From 19 September 2023 on, the first people will receive an invitation for COVID-19 vaccination. The first invitations will be sent by RIVM to people aged 60 years and older. No invitation letter will be sent to care workers, pregnant women, or people aged 18 to 59 years who receive an annual invitation to get the flu vaccine. Starting in mid-October, these groups can make an appointment directly with the Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs) via planjeprik.nl or 0800-7070. This also applies to people who are not in the target groups, but would still like to receive a COVID-19 vaccination due to a vulnerable family member or as advised by a treating physician.
Protection level restored by COVID-19 vaccination
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is still present and may rise again. For people who have a higher risk of serious illness due to COVID-19, the COVID-19 vaccination is particularly important. The COVID-19 vaccination restores their protection against hospital admission and reduces their risk of death due to COVID-19.
It is not necessary for everyone in the Netherlands to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Widespread protection against COVID-19 has been established in the general population by now. This has been achieved by vaccination, previous infection or a combination of both. In addition, the current Omicron variant of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is less likely to cause serious illness.
Recommendations to prevent respiratory infections
It remains important for everyone to follow the recommendations to prevent respiratory infections – to protect people in vulnerable health, and themselves as well.
Vaccination locations
The Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs) throughout the country will start giving the COVID-19 vaccination as of 2 October 2023. The latest available vaccine will be used, which has been adapted to target the XBB variant.
People living in care facilities will be offered the vaccination by their residential facility, but may be vaccinated at a GGD vaccination centre if they prefer. People living at home who are unable to go to a GGD vaccination centre on their own or with assistance, but do have an increased risk of serious illness from COVID-19, can contact their local GGD. A mobile team from the GGD will vaccinate these people in their own home.
The COVID-19 vaccination will be available until the end of December 2023. After that, the COVID-19 vaccination will still be available to pregnant women and people in medical high-risk groups who are referred by a doctor.
More information
All the practical information you need about the COVID-19 vaccination is available at mijnvraagovercorona.nl/en.