verpleeghuis man in rolstoel

The number of new nursing homes with COVID-19 patients is stabilising.  New locations are still being added every day, but not as many as in March and the first half of April (see Figure 1).

The number of reported COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents has also been decreasing since the end of April (Figure 2). Nursing homes have residents and healthcare workers tested when there are indications of COVID-19. Some reports are filed later. For that reason, it is possible that not all reports from the past week have been included in these figures. 

RIVM is working with the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel) and the Dutch Association of Elderly Care Physicians (Verenso) to achieve a clearer overview of patients in nursing homes who probably have or had COVID-19, but did not have a laboratory test. RIVM is also working with Statistics Netherlands (CBS) to achieve a clearer overview of the number of nursing home residents who have died from COVID-19. 

Figure 1. New nursing home locations with an initial report of COVID-19, per day

Figure 2. Deceased patients with COVID-19 who were living in a nursing home, per day