In 2021 half of all adults were overweight. 21% sometimes smoked, 7% were excessive drinkers and 8% heavy drinkers. The numbers of smokers and overweight or obese people were higher among groups with lower welfare or lower levels of education.
This information is from the Health Survey / Lifestyle Monitor 2021, performed by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) in collaboration with RIVM, the Trimbos Institute and Pharos. The figures show that the percentages of adults with overweight (50%) and obesity (14%) are not decreasing compared with 2018. The number of smokers did slightly decrease: from 22% in 2018 to 21% in 2021.
About the Health Survey / Lifestyle Monitor
Every year a random group of people of all ages from the Personal Records Databast (BRP) are asked questions about issues such as smoking, alcohol use and drugs, and about their body length, weight and the food they eat. For children up to the age of 12, a parent or caregiveranswers the questions.