Med-Vet-Net was an European network of excellence integrating veterinary, medical and food science research on the prevention and control of zoonoses and foodborne diseases.
Comprising 16 European partners and over 300 scientists, Med-Vet-Net enabled scientists to share and enhance their knowledge and skills, to develop collaborative research projects and to present joint research within and outside the network.
Zoonotic diseases
To control zoonotic diseases across Europe, human diseases need to be detected and identified, transmission routes and the critical control points understood, and effective interventions introduced. Of the 1415 microbes known to cause infectious disease in humans, over 60 % are transmissible from animals. Many of these infections occur with the consumption of contaminated food products or from contact with food-producing animals. Research on zoonotic diseases in Europe has been fragmented with a major division between human and veterinary medicine. Med-Vet-Net aimed to bridge this gap between veterinary and public health.
Med-Vet-Net Association
Following the end of EU (European Union) funding, the Med-Vet-Net Association was officially launched in October 2009 to continue the work started within the former Network of Excellence.