From 20 November on, data from National Immunisation Programme will be available through the client portal provided by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM): Mijn.RIVM.nl . The data can also be accessed through five personal digital health environments qualified for this purpose. The COVID-19 vaccinations have already been available through these channels since April 2024, as have the HPV vaccinations for people aged 16 and 17 years.
What is a personal digital health environment?
A personal digital health environment (Dutch: persoonlijke gezondheidsomgeving, PGO) is an app or website where citizens can access data about their own health securely and free of charge, even when stored at various healthcare providers. Users must be at least 16 years old. Users can log into their personal digital health environment through DigiD, accessing data securely through the stringent parameters of the MedMij framework. In a personal digital health environment, citizens have a dashboard where they can view various data about their own health.
More and more data in personal digital health environments
The government considers it important that everyone in the Netherlands has insight into data about their health and healthcare. To that end, the government is making it possible for citizens to retrieve their own health data stored by the government and access it in their personal digital health environment (as long the person has given permission). It is now possible to access data about an individual’s COVID-19 vaccinations and vaccinations from the National Immunisation Programme in their personal digital health environment.
MijnRIVM portal
In addition to being available in a personal digital health environment, the vaccination data from National Immunisation Programme can also be viewed in the RIVM portal at Mijn.RIVM.nl. Data can be accessed for residents of the Netherlands born in or after 1992. Residents of the Netherlands born before 1992 can request an overview of their vaccinations. People can have simple, secure access to their own vaccination data by logging in with DigiD. To view a child’s vaccination data, the parent or guardian to apply for a separate DigiD for the child.
If a person has objected to sharing vaccination data with RIVM, their data will not be available in MijnRIVM. Since 1 January 2022, permission to share data has been electronically recorded in the digital health records of the Youth Healthcare Services (JGZ) when vaccinations are given.
Moving towards a well-stocked personal digital health environment
In the Integrated Care Agreement (IZA), the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and many different parties from the healthcare sector agreed that every citizen who wants to should have a well-stocked personal digital health environment by the end of 2025. In the meantime, people who have a personal digital health environment can already access data from their GP and the hospital, amongst others. This will now be supplemented by the data from the National Immunisation Programme. The end goal is for people to be able to access all their vaccination data in a personal digital health environment. This includes travel vaccinations and vaccination data from general practitioners, such as the seasonal flu vaccine, and from job health and safety services. This will eventually include health data from other sectors, such as birth care and dental care.
Would you like to know more?
Go to the page about personal digital health environments on Government.nl or visit the PGO website at www.PGO.nl (in Dutch). If you would like to know how to access vaccination data in a personal digital health environment, pgo.nl/vaccinaties offers more details (in Dutch). The Information Point for Personal Health Environments offers assistance in creating a personal digital health environment. They can also be reached by e-mail: pgo@helpdeskdigitalezorg.nl or by phone: 085 30 34 959. More information about the MijnRIVM portal is available at Mijn.RIVM.nl.