The tables contain food consumption data of DNFCS-Young adults in Dutch.
Content database
The tables contain food consumption data of DNFCS-Young adults in Dutch.Results of DNFCS-Young adults are categorized in different ways and divided by sub characteristics, such as the consumption of food groups, the intake of energy and nutrients, the contribution of food groups to the intake of energy and nutrients, the consumption of foods by food consumption occasion or place of consumption. Data are weighed by socio demographic factors. A more detailed description of the study can be found in the RIVM report Results of the food consumption survey 2003 (in Dutch).
Look up data
Via this page, you can select the topic of which you will look up the data (in Dutch). You can choose from the consumption data of food (groups) or the intake of macronutrients or micronutrients. It is possible to look up the results for the total study population or to view the results by gender, age group, educational level or BMI.
The tables are only available in Dutch
A request of more detailed tables can be sent by email to
Foods (in Dutch)
These are results of the consumption of food (groups), for the total study population and separately for users only. Data contain information on the amount of foods and food groups consumed on different food consumption occasions and places of consumption. Results can be called up for the total study population or broken down according to age, gender within age groups, educational level or BMI.
Macronutrients (in Dutch)
These are results of the consumption of intake of energy and macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre and alcohol). Furthermore, the results are given broken down to the place or time of consumption. Also the contribution of the main food groups to the macronutrient intake can be looked up. Results can be seen for the total study population or broken down according to age, gender within age groups, educational level or BMI.
Micronutrients (in Dutch)
These are results of the intake of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Furthermore, the results are given broken down to the place or time of consumption. Also the contribution of the main food groups to the micromicronutrient intake by can be looked up. Results can be seen for the total study population or broken down according to age, gender within age groups, educational level or BMI.
The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport of
the Netherlands is owner of the source data of DNFCS. Publication of original data reports is permitted,
provided acknowledgement is given to 'www.rivm/nl/vcp_en'
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