The centre provides advice and practical support to the Dutch Government and international organisations on risk management of chemical substances, products and gene technology. Our objective is sustainable protection and promotion of the health and safety of people and the environment in a time of rapid technological innovation.
The centre advises government on the development and implementation of policy and regulations on industrial substances, pesticides, biocides, consumer safety, nanotechnology and genetic modification. New methods and guidelines are developed, for instance, for risk assessment, evaluation strategies, socioeconomic analysis and risk reduction. Together with other parties in society, such as importers, producers, users, NGOs and citizens, the centre develops initiatives on the responsible use of substances and products in a sustainable economy.
Head of centre: Erik Tielemans
Key expertise
- Risk assessment of chemical substances and products
- Biological safety
- Consumer and product safety
- Crop protection and biocides
- Gene technology
- Industrial chemicals
- Nanotechnology
- Product safety