The Centre provides in the societal need for reliable knowledge on the sustainable use and management of the living environment and the effects of environmental factors on the quality of the environment and health.  The Centre researches and advises on a healthy environment. The living environment is our starting point and  humans (health, wellbeing and when needed welfare) and the ecosystems (robustness and quality) are part of our work. Also social-economic effects can be taken into account.

Head of centre: drs.R. (Rene) van der Ent

Key expertises of the centre are:

  • Impact directed policy on sustainability, air, (drinking) water, soil and noise
  • Impact of exposure to environmental burdens, such as air pollution, nanoparticles and noise, on people and ecosystems
  • Impact of spatial planning and environmental measures on the health and welfare of people and the ecosystem, like electromagnetic fields, traffic policy.
  • The impact of adapting environment to climate change
  • The impact of sustainable use of resources and ecosystems
  • Advice on soil and drinking water standards
  • Methodology development to assess measures and deviation from standards
  • Epidemiological and toxicological research on the health impacts of environmental burden and work related burden
  • Health impact assessment and integrated considerations for spatial planning
  • Contributing to government information on environmental health and ecosystem services