On 14 and 15 April the European directors of national public health institutes (NPHIs) are present in Bilthoven to share knowledge, discuss topical issues and identify areas where a joint approach could be advantageous. These meetings are held once a year at both international and European level. The meeting of European NPHI directors often takes place in the country that holds the EU European Union (European Union ) Presidency. This year, therefore, it takes place in the Netherlands and is hosted by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).


The International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) was launched in 2006. It has 100 members from 88 countries. The goal is to develop and improve public health and public health systems via NPHIs. The IANPHI meetings offer NPHI directors a unique opportunity to share and acquire knowledge, and discuss various relevant issues. These meetings also lay the foundations for collaboration and serve as a platform for promoting interests and taking joint action on public health challenges and opportunities.