Long-term disruption of day/night rhythms leads to an increase in breast cancer risk and bodyweight in mice susceptible to breast cancer. RIVM and Erasmus MC demonstrated this scientifically for the first time in a recent study. This study demonstrates a direct link between long-term disruption of circadian rhythms, as in regular night work and frequent jet lag, and the development of breast tumours and a gain in bodyweight. The study provides an insight into separate aspects of night work that contribute to this risk.
Simulated night work
In recent years we have seen growing evidence
that long-term shift working can pose a threat to health, such as a
higher risk of breast cancer in women. However, no direct causal
connection had been identified between night work and health risks,
due to possible lifestyle differences between day and night
workers. It is possible that women working nights have children at
a later age, eat less healthily, sport less or drink more alcohol –
all of these factors also increase the risk of breast cancer and
weight gain.
In this mouse study, disruption of day/night rhythms was simulated
as closely as possible, excluding disruptive factors, and the link
with the increased breast cancer risk was still found. The mice
have a genetic mutation which makes them more susceptible to
mammary tumours, comparable to increased risk groups in humans.
This study provides an insight into mechanisms which may underlie
the effects on breast cancer risk and unwanted weight gain. For
example, it is now clear that chronic disruption of the biological
clock and sleep plays a role. Epidemiological studies can now be
used for a more targeted approach for detecting possible health
risks of shift work. However, these studies will take another three
to five years for the results to emerge.
Is healthier night work possible?
1.2 million people in the Netherlands (16 %
of the working population) occasionally or frequently work on night
duty. Around 3.8 million people (51 %) report occasional or
frequent working in the evenings. There is no question of
abolishing night work, especially not in the modern 24-hour
economy. RIVM
and Erasmus MC have launched
research into interventions designed to minimise the risk of health
problems. Examples include shift work rosters with fewer
consecutive night duties, and adjustments to eating patterns. The
unique mouse breast cancer model used in this study will make it
possible within a year to test whether an intervention reduces the
risk. In human studies, this takes at least 20 years.