Safe-, sUstainable- and Recyclable-by design Polymeric systems. A guidance towardS next generation of plasticS
SURPASS is a Research and Innovation project funded by Horizon Europe 2021, whose objective is to lead by example the transition towards more Safe, Sustainable and Recyclable by Design (SSRbD) polymeric materials. The project started in June 2022 and will run until December 2025.
The SURPASS project’s general objective is to equip European SMEs with a digital guiding tool that will impart knowledge and provide SSRbD Assessment & guidance to support them in their development of new polymers. The tool will be fed by results from the three case studies related to strategic sectors representing 70% of European plastic demand and having a large environmental impact. To meet its ambitious global objective, SURPASS encompasses four specific objectives:
- Develop new SSRbD plastic systems to significantly reduce environmental impact while achieving the same performance compared to conventional materials in the three targeted sectors.
- Optimise reprocessing technologies adapted to new SSRbD polymeric systems to support the achievement of recyclability targets, aiming highest potential value chain for the recycled materials.
- Provide an SSRbD Assessment (SSRbDA) guidance accessible to non-expert users and applicable through the digital infrastructure developed during the course of the project.
- Tailor a digital infrastructure to the needs of material designers, formulators and recyclers enabling the design of SSRbD polymeric material, operating over the plastic’s entire life cycle.
SURPASS will in particular address its results to SMEs, representing more than 99% of enterprises, and therefore has an outstanding potential to contribute to the transition towards a green economy.
The SURPASS consortium consists of 13 partner organisations led by CEA (FRANCE). The consortium is well-balanced in terms of involvement of research and technology organisations and industries: CEA (FRANCE), IPC (FRANCE), CIDETEC (SPAIN), LEITAT (SPAIN), INDRESMAT (SPAIN), UGA (FRANCE), GEONARDO (HUNGARY), BASF (GERMANY), RIVM (NETHERLANDS), UNE (SPAIN), ICT (GERMANY), WIPAK (FRANCE), WFO (BELGIUM).
RIVM role
RIVM has a leading role in developing a hazard assessment strategy that will be part of the overall SURPASS safe, sustainable and recycle-by-design (SSRbD) assessment and guidance infrastructure. Within the hazard assessment strategy, RIVM will focus on developing a strategy to identify potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals that might leach from the plastics. In addition, RIVM has a leading role in operationalising SSbD criteria as defined by the European Commission. Finally, RIVM plays a role in engaging external stakeholders to streamline ongoing initiatives in the field of SSbD.
Dr (Doctor) Yvonne Staal is work package leader and Dr Lya Hernandez is task leader. Dr Staal also coordinates the project at RIVM, as more RIVM staff members from the Centre for Health Protection are involved.
The research project SURPASS receives funding from the European Union‘s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2021 under grant agreement no. 101057901.