Title Authors Published in: Access
10 jaar huidige Diagnostische ReferentieNiveaus, een jubileum om te vieren? H Bijwaard  NVMBR magazine 2022;5(1):22-26 Closed Access
10% Body weight (gain) change as criterion for the maximum tolerated dose: A critical analysis D van Berlo, M Woutersen, A Muller, M Pronk, J Vriend, B Hakkert Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2022; 134:105235 Open Access
4D-Var Inversion of European NH 3 Emissions Using CrIS NH 3 Measurements and GEOS-Chem Adjoint With Bi-Directional and Uni-Directional Flux Schemes H Cao, DK Henze,  L Zhu, MW Shephard, K Cady-Pereira, R Wichink Kruit, et al. J Geophys Res Atmos 2022; 127(9):e2021JD035687 Open Access
A comparative biodistribution study of polymeric and lipid-based nanoparticles AKO Aslund, RJ Vandebriel, F Caputo, WH de Jong, C Delmaar, A Hyldbakk, et al. Drug Deliv Transl Res 2022;  12(9):2114-2131 Open Access
A critical review on the biological impact of natural organic matter on nanomaterials in the aquatic environment X Wang, D Liang, Y Wang, WJGM Peijnenburg RIVM, FA Monikh, X Zhao Carbon Res 2022;1:13 Open Access
A large scale multi-laboratory suspect screening of pesticide metabolites in human biomonitoring: From tentative annotations to verified occurrences C Huber, R Nijssen, H Mol, I Ottenbros, M Luijten, et al. Environ Int 2022; 168:107452 Open Access
A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to predict pegylated liposomal doxorubicin disposition in rats and human M Camotti Montanha, A Howard, DA Mohamed, E Loier, C Delmaar, et al. Drug Deliv Transl Res 2022;  12(9):2178-2186 Closed Access
A risk based assessment approach for chemical mixtures from wastewater treatment plant effluents S Finckh, LM Beckers, W Busch, E Carmona, V Dulio, L Posthuma, J Slootweg, et al. Environment Int 2022; 164:107234 Open Access
A Tiered Approach for Assessing Individual and Combined Risk of Pyrethroids Using Human Biomonitoring Data JV Tarazona, I Cattaneo, L Niemann, S Pedraza-Diaz, I Ottenbros, et al. Toxics 2022; 10(8):451 Open Access
A universal free energy relationship for both hard and soft radical addition in water TM Nolte, AJ Hendriks, LA Novak, WJGM Peijnenburg  J Phys Organic 2022;  35(4):e4317 Open Access
Acute, sub-chronic and chronic exposures to TiO2 and Ag nanoparticles differentially affects neuronal function in vitro LS Gerber, HJ Heusinkveld, C Langendoen, B Stahlmecke, RPF Schins, RHS Westerink Neurotoxicol 2022;  93: 311 – 323 Open Access
Adopting Safe-by-Design in Science and Engineering Academia: The Soil May Need Tilling SJC Krouwel, ER Dierickx, S Heesterbeek, P Klaassen Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19(4):2075 Open Access
Advances in air quality research - current and emerging challenges RS Sokhi, N Moussiopoulos, A Baklanov,  J Bartzis, I Coll, GJM Velders, et al. Atmos Chem Phys 2022; 22(7):4615-703 Open Access
Advancing exposure data analytics and repositories as part of the European Exposure Science Strategy 2020-2030 MB Kosnik, S Kephalopoulos, A Munoz, N Aurisano, A Cusinator, M Zare Jeddi, et al. Environ Int 2022; 170:107610 Open Access
Aggregation, solubility and cadmium-adsorption capacity of CuO nanoparticles in aquatic environments: Effects of pH, natural organic matter and component addition sequence Y Xiao, W Tang, WJGM Peijnenburg, X Zhang, J Wu, M Xu, et al. J Environ Manag 2022; 310:14770 Closed Access
Amphibian toxicity testing for identification of thyroid disrupting chemicals Z Dang  Environ Pollut 2022; 311:120006 Open Access
An analytical workflow for dynamic characterization and quantification of metal-bearing nanomaterials in biological matrices FA Monikh,Z  Guo, P Zhang, MG Vijver, I Lynch, WJGM Peijnenburg, et al. Nat Protoc 2022; 17(9):1926-52 Closed Access
An inter-laboratory effort to harmonize the cell-delivered in vitro dose of aerosolized materials A Bannuscher, O Schmid, B Drasler, HM Braakhuis, EP Zwart, ER Gremmer, RJ Vandebriel, F Cassee, et al. NanoImpact 2022; 28:100439 Open Access
Annoyance and sleep disturbance due to vibrations from trains in The Netherlands: results from the follow-up study “Living in the vicinity of the railway” E van Kempen, S Simon, H van Wijnen, A Kok, N Mabjala, I van Kamp In: Proceedings Internoise 2022. Noise Control in a More Sustainable Future. 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Glasgow, 2022 Open Access
Annoyance and sleep disturbance responses in people living in the vicinity of wind turbines in the Netherlands A Bolders, M Reedijk, H van Wijnen, I van Kamp In: Proceedings Internoise 2022. Noise Control in a More Sustainable Future. 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Glasgow, 2022 Open Access
Applicability of nanomaterial-specific guidelines within long-term Daphnia magna toxicity assays: A case study on multigenerational effects of nTiO 2 and nCeO 2 exposure in the presence of artificial daylight TAP Nederstigt, WJGM Peijnenburg, EAJ Bleeker, MG Vijver Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2022; 131:105156 Open Access
Approaches to implement safe by design in early product design through combining risk assessment and Life Cycle Assessment V Subramanian, WJGM Peijnenburg, MG Vijver, CF Blanco, S Cucurachi, JB Guinee Chemosphere 2022; 311(1):137080 Open Access
Approaches to mixture risk assessment of PFASs in the European population based on human hazard and biomonitoring data W Bil, E Govarts, MJ Zeilmaker,M  Woutersen, J Bessems, Y Ma, et al. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2023; 247:114071 Open Access
Argumentation analysis of risk assessments: the case of perfluorooctanoic acid. WP Jongeneel, HP van Klaveren, RP Bogers, J Devilee, KR Rijs, AH Piersma, T Vermeire, E Lebret Risk Anal 2022;  42(4):770-785 Closed Access
Assessing the representativity of NH3 measurements influenced by boundary-layer dynamics and the turbulent dispersion of a nearby emission source RB Schulte, MC van Zanten, BJH van Stratum,  JVGde Arellano  Atmos Chem Phys 2022; 22(12):8241-57 Open Access
Assessing the soundness of water governance: lessons learned from applying the 10 Building Blocks Approach L Dai, C Dieperink, S Wuijts, M van Rijswijck Water International 2022;  47(4):610-631 Open Access
Assessment of drinking water safety in the Netherlands using nationwide exposure and mortality data D Houthuijs, ORP Breugelmans, KA Baken, M Schipper, M van der Aa, et al. Environ Int 2022; 166:107356 Open Access
Associations between Mixture of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Lipid Profile in a Highly Exposed Adult Community in the Veneto Region E Batzella, M Zare Jeddi, G Pitter, F Russo, F Fletcher, C Canova Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19(19):12421 Open Access
Associations between the fast-food environment and diabetes prevalence in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional study A-M Ntarladima, D Karssenberg, M Poelman, DE Grobbee, M Strak, N Janssen, et al. Lancet Plent Health 2022; 6(1):e29-39 Open Access
Attributable mortality of vancomycin resistance in ampicillin-resistant Enterococcus faecium bacteremia in Denmark and the Netherlands: A matched cohort study Y Devos, JD Mumford, MB Bonsall, AM Camargo, LG Firbank, DCM Glandorf, et al Crit Rev Biotechnol 2022;  42(2):254-270  Open Access
Author Correction: Comparison of weather station and climate reanalysis data for modelling temperature-related mortality MN Mistry, R Schneider, P Masselot, D Roye, D Houthuijs, C Ameling, et al Sci Rep 2022;12:7960 Open Access
Bayesian based similarity assessment of nanomaterials to inform grouping G Tsiliki, D Ag Seleci, A Zabeo, G Basel, D Hristozov, W Peijenburg, et al.  NanoImpact 2022; 25:100389 Closed Access
Bioaccumulation of CuO nanomaterials in rainbow trout: Influence of exposure route and particle shape J Kalman, M Connolly, F Abdolahpur-Monikh, R Fernandez-Saavedra, AI Cardona-Garcia, WJGM Peijnenburg, et al. Chemosphere 2022;  310:136894 Open Access
Blootstelling aan natuurlijke straling - Deel III: Terrestrische straling en gammastraling uit bouwmaterialen R Smetsers  Ned Tijdschr Stralingsbescherming 2022;13(1) Closed Access
Blootstelling aan natuurlijke straling - Deel IV: Radon, thoron en effectieve dosis van alle natuurlijke bronnen samen P Bekhuis, R Smetsers  Ned Tijdschr Stralingsbescherming 2022;13(1) Closed Access
Branched-chain amino acids linked to depression in young adults AM Whipp, M Heinonen-Guzejev, KH Pietilainen, I van Kamp, J Kaprio Front Neurosci 2022; 16:935858 OPen Access
Can Current Regulations Account for Intentionally Produced Nanoplastics? FA Monikh, S Foss Hansen, MG Vijver, E Kentin, MB Nielsen, WJGM Peijnenburg, et al. Environ Sci Technol 2022;  56(7):3836-9  Open Access
Challenges in Predicting the Change in the Cumulative Exposure of New Tobacco and Related Products Based on Emissions and Toxicity Dose-Response Data YCM Staal, W Bil, BGH Bokkers, LG Soeteman-Hernández, WE Stephens, R Talhout Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19(17):10528 Open Access
Characterization of ecotoxicological risks from unintentional mixture exposures calculated from European freshwater monitoring data: Forwarding prospective chemical risk management E Rorije, PNH Wassenaar, J Slootweg, L van Leeuwen, FA van Broekhuizen, L Posthuma  Sci Total Environ 2022;  822: 153385 Open Access
Characterization of Potential Adverse Outcome Pathways Related to Metabolic Outcomes and Exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Using Artificial Intelligence AM Kaiser, MZ Jeddi, M Uhl, F Jornod, MF Fernandez, K Audouze Toxics 2022; 10(8):449 Open Access
Combined Exposure to Multiple Mycotoxins: An Example of Using a Tiered Approach in a Mixture Risk Assessment AD van den Brand, BGH Bokkers, JD te Biesebeek, MJB Mengelers Toxins 2022; 14(5):303 Open Access
Comment on Environmental quality standards for diclofenac derived under the European Water Framework Directive: 1. Aquatic organisms G Maack, L Aysto, M Carere, H Clausen, A James, E Verbruggen, et al. Environ Sci Europe 2022;  34(1):24 Open Access
Commonwealth of Soil Health: How Do Earthworms Modify the Soil Microbial Responses to CeO 2 Nanoparticles? W Li, P Zhang, H Qiu, CAM van Gestel, WJGM Peijnenburg, X Cao, et al. Environ Sci Technol  2022; 56(2):1138-1148 Closed Access
Comparison of weather station and climate reanalysis data for modelling temperature-related mortality MN Mistry, R Schneider, P Masselot, D Houthuijs, C Ameling , et al Sci Rep 2022;12(1):5178 Open Access
Complementarity of International Instruments in the Field of Biosecurity IM Vennis, M Boskovic, DA Bleijs, SA Rutjes  Front Public Health 2022; 10:894389 Open Access
Conducting evaluations of evidence that are transparent, timely and can lead to health-protective actions N Chartres, JB Sass, D Gee, SA Balan, L Birnbaum, T Vermeire, et al. Environ Health 2022;  21(1):123 Open Access
Considerations for bioaccumulation studies in fish with nanomaterials M Connolly, S Martinez-Morcillo, J Kalman, JM Navas, E Bleeker, ML Fernandez Cruz Chemosphere 2022; 312(1):137299 Open Access
Control of Plant Ageing at Seveso Sites: Achievements in Research and Transfer to Current Practice P Bragatto, MF Milazzo, T Vairo, R Hansler, LJ Bellamy Chem Engineer Transact 2022; 90:703-8 Open Access
Correction to: Toxicogenomics directory of chemically exposed human hepatocytes M Grinberg, RM Stoeber, K Edlund, E Rempel, MM Schaap, M Luijten, H van Steeg, et al.  Arch Toxicol 2022;   96:945-946 Closed Access
Correlation analysis of single- and multigenerational endpoints in Daphnia magna toxicity tests: A case-study using TiO 2 nanoparticles TAP Nederstigt, WJGM Peijnenburg, R Blom, MG Vijver Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2022 Jun 20; 241:113792 Open Access
Cost of Inaction Prepared by the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling, co-chairs R Maas & S  Åström United  Nations, Economic Commission for Europe - ECE/EB.AIR/2022/7 Open Access
Delineation of the exposure-response causality chain of chronic copper toxicity to the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, with a TK-TD model based on concepts of biotic ligand model and subcellular metal partitioning model. T Le, N Milen, D Grabner, AJ Hendriks, WJGM Peijnenburg, B Sures Chemosphere 2022;  286(3):131930 Closed Access
Developing human biomonitoring as a 21st century toolbox within the European exposure science strategy 2020-2030 M Zare  Jeddi, NB Hopf, H Louro, S Viegas, KS Galea, J van Klaveren, N Palmen, et al. Environ Int 2022; 168:107476 Open Access
Development of a machine-learning model to identify the impacts of pesticides characteristics on soil microbial communities from high-throughput sequencing data M Ke, N Xu, Z Zhang, D Qiu, J Kang, WJGM Peijnenburg, et al. Environ Microbiol 2022; 24(11):5561-5573 Closed Access
Development of a Potentially New Algaecide for Controlling Harmful Cyanobacteria Blooms Which is Ecologically Safe and Selective ILA Boxman, L Verhoef, PY Dop, H Vennema, RAM Dirks, M Opsteegh J Agric Food Chem 2022; 70(33):10134-10143 Closed Access
Development of a Quasi-QSAR Model for Prediction of the Immobilization Response of Daphnia magna Exposed to Metal-Based Nanomaterials W Bunmahotama, MG Vijver, W Peijnenburg  Environ Toxicol Chem 2022;  41(6):1439-1450 Open Access
Discovering Ecological Relationships in Flowing Freshwater Ecosystems KP Mielke, AM Schipper, T Heskes, MC Zijp, L Posthuma, MAJ Huijbregts, et al.  Front Ecol Evol 2022; 9:782554 Open Access
Dissolved Organic Matter Enhanced the Aggregation and Oxidation of Nanoplastics under Simulated Sunlight Irradiation in Water Y-N Zhang, F Cheng, T Zhang, C Li, J Qu, WJGM Peijnenburg, et al. Environ Sci Technol 2022;  56(5):3085-95  Closed Access
Dose Addition in the Induction of Craniofacial Malformations in Zebrafish Embryos Exposed to a Complex Mixture of Food-Relevant Chemicals with Dissimilar Modes of Action LTM van der Ven, P van Ommeren, EP Zwart, ER Gremmer, HM Hodemakers, HJ Heusinkveld, JD van Klaveren, E Rorije  Environ Health Perspec 2022; 130(4):47003 Open Access
Dynamics in public perceptions and media coverage during an ongoing outbreak of meningococcal W disease in the Netherlands M de Vries, L Claassen, MJM te Wierik, DRM Timmermans, A Timen  BMC public health 2022; 22(1):633 Open Access
Early environmental quality and life-course mental health effects: The Equal-Life project I van Kamp, KP Waye, K Kanninen, J Gulliver, A Bozzon, A Psyllidis, H Boshuizen, et al. Environ Epidemiol 2022; 6(1):e183 Open Access
Ecotoxicity characterization of chemicals: Global recommendations and implementation in USEtox M Owsianiak, MZ Hauschild, L Posthuma, E Saouter, MG Vijver, T Backhaus, et al. Chemosphere 2022;  310:136807 Open Access
Effects of natural organic matter on the joint toxicity and accumulation of Cu nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles in Daphnia magna  Q Yu, Z Wang, G Wang, WJGM Peijnenburg, MG Vijver Environ Pollut 2022 ; 292(Pt B):118413 Closed Access
Effects of subchronic dietary exposure to the engineered nanomaterials SiO 2 and CeO 2 in C57BL/6J and 5xFAD Alzheimer model mice A Sofranko, T Wahle, J Kolling, HJ Heusinkveld, B Stahlmecke, M Rosenbruch, et al.  Part Fibre Toxicol 2022; 19(1):23 Open Access
Effects of tumor necrosis factor on undifferentiated and syncytialised placental choriocarcinoma BeWo cells GAM Eliesen, M Fransen, N Kooijman, PHH van den Broek, FGM Russel, R Greupink Toxicol in Vitro 2022;  80:105327  Open Access
Electrohypersensitivity is always real V Pitron, JV Haanes, L Hillert, FG Koteles, D Leger, I van Kamp, et al. Environ Res 2023;  218:114840 Closed Access
Emerging investigator series: perspectives on toxicokinetics of nanoscale plastic debris in organisms F Abdolahpur Monikh, MG Vijver, R Kortet, I Lynch, WJGM Peijnenburg  Environ Sci: nano 2022; 9:1566-1577 Open Access
Energy transition related noise and vibration issues and their health consequences I van Kamp  In: Proceedings Internoise 2022. Noise Control in a More Sustainable Future. 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Glasgow, 2022 Open Access
Enhancing the Dutch engineering calculation method A Kok  In: Proceedings Internoise 2022. Noise Control in a More Sustainable Future. 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Glasgow, 2022 Open Access
Enhancing the use of exposure science across EU European Union (European Union ) chemical policies as part of the European Exposure Science Strategy 2020-2030 Y Bruinen de Bruin, A Franco, A Ahrens, A Morris, H Verhagen, S Kephalopoulos, V Dulio, T Vermeire, M Zare Jeddi, et al. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2022;  32:513-525 Open Access
Evaluation of EFSA training courses on principles in chemical and biological risk assessment SE Escher, G Bruer, O Creutzenberg, E Rorije , J van Klaveren , L Posthuma , B Bokkers , W Slob , et al. EFSA Supporting Publications 2022;19(5):7378E Open Access
Evaluation of foods, drinks and diets in the Netherlands according to the degree of processing for nutritional quality, environmental impact and food costs RE Vellinga, M van Bakel, S Biesbroek, IB Toxopeus, E de Valk, A Hollander, P van 't Veer  EHM Temme BMC Public Health 2022; 22(1):877 Open Access
Exploring the potential of in silico machine learning tools for the prediction of acute Daphnia magna nanotoxicity S Balraadjsing, WJGM Peijnenburg, MG Vijver Chemosphere 2022; 135930 Open Access
Exposure modelling in Europe: how to pave the road for the future as part of the European Exposure Science Strategy 2020-2030 U Schluter, J Meyer, A Ahrens, F Borghi, C Delmaar, MZ Jeddi, et al. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2022; 32(4):499-512 Open Access
Exposure to gas stove cooking and the subsequent nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory responses M Naseri, SA Kazemitabar, T Esmaila, A Seyedeh,S Sadeghi, FR Cassee RIVM, et al. In:International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022 Kuopio,12-16 June 2022 Closed Access
Exposure to surrounding greenness and natural-cause and cause-specific mortality in the ELAPSE pooled cohort A Bereziartua, J Chen, K de Hoogh, S Rodopoulou, ZJ Andersen, WMM Verschuren, M Strak, et al. Environ Int 2022 Jun 11; 166:107341 Open Access
Facilitators and barriers of intersectoral co-operation to promote healthier and more environmentally friendly behaviour: a qualitative evaluation through focus groups for the INHERIT project N van der Vliet, L den Broeder, M Romeo-Velilla, B Staatsen, H Kruize, et al. BMC Public Health 2022; 22(1):617 Open Access
FAIR assessment tools: evaluating use and performance NA Krans, A Ammar  P Nymark, WL Willighagen, MI Bakker, JTK Quik NanoImpact 2022 Apr 29; 27:100402 Open Access
Farmers and Local Residents Collaborate: Application of a Participatory Citizen Science Approach to Characterising Air Quality in a Rural Area in The Netherlands A Woutersen, H de Ruiter, J Wesseling, W Hendricx, C Blokhuis, S van Ratingen, K Vegt, M Voogt M Sensors 2022; 22(20):8053 Open Access
Fluctuating temperature modifies heat-mortality association around the globe Y Wu, B Wen, S Li, A Gasparrini, S Tong, A Overcenco, C Ameling, D Houthuijs, et al. Innovation 2022; 3(2):100225 Open Access
From small to clever: What does the future hold for the safety and sustainability of advanced materials? E Valsami-Jones, FR Cassee, A Falk Nano Today 2022;  42:101364 Closed Access
Future perspectives for advancing regulatory science of nanotechnology-enabled health products B Halamoda-Kenzaoui, R Geertsma, J Pouw, A Prina-Mello, A Sips, et al. Drug Deliv Transl Res 2022;  12(9):2145-2156 Open Access
Gene drive in species complexes: defining target organisms JB Connolly, J Romeis, Y Devos, DCM Glandorf, G Turner, MB Coulibaly Trends Biotechnol 2022;  477:153262 Open Access
Getting in control of persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) and very persistent and very mobile (vPvM) substances to protect water resources: strategies from diverse perspectives SE Hale, M Neumann, I Schliebner, J Schulze, J Hartmann, E Rorije, E Verbruggen, et al. Environ Sci Europe 2022; 34(1):22 Open Access
Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with short-term temperature variability from 2000-19: a three-stage modelling study Y Wu, S Li, Q Zaho, B Wen, C Ameling, D Houthuijs, et al. Lancet Planet Health 2022; 6(5):e410-21 Open Access
Governance conditions to overcome the challenges of realizing safe urban bathing water sites. S Wuijts, L Friederichs, JA Hin, FM Schets, HFMW van Rijswick, PPJ Driessen Int J Water Resour Develop 2022;  38(4):554-578 Open Access
Green Chemistry Based Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis Using the Marine Bacterium Lysinibacillus odysseyi PBCW2 and Their Multitudinous Activities T Cherian, D Maity, RTR Kumar, G Balasubramani, C Ragaventran, S Yalla, R Mohanraju, WJGM Peijnenburg Nanomaterials 2022; 12(17):2940 Open Access
Green space, air pollution, traffic noise and mental wellbeing throughout adolescence: Findings from the PIAMA study LD Bloemsma, AH Wijga, JO Klompmaker, NAH Janssen, E Lebret, et al.  Rnviron Int 2022; 163:107197 Open Access
GREENER Pharmaceuticals for More Sustainable Healthcare CTA Moermond, N Puhlmann, AR Brown, SF Owen, J Ryan, BJ Venhuis, et al. Environ Sci Technol 2022; 9(9):699-705 Open Access
Grouping MWCNTs based on their similar potential to cause pulmonary hazard after inhalation: a case-study F Murphy, N Raun Jacobsen, E di Ianni, H Johnston, H Braakhuis, W Peijnenburg, A Oomen, et al. Part Fiibre Toxicol 2022; 19(1)50 Open Access
Grouping of orally ingested silica nanomaterials via use of an integrated approach to testing and assessment to streamline risk assessment L di Cristo, VC Ude, G  Tsiliki, G  Tatulli, A Romdaldini, AG Oomen, et al. Particle and fibre toxicology 2022; 19(1):68 Open Access
Harmonization of Human Biomonitoring Studies in Europe: Characteristics of the HBM4EU-Aligned Studies Participants L Gilles, E Govarts, L Rodriguez Martin, AM Andersson, Appenzeller, BMR, JP Zock, et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19(11):6787 Open Access
How can we justify grouping of nanoforms for hazard assessment? Concepts and tools to quantify similarity”  N Jeliazkovae, E Bleeker, R Kruis, A Haase, G Janer, W Peijnenburg, et al. Elsevier Nano Impact 2022;  25:100366  Open Access
Human exposure to aerosol from indoor gas stove cooking and the resulting nervous system responses MA Torkmahalleh, M Naseri, S Nurzhan, R Gabdrashova, Z Bekezhankyzy, F Cassee, et al. Indoor Air 2022; 32(2):e12983 Closed Access
Hyper-radiosensitivity affects low-dose acute myeloid leukemia incidence in a mathematical model S Stouten, B Balkenende, L Roobol, S Verduyn Lunel, C  Badie, F Dekkers, et al. Radiat Environ Biophys 2022;  61(3):361-373 Open Access
Identification and Classification of the Dissolved Substances from Sludge Biochar and Their Effects on the Activity of Acid Phosphomonoesterase J Zhang, Y Liu, B Li, C Tan, D Zhou, MG Vijver, WJGM Peijnenburg Sustainability 2022;  14 (15):9749 Open Access
Identification of proteome markers for drug-induced liver injury in zebrafish embryos M Driessen, A van der Plas-Duivesteinn, AS Kienhuis, EJ van den Brandhof, M Roodbergen, LTM van der Ven, JLA Pennings, et al. Toxicology 2022; 153262 Closed Access
If you were a policymaker, which treatment would you disinvest? A participatory value evaluation on public preferences for active disinvestment of health care interventions in the Netherlands AH Rotteveel, MS Lambooij, EAB Over, AWM Sujkerbuijk, AT de Blaeij, GA de Wit, et al. Health Econ Policy Law 2022; 17(4):428-443 Open Access
Immunotoxic effects of metal-based nanoparticles in fish and bivalves C Rastgar, RA Ardeshir, H Segner, CR Tyler, WJGM Peijnenburg, Y Wang, et al. Nanotoxicology 2022;  16(1):88-113 Closed Access
Impacts of a novel controlled-release TiO 2-coated (nano-) formulation of carbendazim and its constituents on freshwater macroinvertebrate communities TAP Nederstigt, WJGM Peijnenburg, M Schrama, JR van Ommen, MG Vijver Sci Total Environ 2022; 838(4):156554 Open Access
Improved science-based transformation pathways for the development of safe and sustainable plastics S Waaijers-van der Loop, A van Bruggen, NRM Beijer, A Sips, AM de Roda Husman, F Cassee, W Peijnenburg  Environ Int 2022;  160:107055 Open Access
Improving the Risk Assessment of Pesticides through the Integration of Human Biomonitoring and Food Monitoring Data: A Case Study for Chlorpyrifos JV Tarazona, MDC González-Caballero, M Alba-Gonzalez, S Pedraza-Diaz, A Cañas, A Canas, JP Zock, et al. Toxics 2022; 10(6):313 Open Access
Increasing Temperatures Potentiate the Damage of Rare Earth Element Yttrium to the Crop Plant Triticum aestivum L B Gong, H Qiu, CAM van Gestel, WJGM WJGM Peijnenburg,E He  J Agric Food Chem 2022; 70(51):16390-16400 Closed Access
In-Situ 5G NR Base Station Exposure of the General Public: Comparison of Assessment Methods K Deprez, L Verloock, L Colussi, S Aerts, M van den Bossche, J Bolte, et al. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2022;  198(6):358-369 Closed Access
Integrated approaches to testing and assessment for grouping nanomaterials following dermal exposure L di Cristo, G Janer, S Dekkers, H Braakhuis, AG Oomen, et al. Nanotoxicology 2022;  16(3):310-332 Closed Access
Intercomparison of in situ measurements of ambient NH3: instrument performance and application under field conditions MM Twigg, AJC Berkhout,  N Cowan, S Crunaire, E Dammers, et al. Atmos Meas Tech 2022; 15:6755-6787 Open Access
Internal Relative Potency Factors for the Risk Assessment of Mixtures of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Human Biomonitoring W Bil, MJ Zeilmaker, BGH Bokkers Environ health Perspect 2022; 130(7):77005 Open Access
International expert group collaboration for developing an adverse outcome pathway for radiation induced leukaemia D Klokov, K Applegate, C Badie, DA Brede, F Dekkers, et al. Int J Radiat Biol 2022; 98(12):1802-1815 Open Access
Interpreting biomonitoring data: Introducing the international human biomonitoring (i-HBM) working group's health-based guidance value (HB2GV) dashboard SF Nakayama, A St-Amand, T Pollock, P Apel, YA Bamai, M Jeddi, et al. Int J Hyg Environ health 2022; 247:114046 Open Access
KLIMAATADAPTATIE: aandacht voor gezondheid hard nodig J Zwartkruis, L Hall , J Limaheluw Milieu 2022; november Closed Access
Kunstmatige intelligentie voor het opsporen van fracturen in röntgenfoto's P Dinkgreve, H Bijwaard, P Algra MemoRad 2022; 27(3):20-21 Open Access
Landelijk gezondheidsonderzoek bij rampen M Bosmans, E Marra, N Tak, N Jansen, F de Zwart, M Duckers TSG 2022;  100:14-18 Open Access
Learning from Incidents at Seveso Sites: A Focus on the Safeguarding of Containments Prior to Start of Operations HJ Manuel, E Kooi, B Wolting Chem Engineer Transact 2022; 90:637-42 Open Access
Letter to the editor regarding the review article by Yamada, et al. (2021) titled "Critical evaluation of the human relevance of the mode of action for rodent liver tumor formation by activators of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR)" P van Kesteren, M Pronk, H Heusinkveld, M Luijten, B Hakkert Crit Rev Toxicol 2022;  52(5):397-398 Open access
Local authorities in The Netherlands supported by new software tooling in delivering European strategic noise maps D Lolkema, D Greefhorst, J Skornsek In: Proceedings Internoise 2022. Noise Control in a More Sustainable Future. 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Glasgow, 2022 Open Access
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