RIVM consists of 13 specialised knowledge centres, the Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes and the Project Office New Premises. The Executive Office supports all RIVM personnel in the performance of their duties. In addition, the Information Services unit provides support with regard to ICT and information provision, research methods and data. RIVM is managed by the Board of Directors. This collegial board is the highest decision-making body at RIVM level.

Executive Board

Menno de Jong

Menno de Jong
Director Centre for Infectious Disease Control

Oebele Tolsma

Oebele Tolsma

Acting coordinator of the National Functionality for Upscaling Infectious Disease Control


Centre for Infectious Disease Control
The centre coordinates the control of infectious diseases, including effective prevention, close vigilance and quick response in the event of an outbreak, and contributes to reducing health problems related to infectious diseases.

National Coordination Centre for Communicable Disease Control
The centre coordinates the control of infectious diseases and is responsible for rapid and efficient communication about outbreaks nationally and regionally throughout the Netherlands. In the event of an outbreak, the centre is responsible for the scientific advice on outbreak control measures to the government and for implementation by health professionals.

Centre for Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Surveillance
The centre analyses and monitors the occurrence and trends in infectious diseases in the Netherlands and carries out studies on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of measures to control such diseases.

Centre for Infectious Diseases Research, Diagnostics and Laboratory Surveillance
The centre carries out microbiological research, specific patient and epidemiological diagnostics of infectious diseases, and all laboratory analyses on human infectious diseases.

Centre for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology
The centre is responsible for the early warning and risk assessment of the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms from animals, food and the environment to humans in the Netherlands.

Centre for Immunology of Infectious Diseases and Vaccines
The centre advises the Dutch Government on Immunology and Vaccinology and carries out research to generate knowledge and data on the immune response to infectious diseases and to vaccinations offered in the framework of the government’s infectious disease control programme.

Centre for Safety of Substances and Products
The centre provides advice and practical support to the Dutch Government and international organisations on risk management of chemical substances, products and gene technology. Our objective is sustainable protection and promotion of the health and safety of people and the environment in a time of rapid technological innovation.

Centre for Sustainability, Environment and Health
The centre works for the sustainability of our society so that now and in the future, sustainable use can be made of our environment.

Centre for Environmental Quality
The Centre for Environmental Quality provides reliable information on the quality of our environment. We conduct independent scientific research, with which we create a current impression of the physical environmental quality. We provide tailored information through a variety of avenues: recommendations, direct data delivery, websites and interactive apps. This allows us to contribute to the plans of governments aimed at creating a sustainable and healthy living environment. We work to ensure that our clients and society can understand our knowledge and insights.

Centre for Environmental Safety and Security
The centre focuses on the physical safety in the Netherlands with regard to the threat of accidents and events, and the consequences of such events. These activities cover accidents with chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents (CBRN Chemical Biological Radiology and nuclear (Chemical Biological Radiology and nuclear ) agents), and all other physical accidents and disasters.


Centre for Public health, Healthcare and Society 
The Centre for Public Health, Healthcare and Society (VZM) conducts research in the broad field of public health and health services. This includes the state of public health today and projections for the future, the impact of preventive measures, healthcare innovations and changes in the healthcare system. The centre has specific expertise in the fields of monitoring, foresight studies and modelling. It brings together scientific knowledge from within RIVM and elsewhere and uses it to highlight socially relevant issues, place them on the agenda and provide advice.

Centre for Health Protection
The centre focuses on the health impacts and risks to people of chemical and biological agents, with special attention to medicines, medical products, tobacco, consumer products, diet and food components, and interaction with life style factors.

Centre for Prevention, Lifestyle and Health
The Centre for Prevention, Lifestyle and Health (PLG) is the centre for knowledge in the field of promoting healthy behaviour. It conducts research into behaviour, life-course and lifestyle issues, with a special focus on nutrition and chemical food safety. In addition, the centre brings together scientific and practical knowledge from within RIVM and elsewhere. The aim is to put that knowledge at the service of society, for example by using it to support policymakers and professionals.

Centre for Population Screening
The Centre for Population Screening directs and coordinates the eight national population screening programmes offered by the Dutch government. It is also responsible for the National Influenza Prevention Programme.

RIVM’s temporary working organisation group Prevention Programmes and Public Health Upscaling is working on a new domain with the aim of organising prevention programmes in such a way that they are fit for purpose and recognisable for the public. The domain will be comprised of the Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes, the Centre for Population Screening and the National Functionality for Upscaling Infectious Disease Control. The primary task of this new RIVM domain will be to direct and coordinate population screening programmes, screenings, vaccination programmes and upscaling during large-scale infectious disease outbreaks.

Centre for Population Screening
The Centre for Population Screening directs and coordinates the eight national population screening programmes offered by the Dutch government. It is also responsible for the National Influenza Prevention Programme. The Centre acts as a linking pin between the parties involved in policymaking and implementation. It organises and supports the network proactively and focuses on the further development of existing population screening programmes and the successful implementation of new population screening programmes.

Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes
The Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes coordinates the implementation of the National Immunisation Programme, Neonatal Screening and the Prenatal Screening for Infectious Diseases and Erythrocyte Immunisation for pregnant women.

National Functionality for Upscaling Infectious Disease Control
In the coming years, the Netherlands is likely to face major outbreaks of infectious diseases again. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for better pandemic preparedness. Rapid upscaling and central coordination of medical-operational processes, such as testing, vaccination and source and contact tracing, are essential during such an outbreak. To achieve these aims, a new crisis response organisation has been set up under the umbrella of RIVM: the National Functionality for Upscaling Infectious Disease Control. This was officially launched on 1 September 2023. 

Oebele Tolsma serves as the acting coordinator of the temporary working organisation Prevention Programmes and Public Health Upscaling.

Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes
The department coordinates the implementation of the National Immunisation Programme, neonatal screening, and screening of pregnant women.

Project office new premises
RIVM will move to the Utrecht Science Park in 2020. Together with the Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB), RIVM will occupy the new building on the Weg tot de Wetenschap in Utrecht.

Staff services

Information Services unit
The Information Services unit works not only for RIVM, but also for a number of the government’s other knowledge institutions, including the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and the three planning agencies. We offer these clients support with regard to ICT infrastructure, office automation, systems development, application management, geographic information systems, data logistics, research methods and data services.