Population Health Information Research Infrastructure Health Information project on COVID-19

Setting up a research infrastructure to facilitate and generate the best available evidence for research on the health and well-being of populations impacted by COVID-19.

PHIRI is a three-year Horizon 2020 project that aims to lay the foundation for a federated research infrastructure on population health, to support research across Europe underpinning (public health) policy decisions. PHIRI’s initial focus is the impact of COVID-19.  

PHIRI was launched in November 2020 and and will run until October 2023. 41 partners in 30 European countries are involved in the project.

The project builds on the BRIDGE Health project and the Joint Action Infact and RIVM expertise on Public Health Foresight Studies (PHFS).  See also the RIVM magazine Looking beyond COVID-10, about the future of our health.

RIVM role

RIVM leads Work Package 9 (WP9), which aims to support countries in doing their own public health foresight studies. WP9 aims to gain insights into possible future health impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak by using foresight methodologies and through this draw lessons for the EU European Union (European Union )

Objectives WP9

WP9 follows a stepwise approach which is reflected in its tasks:

  • Task 9.1. To prepare an overview of current European foresight-related activities
  • Task 9.2. To develop and provide foresight capacity building to level the knowledge needed for performing foresight studies
  • Task 9.3. To support members states in exploring the indirect impacts of COVID-19 on population health by identifying key uncertainties and developing scenarios.
  • Task 9.4. To develop guidance in finding promising policy strategies, to anticipate possible future trends or achieve a more desirable future.

In addition to WP9, RIVM also contributes to the following work packages:

Milestones and Deliverables WP9

RIVM colleagues involved are Mariken Tijhuis (coordinator PHIRI the Netherlands), Henk Hilderink, Marlous Rodríguez and Daniela Moye Holz.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101018317.