BlueHealth experts from RIVM hosted a workshop in Amsterdam on 11 May to tackle questions as how to anticipate on changes to climate and society by 2040 and accordingly, how to optimise blue spaces planning

Over 20 experts from Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Greece, Estonia and The Netherlands participated, bringing their knowledge of a wide range of backgrounds including sociology, demography, technology, city planning, water management, public health, ecology and governance. Together with BlueHealth researchers, they discussed a range of future scenarios that relate to BlueHealth and – using the city of Amsterdam as an example – considered their potential impact at a local level.


Participants prioritised a number of large-scale trends relevant for BlueHealth, such as urbanisation, longer life expectancy and a changing climate, and estimated the uncertainty associated with each.

BlueHealth scenarios

Building blocks were identified that can be used to create BlueHealth scenarios. The use of water systems to promote and enable healthy choices emerged as a particular opportunity, given the upcoming investments in climate adaptation.

Read more on BlueHealth project website