This report on seven tobacco additives, sugars, sorbitol, propylene glycol, glycerol, ammonium compounds, cocoa, furfural and the smoke components acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and acrolein, has been created by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands.



A report on seven other tobacco additives, menthol, carob bean, cellulose fibre, prune juice, vanillin, guar and licorice, has been created by the German Cancer Research Center, (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. The introduction is a common product. The electronic version of that report can be found on the DKFZ website.

The reports have been written in the context of the EU European Union (European Union) project Public Information Tobacco Control (PITOC). The reports aim to inform professionals on the general uses, tobacco industry uses and harmful health effects of selected tobacco additives. A version for the lay public has been based on the fact sheets in these reports. The originals of the laymen fact sheets (in English) can be found on the RIVM website and the DKFZ website.

The laymen fact sheets aim to inform the public on the general uses, tobacco industry uses and harmful health effects of the selected tobacco additives. They have been translated by all 16 partners of the project to their national languages and will be disseminated via their websites. This initiative has received funding from The European Union in the framework of the Health Programme.

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