Joint Action on Implementation of Validated Best Practices in Nutrition
Joint Action Best-ReMaP ran from 2020 - 2024. The main focus of the Best-ReMaP Joint Action was on adapting, replicating and implementing effective health interventions, based on proven practices in the areas of food reformulation, framing of food marketing and public procurement of healthy food in public settings, thus contributing to an increased offer of healthier options of processed foods (by reducing salt, sugar and fat from the processed foods) available in (super)markets in the European Union.
RIVM role
RIVM participated in a work package on Reformulation and processed food monitoring.
In the Joint Action a European Standardised Monitoring protocol for the reformulation of processed foods for countries without existing systems was developed. RIVM provided food consumption data for the prioritisation of food groups and contributed to comparisons between different monitoring approaches in countries with an existing monitoring system, such as the Netherlands, in order to gain insight in best practices. In addition, RIVM aided with the dissemination of project results by organising a stakeholder forum for HAS University students and participated in regional policy dialogues aimed at promoting the implementation of the best practices in food policy in participating Member States.
RIVM colleague Ivon Milder was involved in the Joint Action.
Results of the work package are available on the Best-ReMaP website.
Best ReMaP was funded by the European Union's Health Programme under grant agreement N0 951202.