In 2014, 53% of people between the ages of 12 and 80 in the Netherlands participate in some type of sport weekly. The percentage has been just above 50% for many years, announced Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and RIVM during the National Sport Week. Men (53.9%) play sports slightly more often than women (51.3%), with the percentages highest for teenagers (67.2%) and people in their twenties (65%). These data were obtained in the CBS health interview survey in the framework of the Lifestyle Monitor.
Playing sport can help meet the Dutch Physical Activity Guideline that sets the minimum amount of physical activity required to maintain and improve health. For adults, this is at least a half-hour of moderate intensity physical activity on a minimum of five days a week. In addition to sport, other activities, such as cyling, household activities and gardening, also contribute. In 2014, 56% of people over the age of 12 met the Dutch Physical Activity Guideline.