The first AstraZeneca vaccines will be administered in the Netherlands this Friday. This will happen at the GGD vaccination site in The Hague. The first group to be vaccinated will be care workers in nursing homes and small-scale residential facilities who were not covered in January. People working in rehabilitation care and disability care will also receive an invitation to get vaccinated. In addition, the first AstraZeneca vaccines will be administered to people aged 60 to 64 starting next week.

About 200,000 care workers in nursing homes and small-scale residential facilities were vaccinated in January. That group comprises a total of nearly 269,000 care workers, but it was not possible to schedule appointments for all of them in January. They are on a waiting list and will receive an SMS text from the Municipal Public Health Service (GGD) in the next few days to schedule an appointment. 
Care workers at nursing homes who have not yet reported to the GGD to schedule an appointment can make an appointment from 12 February on. They will receive the invitation through their employers. 
Rehabilitation care and disability care will be invited first
Furthermore, people working in clinical specialist rehabilitation will also be invited from 12 February on. This group consists of 4300 people. Care workers in the disability care sector will receive the first invitations to make an appointment via the GGD call centre starting on Monday 15 February. This involves 170,000 employees. This will be followed by district nurses. Care workers aged 65 and older will receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. 
Vaccination of people aged 60 to 64 will be arranged via GP practices. It will take place region by region and will probably start at the beginning of next week.