Piloting WHO’s draft of an AAR toolkit, May-July, 2017.
Currently, the WHO is developing an After Action (AAR) Toolkit to support Member States in evaluating their country preparedness. Among other, the WHO, has asked the LCI to pilot the toolkit and provide initial feedback for further improvement.
Participation during Joint External Evaluations (JEE), Republic of Finland, March 2017; United Arab Emirates, March 2017; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, December 2016.
The purpose of the external evaluation is to assess country-specific status, and progress in achieving the targets under Annex 1 of the IHR, and recommend priority actions to be taken across the 19 technical areas being evaluated.
February 2017: Facilitating a workshop during the National IHR Focal Point Meeting, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Upon request of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the LCI facilitated a workshop for Member States to discuss strengths, weaknesses, and specific features regarding IHR implementation. The aim of this workshop was to enhance intercountry partnerships for focussed discussions and best practice exchange.
Facilitating workshops and training during the annual CAPSCA meetings.
The annual CAPSCA meetings are a collaborative arrangement for the prevention and management of Public Health Events in civil aviation. They are organised by the European and North Atlantic Office of ICAO and the WHO Office for Europe. The LCI is frequently involved in these meetings and provides relevant professional staff to facilitate dedicated workshops and training for CAPSCA participants.
Facilitating the annual IHR network conference in the Dutch Caribbean Region
Once a year, the LCI facilitates a meeting for Public Health professionals, Vector Control Specialists, Laboratory Microbiologists and Health Policy advisors in the Caribbean Region. The aim of these meetings is to strengthen the collaboration between the islands and to discuss relevant topics and issues regarding infectious disease preparedness and IHR implementation.
Facilitating a monthly teleconference for infectious disease preparedness and IHR in the Dutch Caribbean Region.
In addition to the annual IHR network conference, the LCI facilitates a monthly teleconference, including Public Health policy advisors from the Dutch Caribbean Region, to discuss emerging topics and issues regarding infectious disease preparedness, as well as to monitor and evaluate progress of IHR implementation.
March 2017: participation during Joint External Evaluations (JEE)
Republic of Finland, March 2017; United Arab Emirates, March 2017; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, December 2016. The purpose of the external evaluation is to assess country-specific status, and progress in achieving the targets under Annex 1 of the IHR, and recommend priority actions to be taken across the 19 technical areas being evaluated.