It is estimated that about one-third of nursing homes in the Netherlands have at least one patient with COVID-19. Over the past few days, we have not seen many new nursing homes with COVID-19 patients added to the list. However, we do see the spread of COVID-19 within nursing homes.
The number of nursing home residents with COVID-19 who have died has remained at the same level. Nursing homes have residents and healthcare workers tested when there are indications of COVID-19.
Some reports are filed later. For that reason, it is possible that not all reports from the past week have been included in these figures.
Figure 1 shows that the number of nursing homes that reported a resident with COVID-19 for the first time has been decreasing since the end of March. It is estimated that about one-third of nursing homes in the Netherlands have at least one resident with COVID-19.
Figure 2 shows that the reported number of nursing home residents with COVID-19 who have died has remained at the same level. These numbers only involve nursing home residents who have been tested for COVID-19. Since not all patients are tested, the actual number of nursing home residents with COVID-19 who have died is higher than Figure 2 shows.
RIVM will be working with the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel) and the Dutch Association of Elderly Care Physicians (Verenso) to achieve a clearer overview of patients in nursing homes who probably have or had COVID-19, but did not have a laboratory test.