Can you solve a medical mystery? During World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2019, RIVM has set up an escape room in one of busiest shopping malls in the Netherlands.
Patient in Radboudumc not contaminated with the Ebola virus The patient, who was admitted in the Radboud univerisity medical center over the past few days because of a suspected Ebola infection, was proven not to be infected.
Promising biobased alternatives to substances of very high concern There are many possible biobased alternatives to substances of very high concern (SVHC). Some are even ready to be deployed right away.
European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2014 Tuesday 18 November is European Antibiotic Awareness Day. On this day, throughout Europe, attention is focused on the responsible use of antibiotics for people and animals.
The National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands 2013 - 2014 Every year, RIVM provides an overview of surveillance and developments in the National Immunisation Programme (NIP).