NANOMILE (Engineered nanomaterial mechanisms of interactions with living systems and the environment: a universal framework for safe nanotechnology)

The NanoMILE project was conceived and led by an international elite of scientists from the EU European Union (European Union ) and US with the aim to establish a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of nanomaterial interactions with living systems and the environment, and uniquely to do so across the entire life cycle of nanomaterials and in a wide range of target species. Identification ofcritical properties (physico-chemical descriptors) that confer the ability to induce harm in biological systems is key to allowing these features to be avoided in nanomaterial production (“safety by design”). Major shortfalls in the risk analysis process for nanomaterials are the fundamental lack of data on exposure levels and the environmental fate and transformation of nanomaterials, key issues that this proposal will address, including through the development of novel modelling approaches.

A major deliverable of the project was a framework for classification of nanomaterials according to their impacts, whether biological or environmental, by linking nanomaterial-biomolecule interactions across scales (sub-cellular to ecosystem) and establishing the specific biochemical mechanisms of interference (toxicity pathway). 

Read more about the outcomes in the Final Report Summary NanoMILE.


NanoMILE was funded under FP7-NMP, Grant Agreement ID: 310451.