aspects of Health and Care
- 2012 to date: Guest Lecturer at University of Amsterdam/AMC in the Master Programme Evidence Based Practice (Health Care Policy Evaluation module by Karien Stronks)
- 2010 to date: Guest Lecturer at TNO (training for paediatricians)
- 2010: Guest Lecture Public Health Economics, University of Maastricht
- 2009 to date: Guest Lecturer at Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing (executive course by Rudy Westendorp)
- 2009 to date: Guest Lecture Health Economics, part of the elective Health Law, University of Tilburg
- 2007 to date: Guest Lecturer in the Tranzo educational programmes, University of Tilburg
- 2006 to date: Guest Lecturer Health Economics NSPOH
- 2004: Guest Lecturer Health Economics at the Erasmus Summer Programme
- 1998-2000: Guest Lecturer Economics of Care and Wellbeing, Christian College Ede (Christelijke Hogeschool Ede
Editorial positions
- 2010-2012: Editor of a book on Health and Health Care in 2025-2040 (“Gezondheid en gezondheidszorg in 2025 – 2040”), Elsevier Health Care (Elsevier gezondheidszorg)
- 2002 to date: Editor, and since 2011 Editor-in-Chief, at the Journal for Health Sciences (TSG - Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen)
- 1998-2008: Editor of the Society Newsletter of the Society for Health Economics Committees (Vereniging voor Gezondheidseconomie Commissies) Higher Education Society, Member of the Exploration Committee Higher Education Applied Social Sciences (Vereniging van Hogescholen, Lid verkenningscommissie hoger sociaal agogisch onderwijs)
- 2013 to date: Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding), Member of the Cancer Monitoring Committee (Signaleringscommissie Kanker - SCK)
- 2012 to date: CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Centraal Planbureau), Member of the Care Project Think Tank (klankbordgroep zorgproject )
- 2011 to date: Social and Economic Council (Sociaal Economische Raad), Advisory Member of the Sustainable Health Care Spending Committee (commissie Duurzame zorguitgaven)
- 2011 to date: ZONMW, Member of the Programme Committee for Pregnancy and Birth (programmacommissie Zwangerschap en Geboorte)
- 2011-2012: ZONMW, Member of the TOP Grants Committee (commissie TOP subsidies)
- 2011 to date: Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), Member of the Customers Board (afnemersraad)
- 2010 to date: Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad), Member of the Board Committee for Health Research (Raadscommissie voor Gezondheidsonderzoek - RGO)
- 2010-2011: QANU (Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities), Member of the Committee for Health Sciences (Gezondheidswetenschappen) (Education Monitoring at Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Maastricht)
- 2010 to date: National Health Care Institute, Member of the Committee for Pharmaceutical Aid (Commissie Farmaceutische Hulp)
- 2010-2011: Health Care Innovation Platform (Zorginnovatie Platform -ZIP), Member of the Assessment Committee (beoordelingscommissie)
- 2009-2010: National Health Care Institute, Member of the Advisory Committee of Cost Guidelines for Cost-effective Research (begeleidingscommissie Kostenhandleiding voor kosteneffectiviteitsonderzoek)
- 2009-2011: ZonMw, Fourth Preventative Programme, Committee Member of the sub-programme Methodology Studies: Costs, Effects and Implementation (Vierde preventie programma, commissielid deelprogramma Methodologiestudies: kosten, effecten en implementatie)
- 2008-2009: Social and Economic Council (Sociaal Economische Raad), Member of the Ad Hoc Committee Prevention and Health Care (Preventie en gezondheid)
- 2007-2009: National Health Care Institute, Member of the Expensive Intramural Medicines Think Tank (klankbordgroep Dure intramurale geneesmiddelen).
- 2006-2009: ZonMw, Member of the Subcommittee of the Effectiveness and Efficiency Study of the Programme (subcommissie Effectiviteits- en doelmatigheidsonderzoek van het Programma)
- 2006-2007: Member of the Advisory Committee for Nature and Health (begeleidingscommissie Natuur en Gezondheid) at the Board for Spatial, Environmental and Nature Research (Raad voor ruimtelijk, milieu- en natuuronderzoek - RMNO).
- 2005-2006: Member of the Advisory Committee of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis in the interest of Mid-Range Care Planning (Centraal Planbureau in het kader van de Middellange Termijnraming Zorg (MLT-zorg)).
- 2002-2003: Member of the Noaber Health Advisory Committee (later merged with VitaValley)
- Member of the Advisory Committee on Health Research (Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek -RGO)
- 2012 to date: Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel), Chairman of the Public Advisory Board (Maatschappelijke Adviesraad)
- 2012 to date: Member of the Sirjon Supervisory Board Care Group (Raad van Toezicht Zorggroep Sirjon) (geriatric care, care for people with disabilities)
- 2008 to date: Chairman of the Society for Health Economics (Vereniging voor Gezondheidseconomie - VGE)
- 2003-2012: Chairman of the De Vluchtheuvel Society (society for general welfare work).
- 2000-2004: Member of the Focus on Care Steering Committee in the Dutch Reformed Community (Stuurgroep Zicht op zorg in de gereformeerde gezindte), later called Focaris (collaboration among about 30 care facilities with a Christian identity in various branches of the health care sector).
- 1999-2009: Board Member of the Organ Players’ Society (VOGG)
- 1999-2001: Member of the Faculty Board (Faculty of Medicine, Erasmus University; 1999-2001).
- 1997-2009: “Encounter” Foundation (Stichting Ontmoeting) (institute for social welfare with branches in Rotterdam and Epe), Board Member and Secretary, Member of the Board of Supervision since 2007
PhD Committees
- Member of the Approval Committee for Willemien de Kleijn, “Fatigue in Sarcoidosis”, University of Tilburg, 16 May, 2012.
- Member of the Approval Committee for Claudine de Meijer, “Studies of health and long-term care expenditure growth in aging populations”. Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1 March, 2012.
- Member of the Approval Committee for Simone Eussen, “The food-pharma interface”, University of Utrecht, 12 December 2011.
- Member of the PhD Committee for Tim Damen, “Technical, psychological and economic aspects of DIEP flap breast reconstruction”, Erasmus University Rotterdam (4 November 2011).
- Member of the Approval Committee dissertation of Michael van den Berg about “Workload in general practice”. University of Tilburg (9 June 2010).
- Member of the PhD Committee, dissertation of Siok Swan Tan on “Microcosting in Economic Evaluations - Issues of accuracy, feasibility, consistency and generalisability”. Erasmus University Rotterdam (27 November 2009).
- Member of the Approval Committee, dissertation of Thea van Asselt on “Economic Aspects of Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder: Theory versus Practice”. University of Maastricht (31 October 2008).
Conferences and workshops organised
- Two workshops (Social Cost-Benefit Analysis - SCBA (MKBA) and digital media) at the Dutch Conference for Public Health Care (Nederlands Congres Volksgezondheid), Amsterdam, 10-11 April 2012
- Tranzo Symposium: “Health care financing and the organisation of health care”, Tilburg, 16 March, 2012
- VGE Masterclass for Hospital Financing (Ziekenhuisfinanciering), Tilburg, 9 February, 2012
- IHEA conference, “health savings accounts” workshop, in collaboration with CPB. Toronto, July, 2011
- Tranzo Care Debate on selective prevention: “Two very different points of view” (“Twee geloven op een kussen, wie slaapt daar tussen?”), 30 June, 2011
- Workshop: “Health improvement; certainly not our choice?!“ National Conference Health Improvement (Nationaal congres gezondheidsbevordering). 27 January 2011, Wageningen
- ECHE conference, “Ageing and Health Expenditure” workshop. 8 July 2010, Helsinki
- VGE-NVTAG conference on “Preventative Health Economics”. 21 May 2010, Antwerp
- VGE-TRANZO conference on “Health Care across the Borders”. 19 March 2009, Tilburg
- Workshop: “Longer living: epidemiological aspects and consequences for health care” during the Ninth National Gerontology Conference. In collaboration with Anton Kunst, PhD (Erasmus MC). Friday 3 October 2008. De Reehorst, Ede
- Organisation of Conference on “Ambient technologies and the Future of Health Care”. In collaboration with Anton Vedder, PhD, of TILT Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (Faculty of Law). Thursday 22 May, 2008. University of Tilburg
Journal Editor
- BMC Geriatrics
- BMC Public Health
- British Medical Journal
- European Journal of Public Health
- European Journal of Health Economics
- Health Economics
- Health Policy
- Journal of Internal Medicine
- Journal of Rheumatology
- Netherlands Journal of Medicine (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde)
- Social Science & Medicine
- Journal for Health Sciences (Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen – TSG) Editor-in-Chief