Healthy and sustainable food environments are important for the population as well as planetary health. Healthier and more sustainable food environments can be created via, e.g. food reformulation, front-of-pack labelling schemes and adapting packaging or portion sizes. 

Food reformulation is one aspect of changing food environments in a healthier direction via reducing salt, trans and saturated fatty acids contents, energy contents via sugar and fat, and increasing fibre contents. Food reformulation to reduce the environmental burden (greenhouse gas emissions) and land and water use are under development.   
The country approach with respect to food reformulation differs. Some countries are in search of knowledge and examples for implementation. Other countries can share knowledge and approaches and compare the outcomes of different strategies. In the Netherlands, food reformulation efforts have been carried out to lower trans- and saturated fatty acids, sodium/salt and sugar (caloric) contents of foods. RIVM can provide advice to countries, in particular on designing and monitoring food reformulation strategies, including through training materials.