Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2

Protecting European health through the implementation and harmonisation of European tobacco legislation. 

Within the framework of the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2, European countries joined forces to support the implementation of Tobacco legislation throughout the 28 Member States and contribute to the reduction of tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. The Joint Action was launched in 2021 and will run until 2024. The Danish Safety and Technology Authority (DSTA) coordinates the JATC. RIVM is one of the 36 project partners/institutions.


The general objective of the Joint Action is to strengthen the cooperation between the Member States within the area of tobacco control, specifically concerning enforcement and implementation of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD)2, the Tobacco Advertising Directive (TAD)3, and to develop a common ground for strategies on smoke-free environments and tobacco endgame strategies. The partners of JATC 2 are also committed to the new Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan4, where EU European Union (European Union ) Member States stand together in the fight against tobacco, and in promoting activities consistent with the objectives of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)5.

The previous JATC contributed to the implementation of the TPD in specific areas of laboratory capacity, testing methods for tobacco and related products, regulation of ingredients and developed data sharing agreements concerning the excessive amounts of data within EU-CEG. JATC 2 builds on the results of the JATC and adds new pillars to the work of Joint Action within tobacco control.

Role of RIVM

Health effects of novel tobacco products and e-cigarettes

The work package led by RIVM aims for a better understanding of the properties, health impact and regulatory implications of novel tobacco products and e-cigarettes, to support effective information and regulation. To evaluate health effects of these products data from several sources is collected and analysed:

  1. Data regarding product properties and composition supplied by manufacturers will be used to gain insight into the variation and health risks of novel tobacco products and e-cigarettes in various countries.
  2. The awareness, use and perceptions of novel tobacco products and e-cigarettes will be evaluated based on available literature and survey data.
  3. We will inquire information on reported adverse incidents associated with the use of novel tobacco products and/or e-cigarettes, and existing policies for collection of such data across the EU. Our results will support EU Member States’ training, capacity building and information sharing on novel tobacco products and e-cigarettes.  

Measuring flavourings in e-liquids

RIVM also participates in a work package aimed to support international collaboration on laboratory work in the EU. Together with partners from Italy, and in collaboration with WHO Tobacco Laboratory Network (TobLabNet), we are developing a method to measure flavourings in e-liquids. 

RIVM staff involved in the JATC2 are Anne Havermans, Charlotte Pauwels, Yvonne Staal, Jeroen Pennings, Walther Klerx and Reinskje Talhout, head of RIVM's WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Product Regulation and Control.


JATC2 is co-funded by the European Union’s Health Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101035968/ JA-01-2020.