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Adsorption of titanium dioxide nanoparticles onto zebrafish eggs affects colonizing microbiota. |
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Alteration of dominant cyanobacteria in different bloom periods caused by abiotic factors and species interactions. |
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Alterations to the urinary metabolome following semi-controlled short exposures to ultrafine particles at a major airport. |
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An environmental ecocorona influences the formation and evolution of the biological corona on the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes. |
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An integrated approach to testing and assessment to support grouping and read-across of nanomaterials after inhalation exposure. |
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Atmospheric dispersion and transmission of Legionella from wastewater treatment plants: A 6-year case-control study. |
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Bodembiodiversiteit in beeld, bioindicatoren voor boer beleid en burger |
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Compositional and functional responses of bacterial community to titanium dioxide nanoparticles varied with soil heterogeneity and exposure duration. |
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Considering ‘non-acoustic factors’ as social and environmental determinants of health equity and environmental justice. Reflections on research and fields of action towards a vision for environmental noise policies |
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Contribution of pristine and reduced microbial extracellular polymeric substances of different sources to Cu(II) reduction. |
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Corrigendum to "Effects of extracellular polymeric substances on silver nanoparticle bioaccumulation and toxicity to Triticum aestivum L" |
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Development of a mechanism for the rapid risk assessment of cross-border chemical health threats. |
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Development of a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model simulating chronic copper toxicity to the Zebra mussel based on subcellular fractionation. |
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Dual-Use Quickscan: A Web-Based Tool to Assess the Dual-Use Potential of Life Science Research |
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Dynamic release and transformation of metallic copper colloids in flooded paddy soil: Role of soil reducible sulfate and temperature. |
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Effects of extracellular polymeric substances on silver nanoparticle bioaccumulation and toxicity to Triticum aestivum L. |
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Elucidating the effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on the toxicity and accumulation of Cu in soybean plants (Glycine max L.). |
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Global, regional and national trends of atmospheric ammonia derived from a decadal (2008-2018) satellite record. |
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Graphene nanoplatelets and reduced graphene oxide elevate the microalgal cytotoxicity of nano-zirconium oxide. |
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How to Address Consumers' Concerns and Information Needs about Emerging Chemical and Microbial Contaminants in Drinking Water; The Case of GenX in The Netherlands |
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How to investigate human health effects related to exposure to mixtures of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: A systematic review of statistical methods. |
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Identification and spatial mapping of tracers of PM10 emission sources using a high spatial resolution distributed network in an urban setting. |
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In vitro hazard characterization of simulated aircraft cabin bleed-air contamination in lung models using an air-liquid interface (ALI) exposure system |
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In vitro toxicity of industrially relevant engineered nanoparticles in human alveolar epithelial cells: Air–liquid interface versus submerged cultures |
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Inflammatory response in human alveolar epithelial cells after TiO 2 NPs or ZnO NPs exposure: inhibition of surfactant protein A expression as an indicator for loss of lung function. |
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Issues currently complicating the risk assessment of synthetic amorphous silica (SAS) nanoparticles after oral exposure. |
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Long term exposure to low level air pollution and mortality in eight European cohorts within the ELAPSE project: pooled analysis. |
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Long-term exposure to air pollution and liver cancer incidence in six European cohorts. |
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Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and natural and cause-specific mortality-a pooled analysis of eight European Cohorts within the ELAPSE Project. |
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Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of asthma: the ELAPSE project. |
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Long-term exposure to low-level ambient air pollution and incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of six European cohorts within the ELAPSE project. |
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Long-term low-level ambient air pollution exposure and risk of lung cancer - A pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts. |
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Method for extraction of nanoscale plastic debris from soil. |
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Mitigation of the effect of drought on growth and yield of pomegranates by foliar spraying of different sizes of selenium nanoparticles. |
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Model development for evidence-based prioritisation of policy action on emerging chemical and microbial drinking water risks |
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