An overview of mycotoxins relevant for the food and feed supply chain: using a novel literature screening method |
van den Brand, A.D. ; Bulder, A.S. |
2019-0223 |
Physical Activity Guidelines and Weekly Sport Participation From questionnaire to figures (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Wendel-Vos, W. ; van den Berg, S. ; Duijvestijn, M. ; de Hollander, E. |
2019-0237 |
Combined exposure to nitrate and nitrite via food and drinking water in The Netherlands |
Sprong, R.C. ; van den Brand, A.D. ; van der Aa, N.G.F.M. ; van de Ven, B.M. ; Bulder, A.S. |
2020-0003 |
Cumulative dietary exposure to pesticides in the Netherlands |
Boon, P.E. ; van Donkersgoed, G. ; van der Velde-Koerts, T. ; Rietveld, A.G. |
2020-0147 |
Further development of national ambulance plan for ambulance services 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kommer, G.J.rivm ; Over, E.A.B.rivm ; Engelfriet, P. ; Mohnen, S.M.rivm ; Mulder, M. ; van den Berg, P.L. |
2020-009 |
Do the Dutch eat and drink according to the Wheel of Five? : Results of the Dutch National Food consumption Survey 2012-2016 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Schuurman, R.W.C. ; Beukers, M.H. ; van Rossum, C.T.M. |
2020-0082 |
Banning price promotions on sugar-sweetened beverages: indications for effectiveness. A literature study into the effectiveness of banning price promotions, marketing, and advertising (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Steenbergen, E. ; Nawijn, E. ; Hendriksen, M. |
2020-0086 |
Healthier in primary school: school lunches and more physical exercise : An study into societal support, feasibility, affordability and impact (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Giessen, A. ; Oosterhoff, M. ; Hoekstra, J. ; Over, E.A.B. ; Joore, M.A. ; van Schayck, O.C.P. ; Willeboordse, M. ; Dijkstra, S.C. ; Seidell, J.C. ; van Kleef, E. ; Soethoudt, H. ; Vingerhoeds, M.A. |
2020-0161 |
Health and workforce participation of persons nearing the state pension (AOW) age Projections until 2040 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van der Noordt, M.; van der Lucht, F. ; Polder, J.J. ; Hilderink, H.B.M. ; Plasmans, M.H.D. |
2019-0219 |
Health effects and social benefits of healthcare Quantitative preliminary study at the request of the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). Part 2: social benefits of healthcare (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Polder, J.J. ; Hoekstra, J. ; Vonk, R.A.A. |
2020-0060 |
Bundled payments in Dutch maternity care: insight in experiences after three years and early effects on healthcare utilization, spending and health outcomes (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
2020-0124 |
Inventory of crop protection applicable in the cultivation of cannabis within the framework of the Experiment with a closed coffee shop chain (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Mahieu, C.M ; te Biesebeek, J.D. ; Graven, C. |
2019-0232 |
Medication incidents as a result of user-unfriendly IT-systems (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Weda, M. ; Brummelhuis, W. ; Wattel, A. ; Cornet, R. ; Peute, L. |
2020-0067 |
Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol - Initial study of effectiveness, implementation aspects, and scenarios for price policies in the Netherlands (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
de Wit, G.A. ; Visscher, K. ; van Gelder, N. ; van Gils, P.F. ; Voogt, C. |
2020-0063 |
Monitoring the physical activity, sports participation, and sitting behaviour of the Dutch population with objective measuring methods (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Loyen, A. ; Duijvestijn, M. ; de Hollander, E.L. |
2020-0053 |
Adverse health effects and diseases caused by chromium-6 Update of the scientific literature and risk assessment with regard to laryngeal cancer at the POMS sites (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Hessel, E.V.S. ; den Braver, S. ; Ezendam, J.; Staal, Y.C.M. ; Piersma, A.H. ; Palmen, N.G.M. ; van de Weijgert, V. ; ter Burg, W. |
2020-0019 |
Adverse health effects and diseases caused by chromium-6 Update of the scientific literature and risk assessment with regard to laryngeal cancer at the tROM site (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Hessel, E.V.S.; den Braver, S. ; Ezendam, J. ; Staal, Y.C.M. ; Piersma, A.H. ; Palmen, N.G.M. ; van de Weijgert, V. ; ter Burg, W. |
2020-0021 |
Persistent organic pollutants in human milk in the Netherlands |
Zeilmaker, M.J. ; Moermond, C.T.A. ; Brandon, E.; Hoogerhuis, P. ; Razenberg, L. ; Janssen, M.P.M. |
2020-0025 |
Quick-scan instrument for early detection of occupational diseases caused by hazardous substances: exploration of possibilities and preconditions (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Visser, M. ; Palmen, N. |
2020-0055 |
National ambulance plan for distribution and availability of ambulance care 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kommer, G.J. ; Engelfriet, P. ; Over, E. ; de Bruin-Kooistra, M. ; Mohnen, S.M. |
2020-0122 |
Risk assessment of Argyreia nervosa |
Chen, W. ; de Wit-Bos, L. |
2019-0210 |
Risk assessment of caffeine in food supplements |
Buijtenhuijs, D.W. ; Beukers, M.H. ; van Donkersgoed, G. ; de Wit, L. |
2020-0022 |
Risk assessment of propyl gallate in water-based vitamin D supplements intended for infants and young children |
Razenberg, L. ; Sprong, R.C. |
2019-0217 |
State of Zoonoses 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Vlaanderen, F. ; Cuperus, T. ; Keur, I. ; De Rosa, M. ; Rozendaal, H. ; Friesema, I. ; van der Poel, W. ; Franz, E. ; Maassen, K. |
2020-0130 |
Sugar tax: a comparison between three European countries. Design and effects of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, with considerations for the Netherlands (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Vellinga, R. ; Steenbergen, E. ; Nawijn, E. ; van Bakel, M. |
2020-0112 |
The diet of the Dutch : Results of the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2012-2016 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Rossum, C.T.M. ; Buurma-Rethans, E.J.M.( ; Dinnissen, C.S. ; Beukers, M.H. ; Brants, H.A.M. ; Ocke, M.C. |
2020-0083 |
Health care expenditures foresight 2015-2060 Quantitative preliminary study at the request of the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). Part 1: future projections (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Vonk, R.A.A. ; Hilderink, H.B.M. ; Plasmans, M.H.D ; Kommer, G.J. ; Polder, J.J. |
2020-0059 |
Feasibility study into implementing the Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Hitzert, M.F. ; de Vries, C.G.J.C.A. ; Hoebee, B. ; Klein, A.W. ; Labots, O.; van der Weide, W.E. ; Wieringa, J. |
2019-0221 |
Feasibility study into adding Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) to the newborn blood spot screening (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Heijnen, M.L. ; Jansen, M. ; van Gorp, A.G.M. ; Hillen, D. ; Elsinghorst, E. ; Klein, A.( |
2020-0105 |
Assessment of the e-health monitor: a portrayal of the digital transition in the healthcare sector (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Schnoor, K. ; Wouters, M.J.M. ; Ossendorp, B.C. ; Hoogerhuis, P.M. ; Suijkerbuijk, A.W.M. |
2020-0090 |
Feasibility study into the expansion of the breast cancer screening program with supplemental MRI for women with extremely dense breast tissue (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Sonderen, J.F. ; van Kerkhof, L.W.M. ; van Klink-de Kruijff, I.E. ; Jansen, M.E. ; Lock, A.J.J. ; Klein, A.W. ; Kallendorf, B.G. |
2020-0114 |
Vitamin K prophylaxis in newborns. Policy preparation analysis (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Verkaik-Kloosterman, J ; de Jong, M.H. |
2020-0054 |
NPA progress report (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Giessen, A. ; Boer, J. ; van Gestel, I. ; Douma, E. ; du Pon, E. ; Blokstra, A. ; Koopman, N. |
2020-0104 |
Occupational health care for self-employed persons : An exploration of the possibilities for linking occupational health care to the mandatory occupational disability insurance (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Oostrom, S. ; Bas, S. ; Proper, K. ; Oomkens, R. ; Grimmius, T. |
2020-0187 |
Knowing More: A Better Start : Better and faster collaboration to improve maternity care (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Achterberg, P.W. ; Harbers, M.M. ; Post, N.A.M. ; Visscher, K. |
2020-0140 |
The effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) on health and participation : A literature study (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Loef, B. ; van Oostrom, S. ; Proper, K. |
2020-0182 |
Impact of the first wave of COVID-19 on regular healthcare and health : Assessment of the extent of the problem and first estimation of the health effects (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Giessen, A ; de Wit, A. ; van den Brink, C. ; Degeling, K. ; Deuning, C. ; Eeuwijk, J ; van den Ende, C. ; van Gestel, I ; Gijsen, R. ; van Gils, P. ; IJzerman, M. ; de Kok, I. ; Kommer, G.J. ; Kregting, L. ; Over, E. ; Rotteveel, A. ; Schreuder, K. ; Stadhouders, N. ; Suijkerbuijk, A. |
2020-0183 |
Opportunities and risks of home DNA tests (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Rigter, T. ; Jansen, M.E. ; van Klink-de Kruijff, I.E. ; Onstwedder, S.M. |
2020-0196 |
Microbial cleaning products: an inventory of products, potential risks and applicable regulatory frameworks |
Razenberg, L. ; Buijtenhuijs, D. ; Graven, C. ; de Jonge, R. ; Wezenbeek, J. |
2020-0160 |