Preventing the emergence of food-borne enteric viral infections. Laboratory and bio-informatics tools, diagnosis, viability testing, networking and epidemiology.


The RIVM Diagnostic Laboratory for Infectious Diseases and Perinatal Screening was the lead partner and overall coordinator of the Foodborne Viruses in Europe network. This network runs the EU European Union (European Union ) 6th framework research project EVENT and the DG SANCO co-financed surveillance project DIVINE-NET. These projects combined surveillance of norovirus and hepatitis A/E virus infections with research into transmission routes and up-to-date diagnostic methods. The research was drawn on complementary expertise from the fields of diagnostic virology, molecular virology, epidemiology, foodborne infections, food processing and molecular biology.


Prevention of emerging (food-borne) enteric viral infections: diagnosis, viability testing, networking and epidemiology.